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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I agree with Fleer. I own Polyscape and recently upgraded to Polyscape Pro. I think this developer makes some really good libraries for KONTAKT.
  2. @Fleer In honor of our little dialogue here, I revised my signature file. Now, beyond this thread, I wonder if anyone will notice -- and if there's anyone who could possibly take that seriously. Still, that's my new thing. I'm going to be known as the first human on earth in the WUP fan club! Every time I see a negative comment about WUP, from this point on, I'm going to play devil's advocate (and let's face it, a lot of people here do believe that Waves is the devil anyhow) and pretend I'm a huge WUP fan. Of course, anyone who sees this thread will know, but for anyone else, I'm going to defend WUP to the bitter end!!! Be prepared, Fleer. I am prepared to die on this hill -- the hill of WUP. Anti-WUPers beware!!!! I'm coming for you.
  3. Okay, this mix is definitely better than the previous ones. Yes I still don't know now what I'm doing, but I think the lead vocal is louder and I put different effects on my vocal, ADT and Waves Chris Lord-Alge Vocals. @Starship Krupa offered to remix this and I'm taking him up on his kind offer (Erik: if you see this, could you PM how I need to save everything for your to mix things; the only collaboration I did, I only sent the entire mix to my collaborator and he sent me back an audio file for me to add to a track, so I don't know how to best save an entire project so that you can use it without having all of the same plugins and libraries -- Thanks). What I hated about the earlier mix was that my voice -- which admittedly isn't very good -- sounded really shrill. With the ADT and CLA Vocals effect, that shrillness was tamed. I have no idea how to do that manually using various tools -- beyond presets and AI tools -- or even where to start. Back when I was a working musician, I focused on playing and had sound people and engineers to rely. on, at most, I learned about micing my drums and using effects. I sang background vocals, but I had nothing to do with mixing. I bought some effects one of our sound pros told me to buy. I didn't really know how to use them beyond what our main sound showed me to do to get the desired sounds. True story.
  4. I did hear a rumor that you thoroughly disliked WUP. But yeah, with only you commenting negatively about WUP (not that any of us like it) -- that's surprising. I guess everyone else ran out of steam. Anyhow, just for sport, I think I'm going to start making arguments in defense of WUP. WUP rocks! I love me some WUP! More WUP! Yeah, not believable. Still, let's at least be grateful that Waves plugins are always $29-$39USD and if they're ever priced higher than that. Just wait a day or two. Remember the days when Waves were really costly? And now, I want one, I just get it. And I've actually never paid WUP and I have some plugins of theirs that are probably a decade old. If WUP is too expensive, I'll just buy them again on sale, all the time. It's really not a big deal because they're so inexpensive. If you want a complaint, I'd say that Toontrack is the most customer unfriendly popular plugin maker in the game with limited time for upgrades before they tell their loyal customers -- tough luck, your loyalty means nothing to us; upgrade on our timeframe or you're out of luck.
  5. Bringing up Waves triggers a lot of people around here, immediately resulting in WUP-related comments. But doing a thread specifically about WUP, that's practically like a political thread and some people lose all abilities for rational thought. True story. I recently even mentioned I bought a Waves plugin recently in a thread and got a negative reaction. Waves = controversy.
  6. I've been covering Beatles songs but nowhere near this level. Your vocals are superb. Fantastic job, really. I love The Beatles and you did a great job. Nothing but respect for you! Keep it up.
  7. Wow, I really like this. Nice, tasteful playing and I love the tone of your guitar. The tone and technique very much reminds me Chris Issac's "Don't Want to Fall in Love."
  8. I tried another mix of Strawberry Fields. I think I'll eventually try re-singing this or parts of it, because I think I can do a better job. (DELETED THAT ONE)
  9. Thanks for the compliment. I'm pretty familiar with all of the sample libraries I used so it was easy to select the libraries for each part, especially the drums, bass, guitars and piano. I mean, I've created a bunch of templates for various types of rock songs, like hard rock, acoustic rock, folk rock and other styles, which is useful, but along the way, it also helped me to understand what works best for each style and for me, when I have a creative idea -- say, a idea of how I want to play a cover or I come up with a new original song or a new arrangement of an old song I wrote, it makes things a lot quicker. I'm often trying to duplicate instruments I've played in real life -- my mother was a music teacher and I took piano, organ, drums and guitar lessons growing up (obviously no voice lessons!) and played in a family band that played around Chicago as a kid and in the school band before playing semi professionally as adult for many years -- or own with the sample libraries I choose. In this case, I used a bunch of Orange Tree Samples' libraries -- and some of the guitars are ones you wouldn't expect. Like a lead guitar I use in the song is their heavy metal library , Drakus. I have M-Tron and other Mellotron VSTs and sample libraries. Although I use sample libraries, I don't use loops. I love playing, so everything I shared was played on a midi controller and all of the drums were played live, that is, I don't program anything, I play it live and hit record. Even the bridge drum part that sounds -- intentionally -- very drum machine like -- was me playing live. But everything on here was pretty much a first take except for vocals with 26 tracks. I really have been doing covers to get myself to play more because I stopped playing professionally decades ago due to tendonitis, but I've recently decided to play try playing again as a hobby and I can play simple keyboard parts like on this song for 20 minutes or more without pain and drums, often only a few minutes, which means it's not realistic to play with other musicians anymore, but I can still record stuff like this, which is still fun, even though I can't play very well anymore and my voice is not very good. I have a 13 year old daughter with a good voice I'm trying to replace me. Hopefully, as I improve no one will have to hear my voice anymore! Some of the sample libraries I used: Guitars: Various Orange Tree Samples libraries Bass Guitar: Orange Tree Samples Sound Dust Dulcitone Embertone Walker Piano Superior Drummer drums Drum Machine Sounding Kit: NI Drum Lab Mellotron: M-Tron Pro Strings and Woodwinds: IW Orchestral Colors
  10. Who comes up with these 69% off promotions, Bill and Ted?
  11. I actually downloaded Origin a while ago and completely forgot what type of effect it is! I just know that after using RC-20, I feel like I wasted money buying Waves Retro-Fi plugin I bought when it first came out. The RC-20 has a 7 or 10 day trial. It took me 20 minutes with the trial version to know I absolutely love the RC-20 and buy it.
  12. I recently bought Waves' lofi plugin and just demoed the RC-20. There's no comparison. The RC-20 sounds incredibly better than the Waves plugin to my ears. It's hard to believe the RC-20 is this cheap. I bought it.
  13. @Christian JonesIf you don't already own it, Synthmaster Player is on sale for $5 USD, it's superb. IMO, getting that and Analog Lab Intro for only $5 is an amazing deal. The two of them have a ton of great sounds.
  14. This is a great freebie. I highly recommend it.
  15. @Greg Schlaepfer, as a musician you play multiple genres, are their certain genre contexts outside of the obvious one -- jazz -- where you could imagine using this? For instance. those strums at 7:21 and 8:00 totally sounded like something I would like something I would love to use in rock. I realize this is only going to make it look like I'm obsessed with The Beatles, which isn't really in accurate, but I immediately thought, "That would work perfectly on a cover of 'Happiness is a Warm Gun,' ' during the first section for some reason -- I think it was a combination of the chord progression and the tone -- even though the Beatles' song doesn't even use an acoustic guitar. So, if I ever do that cover, you know what inspired it! But those strums really got to me.
  16. Anyone looking for a Django style "gypsy jazz guitar" (unfortunately, the term "gypsy" can be a disparaging term used for the Romani people, so I don't want to use it without mentioning that fact -- after all, I know this was made with love in honor of the guitar great) this nails it. I absolutely love jazz, but I mainly write and record rock and folk rock music, but use a wide range of instrument libraries not typically thought of as rock instruments. Consequently, my plans are to use this in rock and folk rock songs. At around 7:21 and 8:00 in the video there are some strums where the tone, I think, would sound killer in a rock and folk rock context and I'm eager to use them. I'm curious how many of us plan on using it the library in jazz contexts and how many of us plan on using it in other genres like rock, pop, hip hop, etc.
  17. I got it months ago and it worked for me then. Of course, eventually the free offers expire.
  18. If you're in this forum, you're either buying or selling. Heck, if you're reading this comment, you're almost certainly an addict. Sooner or later I'm going to buy this library, I am just looking for someone --- in this case, Fleer -- to tell me how great it is. I think Ben Osterhouse has proven himself to be a talented sample developer and he prices his libraries very modestly.
  19. Can you come back here and give us a review after you get it @Fleer? I'm pretty interested in this library.
  20. I like CM and have been reading-- and enjoying the freebies -- for a long time. Thanks for the reminder, @abacab
  21. Okay, one more. The vaccines don't stop people from getting the virus completely. There's no vaccine of any kind that has ever been able to do that perfectly. What the vaccines have tremendous success at is reducing the possibility of hospitalization and death from the virus. From memory, and I'm usually pretty good at remembering research, I've launched and edited a bunch of publications in my career, including in the areas of science and technology. But the rate of hospitalization and death for the unvaccinated is more than 11 times worse than it us for the vaccinated. The estimates are that more than 90% of those in US hospitals for COVID-19 today are unvaccinated. I've had three friends who went to the hospital, two almost died (a musician in a band I used to play in) and one died (technically, my friend's brother). All were unvaccinated, reflecting national statistics. Vaccination also has an impact on transmission which is not insignificant, but frankly, I can't recall that stat and I'm on my phone getting ready to watch "Book of Bobba Fett" with the family. As always, we can agree to disagree, but we have to respect one another and respect facts if our conversation is to be of any value. Peace.
  22. I'm not going to argue with people not able to understand the fundamental issues or able to engage intelligently and in a civil manner. I'll just make a final point. The problem that Young has isn't about someone's right to free speech. His issue is with commercial interests profiting from actively engaging in disseminating disinformation. Young simply took a stand that he doesn't want to affiliate with an organization doing that. Several years ago a popular news network tried to recruit me to be a commentator on their network. I refused them. Not merely because they're a hyper-partisan network but because they profit off of spreading disinformation and exploit and further hateful biases of their viewers (research makes it easy to appeal to thus group using those biases; it's 24/7 confirmation bias manipulating q poorly educated viewers and I won't be part of that), bogoted tropes and racial and cultural division to their non-college educated audience that eats that stuff up (I grew up working class and despise billionaires or anyone with power / a voice manipulating this group). I've taken money for speaking engagements for groups that are on the same side as them politically, but my line in the sand is organizations that willfully engage in disinformation. So I greatly respect Young. You don't have to agree with the guy's politics to respect that this is someone who doesn't want to be affiliated with an organization that actively engages in and greatly profits from the dissemination of disinformation. He made a decision that will cost him 60% of his annual income. IMO, that's character. Regardless of whether or not you share Young's views on anything else, that is character and I think that any person of integrity can respect that. That's the end of this thread for me. Try to listen to each other and show respect. We can disagree and still respect one another. Otherwise, there's no point to having a discussion.
  23. You're completely misunderstanding the concept of free speech rights. Free speech rights refer to the freedom of citizens to express views free from government prosecution for that speech. It has nothing to do with private business or boycotts which are indicative of a democracy. Furthermore, most thinkers on this topic have never advocated free speech means protecting private individuals from combating commercial disinformation.
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