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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Guaranteed to be for resale on Knob Cloud and various forums right after the sale ends.
  2. I was friends with an influencer who recently passed on, a really good guy I miss greatly, who vented to me about certain developers he felt weren't great about quality control and listening to input after he presented problems to them that they refused to fix. It's part of the reason I would refer to him as the only influencer I truly respected (he wasn't perfect -- none of us are -- but he was more sincere and forthright, which are qualities rarely found in YouTubers, and possibly could be part of the reason he wasn't a more successful YouTuber ). Anyhow, after I publicly shared how a dev completely ignored my customer support requests for nearly a year, he started telling me about his bad experiences with that developer and later told me about a few more, including Impact Soundworks. He made a video about one of the developers -- they make effects and had a drum library with some, I believe cymbal samples he considered unusable and actually showed the problem and warned people against buying the library. Anyhow, he told me that he was considering doing something similar with Impact Soundworks and the other developer that I had the bad experience with. Anyhow, so I learned second hand about the library and I'm pretty sure it was the Stratocaster library. I had it on my hard drive years ago but since deleted it. If you turn up the volume on the individual samples and play a note, you'll hear that the person recording the samples had the TV on during the recordings. I can dig through emails to get details. FTR, I could make a thread on the stuff I've learned from influencers and developers about stuff like this -- plus things I've caught on my own. Back in the 90s, I had an East West guitar sample library CD-ROM (I'm totally dating myself) that had, I think it was the lowest F#, with someone coughing after you held the note for a couple of seconds. Considering there were no round robins made it even worse. Another dev put out a sample library of a well known rock drummer (okay, just among drummers of a certain age, and it wasn't Peart) that had a snare drum hit where you could hear the drummer groan right after the snare hit. When it's one note, you have hope that maybe they have some alternative recording they can replace, but when someone has a TV on through many samples, it's a major issue. I suppose the developer's rationalization is that if you're playing distorted guitar, no one is going to notice. But if you're not. If you're doing a passage with soft, gentle guitar with heavy reverb, I wouldn't want it in there.
  3. Hopefully, this library doesn't have a TV set in the background of the recorded samples like their main Shreddage library (yep, I'm not kidding, turn up the volume and you'll hear it).
  4. Wait, @MrFigg, you've been successfully talking me out of other purchases -- like the voice of reason or some kind of AA-type group accountability partner. Since you've posted this, can I interpret this as you're giving the green light for me to make a purchase?
  5. That is so very well said, I wish you were doing YouTube videos instead of folks like the YouTuber in question. People would actually learn something valuable -- as I often do from your posts.
  6. The open source samples the developer is using of the Salamander Grand Piano are probably 20 years old, an era when people regularly only sampled a few notes per octave and stretched the notes for other keys. It doesn't compare to the quality of modern piano libraries. I don't believe the library has round robin samples and other features of modern piano libraries. Big Cat converted the library to KONTAKT around 15 years ago. It's nicely done for the era its from -- especially for a free library from hobbyists --but nowhere near the quality of modern commercial sample libraries from professional developers that you can get for free like 8Dio's 1926 Scoring Piano or SonicCouture's Hammersmith Free, easily my two favorite free piano libraries for KONTAKT, both of which rival paid offerings from these two excellent sample developers. On a sidenote, I find it not exactly very cool that this developer renamed the sample library after his business when he only did a KONTAKT port of the Salamander library someone else put their time and energy into. I'm not sure about the rules for Creative Commons files with regard to that, but it just doesn't seem right to me. Create the port, promote it to get links and attention for your for-profit business, but it's just a port of the Salamander Grand Piano library, don't take credit for someone else's work by renaming it after your business. Here's the same Salamader library samples Rigid Audio is using in the open source SFZ format: https://sfzinstruments.github.io/pianos/salamander
  7. That was cool and that fiddle riff was very catchy. Good job.
  8. PavlovsCat

    The Gull.

    As always, I enjoy your musical imagination and the way you put together sounds. Nice job.
  9. I'm in agreement with the group -- I like it! Nice job.
  10. Haha, I'm connected to Brent Burgeois on Facebook through a mutual friend (but don't actually know him). I was thinking They Might Be Giants vibes, especially with the style of music and lyrics / storytelling, which are very clever and well crafted, BTW. Nice job, Steve.
  11. Thanks. I played semi professionally as a drummer from 12 years before my injury; now, I generally am in pain in less than 30 seconds of playing -- so I can do recordings -- which allow me to do one section at a time or go for the whole song if I can do it; but getting together with other musicians is not realistic and what I miss greatly. I had my big opportunity to join a major band in the 90s, but declined. But I'm the son of a music teacher, so I had A LOT of musical training. Years of piano, organ, and drum lessons -- and months of guitar lessons (and around a year's worth of studying music theory with my mother; I went to other teachers for organ and drums -- for a grand total of 7 teachers from childhood to adulthood). My tendinitis makes it painful to stir in chocolate milk for my kids. Two things, it's really strange when you stop playing 20 years and start again -- which is what my cover of "I Am the Walrus" represents. It was me feeling surprised I could even play anymore. Of course, I no longer consider myself a musician and I can't play even close to how I did pre injury -- even if I wasn't injured, no one goes 20 years without playing and still has any technique left. What's more, because of the pain, I can't practice. So, back when I played, I was big into technique. Now that I have no technique, I stick to easier songs -- like The Beatles, which I love, but they're incredibly easy to play, even now, whereas, if I was trying to play Mahavishnu Orchestra, prog rock, or jazz, it would be a disaster. But the thing is, I've been making multitrack recordings since I was a boy. I never had the nerve to share anything that was just me playing and singing(beyond musicians and a few friends until "I Am the Walrus." So it's a bit strange, especially realizing my voice isn't very good, and of course, while I can't play well anymore, I'm still self critical, so any encouragement is really appreciated. That's the long version of my saying, thanks much to everyone. When I first started sharing this stuff, I expected people would be like -- this is total crap and I was embarrassed. But after the encouragement I've received in this forum and on SoundCloud -- DMs from some really talented people -- I mostly got over that embarrassment. So again, thanks to you and everyone else.
  12. Now, I personally don't know enough about mixing and mastering to debunk all of what he's saying. But there's enough statements and generalizations that he makes to see that he's following a manipulative YouTuber technique of saying something sensational for the purposes of being a contrarian and getting views. The opening is like a bad infomercial. There are, no doubt, elements of truth to what he's saying -- but his main purpose is sensationalism. He's making a generalization -- a sweeping statement -- that is inherently an exaggeration of fact. As people have pointed out, there is a difference in the quality of EQs and various effects. Like most YouTubers, he's professing to be an authoritative source, but what are his credentials? YouTube contains a lot of people without very good credentials whose main skills are using tried and true techniques to get views, but they aren't actually subject matter experts, and often viewers will mistakenly look to them as subject matter experts. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of sensalitionism and manipulation as communication techniques. It certainly gets views. But it's not a place to look for facts and truth. Of course, YouTubers regularly engage in clickbait and clickbait-ish techniques to get views. Views, of course, are the lifeblood of their revenue, without them, they don't get money from brands, they don't get free stuff and cash from the products they promote in their faux reviews, they don't get sponsorships, and they don't get money from YouTube -- or the ego gratification and fame that most of them also prize. YouTubers are not the place to look for facts, authoritative insights, truth and ethics, IMO. It's all about solopreneurs trying to make as much money, free stuff, and fame as they can for themselves -- and this guy is no exception. If he did that by making a truly fact-cenetered case, I could still appreciate him to an extent, but I am very turned off by his use of sensationalism and statements that even I can easily discern are ridiculous exaggerations that I candidly, find cringeworthy (even the first minute of the video is too cringe for me to sit through the whole thing; if I want to suffer through some egotistical blow hard, I can easily find advice from well regarded experts with great credentials; but I don't enjoy that kind of delivery from experts either, so I think this guy really should tone it down a bit. Just my opinion).
  13. I'm a huge Beatles fan, and I know that John, Paul, and George later released a bunch of great songs solo that they said the band turned down. So thanks for that little nugget. I always appreciate Beatles' trivia! I was born a little late for The Beatles and became a Beatles fan after being a Paul McCartney fan. I love their music, but thought it was boring to play as a drummer. I only played it as a musician early on when I was a teenager. I've taken some criticism from people who claim that I'm trying to sound like John Lennon, but that is my regular voice. I find it easiest to sing Lennon songs out of all of the Beatles because the vocal range is very limited.
  14. Well done. Very tasteful guitar playing -- and nice playing by the drummer/percussionist too (okay, that might give away that I'm a drummer!).
  15. YouTube Influencer Scam Exposed!!! They're trying to make money off of the advertising you watch when they make videos, get free products and swag, and payment from companies they shill for. Exposed!!! To be fair, while this guy makes some legit points, it's largely sensationalism that's bait for views. Not all plugins are the same. His entire premise is really built upon his effort to get video views.
  16. Suddenly you've become the voice of reason in this forum. I think that's the first time anyone has ever done that here -- actually talking other forum members out of purchases -- and it's working. Beware, if these developers find you, it's going to be trouble. Now, if you could talk Bapu down from purchases, you've become a master.
  17. What are your thoughts on the SSL strips? I have a friend who loves the Drumstrip, which just went on sale (I posted in another thread). It seems those are top notch.
  18. SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 - $19.99 US SSL Native Drumstrip - $19.99 US SSL Native Guitarstrip - $19.99 US SSL Vocalstrip 2 The Simple Route to Professional Vocals Vocalstrip 2 is an application-specific plug-in that draws upon decades of SSL professional engineering expertise to combine the right four processing elements to create the simple route to professional vocal recordings. Combining EQ and dynamics sections with essential vocal processors, Vocalstrip 2 aims to bring power, character and clarity to vocal tracks from a single interface. Vocalstrip 2 solves the challenges of producing great vocal recordings with four processing tools carefully selected and calibrated to deliver great results every time. Features Comprehensive vocal channel strip with 4 essential processors Includes a dynamic envelope-based de-esser and de-ploser for initial clean up Transparent and precise 3-band SSL EQ provides incredible tone shaping, with highpass, asymmetric notch, and air bands Powerful compander smooths performance and pulls vocals to the front of the mix EQ curves are graphically rendered in real-time for visual feedback SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8662 SSL Drumstrip https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/8660-SSL-Native-Drumstrip SSL Guitarstrip https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/9572-SSL-Guitarstrip
  19. I only use sampled guitars (I technically could play and own guitars, but have bad tendinitis). So they're well recorded, but, of course, I often like to use additional effects.
  20. Imagine what this forum would be like if we all did that? You know, @jude77 is a retired psychologist -- but he also shares our plugin / sampling hoarding addiction. Jude could help us to transition to a support forum! For me, it helps that I've found that most of you guys know a lot more about mixing and mastering than I do, so even when I don't post, I'll read your posts and critques (I tend to weigh in on sample libraries, an area where I have a lot of experience and more knowledgeable opinions) and it is a serious factor in my purchase decisions. If we were able to encourage our fellow members that certain plugins and sample libraries were unnecessary -- especially when it comes during that little buzz we all feel when something is massively discounted -- it can go a long way in kind of awakening us from that trance we go into when GAS overtakes our critical thinking skills. No charge for the overanlaysis. You only saved me a buck, but I dig how you did it. Now help me with the United Plugins deal! I was thinking about the same acoustic guitar effect plugin you bought for $5 (not including your credit). Let me know what you think if you try it out, keeping in mind that you understand how to chain together effects to get a good sound and I don't have a clue and don't really have time to learn (or perhaps, I'm too lazy -- a distinct possibility).
  21. I reported my own thread to the moderator -- that's a first! Now that you guys have made encouraging posts, I no longer want it deleted! This is great encouragement when I'm bummed about my tendinitis not allowing me to play (I'm limited to playing several minutes at the time, as I have pain, consequently, I no longer practice and can't play with other musicians -- unless they're cool with a jam session that potentially lasts for two minutes; I was invited to jam with two neighbors, one a guitar teacher, but it would be more frustrating to get together and be in pain within a minute or so and not even finish a song, so I crank out these little jams). Thanks for the likes and encouraging words. Anyone can DM me and share their music and I'll be sure to provide encouragement back. My attempting to play 20 years after tendinitis stopped me has greatly taught me the importance of encouraging others in their musical endeavors. While, as the son and brother of music teachers, I always knew it, but I started playing again due to the encouragement of a musician friend and it meant a great deal. And now I'm pumping out lots of crappy music as a result! Hahaha.
  22. @cclarry, you know mixing, I don't. As most of the stuff I do is rock, and, as you know, I am incompetent at mixing and you are good at mixing, I can use your advice -- do you think this is worth me spending a buck on or is it more suited for EDM (as that is the genre the demos focus on)?
  23. Cclarry already posted this.
  24. Starship Krupa is the person who encouraged me to try Melda plugins in the first place. A great guy, who's extremely helpful to the community. Just with @Starship Krupaand @cclarry alone -- not to mention so many other helpful people here (including you, Antler) - this community is deservedly my go to for all things DAW related. KVR might be a lot larger, but for helpful and friendly people and the latest, greatest deals, this forum is second to none.
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