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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I bought something from ADSR last month. After multiple inquiries and no product delivered in two days, I cancelled my order. Despite their advertised return policy, they refused to give me a refund and only after my refund requests did they deliver the product serial number, more than two days after I placed the order. I made a PayPal dispute and they fought me for the better part of a week before I wrote a negative review of their site describing my experience in detail. After that a manager contacted me and said he authorized a refund and that he wanted me to amend my negative review. While I've read A LOT of negative posts about Sonivox VSTs having tons of issues and poor customer support, when you combine that with ADSR's bad practices, I wouldn't just advise people to walk away from this, but run. If you're still interested in buying Sonivox, there are other stores like Plugin Boutique and JRR that I'm sure will give you the same deal and are decent, honest stores.
  2. I just wanted to say, I've watched a number of your videos and they're more enjoyable to watch than some other YouTubers because you are a talented pianist. It's very clear when you love a library because you can see you just want to get lost playing it -- and it's enjoyable to hear. I have to be candid, some YouTubers that do reviews are terrible keyboardists and it makes their videos less enjoyable when they play. Keep up the good work!
  3. I prefer to call it a "plus size filter."
  4. I agree. I installed the free version on my son's PC for him to enjoy and thought it sounded great.
  5. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all from Chicago (okay, the Chicago burbs). Thanks for all of the sharing of information. One of the things I've always loved about the Cakewalk forum (and despite my only starting this account recently, I originally had the username eDrummist on the old forum and had at least been around for more than a decade), is that it's probably the friendliest music forum I know of. While KVR and VI can have their trolls and mean-spirited folks from time to time, there has consistently always been a really friendly atmosphere here and I just want to say thanks everyone for that and I hope it always continues. As we all know, it's been a really tough year for most of us around the world and remains a difficult time. Consequently, I want to thank everyone here who has made this such a friendly and helpful forum and wish all of you happiness at this time and a MUCH MUCH MUCH better 2021. And a special shout out to the hardest working man at the Cakewalk Forum, @cclarry. Thanks for ensuring that I don't miss another email in my inbox with a a great freebie from places like Focusrite (because I've done it lots of times) and know in advance that a coupon code will get me an even better deal than I would have gotten without seeing your posts. Best Wishes, Peter
  6. I only wish Troels would put the new deep sampled solo cello on sale.
  7. No developer can match Larry's speed. I'm pretty sure he has a sixth sense that detects when developers are contemplating having a sale.
  8. Vapor Keys, a sample library of 80s electric pianos by Karanyi Sounds, is now free at Audioplugin.deals for a limited time. Requires the full version of Kontakt. https://audioplugin.deals
  9. Sample Logic has released Taste the Fury, a free Taiko Drum Ensemble instrument for Kontakt (full version). https://www.samplelogic.com/products/taste-the-fury/ref/8/
  10. You cleared out their inventory! You should get a commission.
  11. What's funny is that when I saw the title of this thread, that was the first thing I thought too! I can only imagine how many terabytes of samples and VSTs are on Larry's hard drives!
  12. Thanks, Larry (if it's okay to call you Larry, FTR, my actual name is Peter).
  13. Does anyone here own Independence? Have the libraries and sampler been significantly updated from when Magix purchased the company that originally made it around a decade ago? I really haven't heard anything about Independence since Magix bought the original developer.
  14. Wait, you brought it back from the dead. Bless you cclarry. For those who have no idea what my comments are referring to, cclarry had marked the thread for deletion then updated it with a freebie. Yay!
  15. Heartbreaking. I've come to click on all of your threads! The expectation level after the click is high.
  16. Wait, are you praising Jon Meyer or Jon Mayer? In either case, Larry using Jon Meyer in the title probably gets more clicks.
  17. It is a great idea and community with lots of little gems of small libraries.
  18. Yeah, they make great sample libraries, and this piano sounds excellent. I just bought my son a gaming PC and I've been loading him up with free VSTs and open format sample libraries and it's amazing how many really nice VSTs and sample libraries you can get for free these days.
  19. Yep. I turned my phone horizontal and the button appeared.
  20. I didn't see anyway to purchase the library on its landing page, so I'm guessing they're aware of these issues and temporarily removed the option to get the free library.
  21. Sorry for your loss and thank you for thinking of others.
  22. They're just doing these sales when they feel like it? Monsters!!! (Just having a friendly laugh. cclarry, I think they just can't keep up with your pace.)
  23. Help us cclarry, you're our only hope (of changing that).
  24. How dare they! We need to keep buying stuff. My checking account still shows a positive balance.
  25. So, if we could persuade them to do another sale, might you be interested in picking up some additional sounds for your M-Tron Pro? Also, are you happy with the VST? It seems great and is easily the VST I'm most looking forward to picking up next.
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