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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. It's not a loop library, it's a KONTAKT multisampled drum library along with some midi files of grooves (and the samples available as WAV files also, as the original post mentions). It's pretty clearly the same developer that was previously calling himself AnyDayLong who works or worked with Past to Future, which makes very similar, decent libraries. They're not meticulously detailed samples that have the kind of detail you'd get from the likes of Superior Drummer or even Addictive Drums, but for someone who likes the sound of their demos, IMO, at $15, they're a pretty good value.
  2. I've contemplated getting this in the past. I already own several snaps, claps and stomps libraries. What makes me still contemplate this is how it gives you a lot of control over adjusting claps. For those using snaps, claps and stomps in their songs, there's a freebie that I strongly recommend. It's from Red Room Audio (it requires the full version of KONTAKT): https://redroomaudio.com/product/snaps-claps-slaps-stomps-shouts/
  3. The pizzicatos sound really nice. If anyone has this or knows of a review, I'd love to see someone playing the various patches to hear each one and get an idea of the scripting. I mean, it's only $20 USD and I may bite -- it does sound really nice for my purposes. I hope he does a cello.
  4. @Zo I understand your frustration. You did the right thing and bought the magazine and getting locked out or an email like that when you're a legit customer is frustrating. But consider that the reply is a stock reply when they think someone is scamming them. It's probably automatically generated from a script. Look at this thread, some of our fellow forum members scam them by not buying their magazine and sharing codes, just like they do on software piracy sites. So, just like every other software dev, Beat Magazine has to try to combat piracy, so they take small measures to try to combat it, but it's far from fool proof, as you can see. I'd suggest you just send a reply and let them know what happened. I'm pretty sure that Marco is the sample developer with Beat who makes the Zampler libraries. I seem to recall corresponding with him years ago and he seemed nice. As far as your magazine being in German, I would contact the people you bought it from and tell them you meant to buy the English version. As Fleer mentioned, it's a good magazine. I like it and am glad they started making an English version -- I was relying on my wife -- who speaks and reads a little German -- and a friend from Germany -- when I would pick up the magazine for freebies and get stuck on some directions! But don't get offended at them. They're just trying to not get scammed. They didn't mean to tick off an honest customer. They're just trying to combat the dishonest people out there.
  5. Well, for as long as it lasted, you still have to give a tip of the hat to Larry for finding and sharing it so quickly. You need to grab some of the deals he posts quickly.
  6. I have a friend who is fantastic at creating presets with physical modular synths and virtual ones, but for me, I have little time to learn all of that stuff. This has a bunch of presets. If I get it, the truth is, that's all I'm going to use. The demos on their website sound good. Anyone who has this want to comment on the quality and breadth of the presets for a lowly preset user?
  7. I really like this dev. I'll be giving these a serious look when I have the chance. This is the first month in a long time that they didn't make a KLANG freebie library. I was enjoying those -- and I've bought some of the paid ones too.
  8. Beat Magazine's Feb 2022 issue is now out in German and English and available at the below link. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat-english/
  9. Can we at least agree that it's okay for Larry to post his stuff for sale here? I mean, he makes 90% of our deal posts. I've bought from him and everything went as smooth as can be. Although, I do agree that if a bunch of other people started posting stuff they had for sale here, it could make the forum a mess. But Larry? Come on. This forum wouldn't be half as good without Larry's presence.
  10. So, you, Reid and I all are experiencing different problems with their plugin and while the developer responded to my support ticket last week, telling me that he'd be able to assist me in a week (that is, he promised he'd get back to me this week on Monday) and since disappeared, I don't have great confidence that this developer is going to get all of these problems worked out any time soon. As Reid posted, I wish this developer would have released his libraries for KONTAKT so we wouldn't have to deal with a poorly coded, not adequately tested plugin. Even if he gets it working for us this week, I don't have a lot of confidence in his ability to maintain a stable, working plugin after my experience and witnessing posts from others with a bunch of different show stopping issues. Other sample developers who want to release their own plugins, take note. This should serve as a cautionary tale.
  11. It'd be better if me and a bunch of other people could actually get their plugin to work. It worked for me the first time I used it then it wouldn't make a sound. The developer responded to me a week ago and said he'd get in touch with me the beginning of this week but I haven't heard from him. He said it was the first time that problem was ever reported, then I went back to their forum and someone had reported the identical problem and he stated that it was the first time that problem was ever reported. Considering Reid AKA Tiger the Frog has also been also dealing with being unable to get Mndala's Mntra plugin working, I'd strongly recommend people beware before spending on this plugin. Again, it originally worked for me and I really liked it -- then it never worked again and their support disappeared before helping. I realize this developer only recently launched, but they clearly don't have their product ready for prime time at this point and I think it's important to make others aware.
  12. I couldn't find it available anywhere yet either. I think Beat does release issues pretty far ahead of the cover month, but I have yet to see the German or English version of the February issue on sale anywhere yet.
  13. Thanks! The more time I spend with Vital, the more I like it. I have probably bought AT LEAST two dozen commercial soft synths -- okay, probably a lot more -- but Vital, which anyone can download for free, has become my favorite of all.
  14. I admit, I found some Vital presets from ADSR thinking I'll buy them when they have their next freebie. I own a couple dozen commercials synths, but I find myself coming back to Vital again and again.
  15. Wow, that guitar VST sounds awful. It gets an average rating of 2 out of 5. Definitely not a compelling giveaway, IMO. Plugin Boutique for the win.
  16. Yes, the joy of making a post with a great deal when you looked all through page one of the forum and don't see anyone posted yet. It's like a race to get it up before Larry!!! ...And minutes later, the disappointment after someone posts a screenshot that Larry posted that deal earlier in the week.
  17. That is just a savage single sentence critique, but I've noticed in your posts, which can be brutally critical -- and I think that kind of insightful criticism can be really useful for sample library users researching libraries unlike the pervasive sea of YouTubers shilling pretending to be reviewers in order to get freebies and cash giving overly positive promo with affiliate links. If you have or start a channel doing reviews, please let us know. Dead serious. As it stands Corey (I forget his last name) is the one very objective sample library reviewer I know of. Okay, I look forward to the angry YouTubers and YouTuber wannabes who respond to this or PM me. And yeah, I will still watch those videos and refer devs to them if they have a decent following, but these folks are by no means objective reviewers but instead are promoters / sellers of products, they just don't want to be upfront about it. I'm writing that as someone who's led affiliate marketing for a major global brand, not just as an observer. Affiliates are salespeople, we can use more objective critics with real opinions untainted by their desire for freebies and product sales.
  18. BTW, I see the deals forum as a bar with a bunch of regulars (FTR, I haven't even been to a bar in maybe 5 years; I'm a dad and not much of a drinker as a dad, I've probably had 6 beers in two years; the guys I grew up with would find that sad!). Kind of like Cheers -- for those old enough to get the reference. Larry is like our Sam.
  19. Same to you Larry. You are very appreciated here. With all that's going on --with the pandemic-- it's an excellent reminder to be kind to one another and value all we have. While I've had several friends who've gotten the virus so far -- two with very serious cases, one who got it twice-- I'm thankful that everyone, so far, every friend and relatives I'm close to has pulled through. Some of my friends loved ones and friends of theirs haven't been so lucky. One friend's brother in his 40s who I last saw a few years ago and over 20 loved ones and friends of friends. One of my friends, who is also a musician (but is a Cubase user and not part of this community), lost 4 friends so far. I admit, while I played drums semi professionally many years ago, music now just a hobby,, but it is my refuge from the stress, and so is coming here. It's a little escape with like minded music geeks who make inside jokes absolutely no one else would appreciate! Keep on rocking, Larry, and be safe.
  20. The guy who did the video must have taken down the post and link from Mndala's forum. But I looked in my YouTube history and I'm pretty sure that the below link is it. On the positive side, the developer shot me a quick email to tell me he'll help me troubleshoot the problem Monday. He stated he's never heard of this problem before with no sound. I'd be more encouraged had I not just seen someone posting the identical problem in Mndala's forum and the developer responding that he's never heard of this problem before -- and posted after I reported the same problem (although I'm on Windows 10 and the poster was on a Mac). Anyhow, I don't mean to be hard on the developer -- he seems like he cares, I just think this situation epitomizes how the developer could have made things a lot better for his customers had he just made this for KONTAKT instead of his poorly designed and poorly coded plugin that was clearly released without going through the appropriate processes. This is why I don't appreciate small sample developers trying to be plugin developers at the expense of customers and the reason I mostly don't give them my business.
  21. Yeah, clearly I don't have the Larry touch with promo codes! Sorry, I tried. But it sounds like the worst promo code ever.
  22. I just found a promo code good on subscriptions! READ20 gets you 20 percent off a subscription at Zinio while READ40 gets you 10 percent off any other kind of purchase. Hey, I'm no Larry, but I try hard!
  23. If there's any industry that's struggling right now, it's publishing / media -- oh yeah, and cruise ships and all you can eat buffets. If you can afford it and appreciate music making related journalism, support them buy buying the magazine. I have a bunch of friends in the world of journalism / publishing (largely on the business side, for anyone who might lash out at me politically) and it's a really tough time. It's $3.99 USD an issue through Pocketmags and even less-- only $2.99 an issue -- if you subscribe. Just like small devs, if you appreciate their work, support it by paying for it. That support will help keep these publications around. https://pocketmags.com/us/computer-music-magazine?gclid=CjwKCAiAzrWOBhBjEiwAq85QZw-iIFGU8nkU1uEPloaHE6RJmYGGSabwMIoQyvr1uiDwLutJHe5rPxoCUF0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  24. The only used sample library I've ever bought was from Larry and I'm kicking myself now, because I forgot to ask him if there was a promo code. I kid. I kid. (Just about the promo code part. The rest is serious. )
  25. This group -- me included -- is terrible about staying on topic! Hahaha. For someone who actually cares, I'm sure it's very frustrating.
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