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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I love those little Klang libraries! Thanks for the reminder.
  2. PavlovsCat


    It seems rather obvious that this developer is the enigma that was once called Any Day Long that used to post here under a few different accounts -- like Dave Klein, that only posted to promote Any Day Long drum libraries -- and then disappeared and either abandoned or deleted all of his accounts here and elsewhere. I'm basing that on the production, the way he lays out the KONTAKT libraries he produces and the demos -- from the playing and the unmistakable vocals on some of the demos. I don't understand why he posts under various accounts, closes out one and starts another. He makes decent libraries and developers can freely post here. Strange. He opened the new YouTube account in July 2021. I suppose the only thing I would caveat any of this with is that I wouldn't recommend counting on the guy for long-term customer support. [EDIT: He's selling some of the same the same drum libraries he sold under Any Day Long -- like the Walrus Kit -- and using the same demo. It's him for sure.]
  3. On the same note, being a marketing professional, I was always amused that there are products called "dandruff shampoo" and "diarrhea medication" and would side with the folks selling "anti-dandruff shampoo" and "anti-diarrhea medication." Even more, when you see these products with opposite names sitting on a shelf next to each other, you have to ask yourself, why wouldn't that be enough to persuade the makers of a product descriptively called something like "dandruff shampoo" revise its descriptive name to anti-dandruff shampoo? And yet, it clearly isn't enough. Just something to think about next time you go to the store.
  4. BTW, my solution to mastering was Izotope. I think they have a really nice solution. But Bandlab offers free mastering. I'm not sure how it compares to Cloudbounce, but it's online and completely free, so it's at least worth trying out for anyone in need of this service.
  5. This was my concern, that the company's lifetime may not be very long. More specifically, when I researched the company, I found some interesting things out -- that many years ago they received initial funding from Abbey Road Studios, but that was several years ago, and the funding was very small and it appeared that every employee with the company had left and reports indicated that only the founder remains with the company. When I inquired about that I never heard back. Consequently, I didn't bite on this offer when it appeared around a year ago. But they did survive a year since my research, so that's nice. I wish them well, I just would hesitate to purchase a lifetime offer from them considering those concerns.
  6. That sounds really nice, Reid. Good job. You know, I've know of this dev a long time. He's a class act and I really respect him. But I haven't picked up one of his libraries yet. My friend Jay Asher has said really good things about Indiginus's libraries. I'm not sure if this is the one for me, but your piece made me appreciate it even more than the dev's demo. Thanks for sharing that.
  7. @Fleer Everyone I know of who has had this library has told me that it's a mess from both sample quality control and KONTAKT scripting perspectives. I don't want to post criticisms of any developers, but a number of people I respect as musicians and one excellent developer have told me that there is no saving this library and when I read posts on here and VI Control from regulars they reflect the same experience. Also, it's gone on sale for this same price on numerous occasions, but judging from social media posts from customers, there's been a lot of buyer remorse. In fact, I don't ever recall seeing a single post from a satisfied owner of the library. Search this forum under the developer's and library's name and do the same at VI Control and you'll see for yourself.
  8. Enjoy yourself, Larry. A vacation for you and our credit cards.
  9. Simeon, do you have this library and like it? For $19 USD, if you think it's really good, I'll seriously check into it. Even though I literally have probably 30 grand piano sample libraries.
  10. Am I alone in not being sure if I already owned this? I clicked on the link and thought to myself, "Hmmm, that's mildly interesting. Wait? Do I already own that?" I checked and sure enough, I did. Somewhere along the line I either picked it up as an NI freebie or it came with some version of KOMPLETE that I own. My point being that I have so much stuff that I don't even know what I do and don't own anymore -- to the point where there are times I have to double check to see if I don't already own something. And I'm guessing that's not a rare thing at this forum.
  11. I write that because I'm the one who came up with the name. I contacted the guy right after he made a post on KVR, the month he registered the domain name. He said he had the idea long before he took it to market so he wasn't going to change it. Legally, he's completely in the wrong and it's a clear example of trademark infringement. Evolution is even registered by OTS in the US and UK. He's fortunate that OTS isn't litigious and that he hasn't been sued, because I think that would be the right thing -- I've talked to the guy and he doesn't care. It's a slam dunk. My expertise is marketing, specifically digital, which I've led for a few major brands before starting my own business, and which after 15 years in business, just had a very similar situation where another business popped up using a name extremely similar to ours and refuses to change it. It confuses people and dilutes the investment you make into building your business reputation. I'm familiar with intellectual property laws well enough from marketing that Interpol actually quotes me in their documentation. You'd think they'd quote an intellectual property lawyer. But yeah, every time I see this guy's stuff, I suppose I get a bit triggered because I've communicated with the guy the month he registered his domain, a year after Orange Tree Samples was on the market and the guy didn't even introduce his sample libraries -- I even offered to help him brainstorm another name at no cost, but he refused to change his name, insisting that because he had the idea in his head before OTS launched he could legally use it (SPOILER: That's not how the laws work in any country). I think the average sample library customer has no idea how sleazy some of the developers in the market are in their business dealings. It's still pretty easy for an independent developer to quickly build an income and I can tell you that there are some out there that have some pretty horrible ethics and stuff that would probably trouble people beyond intellectual property infringement which probably seems like no big deal to non business people.
  12. No, this guy came out with his sample library line one year after Orange Tree Samples introduced the Evolution line.
  13. I agree with Paulo. AD2 works great on my system. It has zero problems and it sounds really good and I own 80% of their drum libraries. They're a quality developer I can easily recommend. I'm a happy customer and XLN is the antithesis of less customer centric brands in the space like ToonTrack (who make great products, but they're not exactly customer friendly when it comes to pricing, updates and upgrades) and they've been super helpful and nice several years ago when I did use support and when there was a freebie through another product I own and it was for my choice of one their piano libraries -- except I already owned them all; XLN let me get an AdPack free instead -- which was, of course, really kind of them. So I have no complaints about XLN whatsoever, just praise, but it's been a lot of years without any significant updates on the product and it makes me wonder why. If they came out with AD3 tomorrow and it even had a few new cool features or even a couple of new drum kits, I'd happily upgrade. But I can't help but wonder why they haven't introduced AD3. It seems like AD2 was released a decade or more ago.
  14. Has anyone heard from Francis/Frank? I seriously miss him! We used to be connected on Facebook and would chat every so often, but he deleted his Facebook profile and I haven't heard from him in a while. I'm just hoping everything's good with him.
  15. Welcome back, Larry. As you can guess and see from, I think two threads about you, you were missed. Nice to see you around again. I hope your trip went well.
  16. I'm a huge Beatles fan -- together and solo -- and I know that I'm going to get some grief for this, but I must admit, when I first glanced at that meme, I was thinking, "I wonder why they're using Paul in that meme?" Anyone else see it too?
  17. One of my favorite places on the planet, Vancouver!
  18. Since this is a very off-the-wall thread, I thought I'd ask an off-topic question (it's not about Larry or his return). I know Larry lives in Michigan. I'm a Chicagoan. Where's everyone from? Because when I read your posts in my head I'm trying to get the accents right. This way. maybe we can do a map showing that people around the world are eager for Larry's return.
  19. I'm pretty sure that's ban-level talk here, mister!
  20. I feel like this thread is cheating on Larry. Infidels! Although I am in the Facebook group mentioned earlier and visit the Reddit group every so often. Yeah, we're a bunch of addicts.
  21. With all the mentions of GAS in this forum, I thought of this product. Seriously though, if someone was unaware of how we use the term or if English is a second language, these GAS references could be quite strange.
  22. Nah, Larry's a proud Michigan resident. I, for one, love that we have the ability to launch billionaires into space. If only we could keep them there.
  23. @Simeon AmburgeyI had given James, one of the founders, some marketing advice back when they were a fairly new business. As I recall, the two developers that started the business did samples for Yamaha instruments prior to starting their own sample development business. But everything these guys do is top notch. I own several of their libraries and they are all superb.
  24. @Simeon AmburgeyI suspect you'll like it. SonicCouture is an excellent sample developer that really sets the bar high.
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