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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. What significant other wouldn't want a nice plugin for Valentines Day?* Personally, I went with the more traditional route this year. They're stretching this Hallmark holiday a bit far with so many devs trying to make this about sales; they should stick to exploiting the birthdays, deaths and resurrections of religious figures to put plugins on sale. On a related note, do any of us really anticipate our significant other will buy us a plugin or sample library for Valentine's Day or plan on buying their significant other a plugin or sample library? Hint to Mrs. Fleer, get him the WUP, he really wants the WUP. *Please, do not try to make a double entendre out of this. It's way too obvious already.
  2. This is why I'm hesitant to store credit card info with any retailer (related: I have a background running digital marketing, corporate websites and e-commerce at large brands prior to starting my own dot com). A LOT of ecommerce sites get hacked and data stolen every day -- I literally have had far over 100 notices of sites I transact business with having their customer info exposed in the past year-- including more than two dozen in this business in the last year that were reported. If Time Space can't get their site back up in less than 24 hours -- and it's now been a lot longer than that -- they have serious problems. A lot of these little retailers and developers with direct sales we share links to have less than great security practices. 80% or more of the developer sites are merely WordPress / Woocommerce templates that can be created in a matter of hours. LootAudio is a prime example of a site that is so amateurish with incredibly cheesy stock photos and bad cliché copy that looks like it was stolen from Dunder Mifflin, it even surprises me. If they put that little effort into designing their website, you can be confident that they didn't put much effort into the security and back end. I buy from them, but only using PayPal.
  3. Okay, there's one recommendation, anyone else find any of these are special and worth downloading? I really value the community weighing in on plugins and libraries, to me that's one of the greatest values of this community -- knowledge sharing.
  4. Harsh. But fair. You're a good man, Doug. I respect your high standards. For more forgiving souls, I'd recommend merely shunning Fleer for the next year, then, slowly, providing him the opportunity to reenter society, realizing that he has done a horrible thing that will never be forgotten, but that can serve as a lesson to all.
  5. I hear they're going to start pinning a little symbol in the avatars of those who've made this mistake. A scarlet letter of sorts so that everyone can see their shame. I'm sorry, Fleer. I'll always remember the old Fleer, before this horrible mistake. We had some laughs.
  6. Oh the shame! I recall doing it once. I'm still traumatized by the experience. Our support group meets on Thursday evenings, Fleer. We're in this together, friend. It gets better. Hang in there.
  7. Disclorure: I only purchased my first Waves plugin in 2018 and all of them - - around 50 total -- work flawlessly on my Windows 10 machine. I've never WUPed. But I know Fleer has, and apparently all of that WUPing can make a man bitter. I do not look forward to the day when I one of my Waves plugins stops working. That alone has made me hesitant to move to Windows 11. It will be a much costlier proposition due to WUP, and before you know it, people won't be able to tell who made that anti-WUP post, was it Fleer or PavlovsCat. Of course, this information might impact how people view my new site, WUPtopia.com. I sure hope not. But until my the day my plugins stop working and I'm forced to buy WUP -- LONG LIVE WUP!!!!
  8. This sounds really nice. I follow Jon, but always appreciate reminders here on the forum. So thanks, @lawajava.
  9. There's not a lot of us that post regularly here and I admit, I'm interested in the kinds of music everyone makes. I listened to the demos and I really can't imagine finding much use for this for the rock/folk rock/miscellaneous music I compose and record. @cclarryyou're a rocker too, but I'm guessing maybe you do other genres and that's where this fits for you? Otherwise, I'd be interested in the kinds of contexts people use this in beyond trailer/cinematic and game music. Are any rock musicians using it for rock?
  10. That's a baby step! You started with hate, so you're moving in the right direction and slowly (very slowly, actually, a snail's pace would be monumentally faster) warming up to WUP. I'm presently building a site that features the best deals on WUP and you can even look at past sales so you can understand how good the past WUP deals were compared to the current WUP deals. And great news, they'll be WUP merchandize like WUP mugs, WUP t-shirts, we're talking with the makers of Monopoly for a WUP version of the game. Do you have a dog , @Fleer? I just know he'd look adorable and stylish wearing this great "I love WUP" shirt that we're going to be selling. I can comp you one if you just make a pro WUP YouTube video and get 5,000 or more views. Be on the lookout for it soon, WUPtopia.com. * * None of this is true.
  11. Yes!!!! Stay strong my friend. A great man once sang, "All you need is WUP. WUP is all you need." Truer words were never uttered. Next, we need to get Fleer aboard the WUP train. I think we're getting closer.
  12. I'm eager to find out if WUP is available for this new plugin.
  13. I really liked this piece, but very candidly, I loved the intro part so much I wished that the piece stayed with those instruments instead of going somewhere completely different. It felt like two very separate pieces of music.
  14. Very nice! I enjoyed it.
  15. It's alright, although I only have their two freebies. The piano is nice and has a bunch of nice patches that layer it with other sounds, but I wouldn't consider it equal to the better KONTAKT piano libraries I own -- now I can't say if that is due to the piano library and the scripting or their engine. But I'm glad I have the piano library. I made eventually pick up another of their piano libraries or ones that don't require sophisticated scripting (which is something 8Dio has a reputation for being poor with, and my experience is that the reputation is well earned; their string libraries especially are not well scripted but tend to be minimally scripted with a massive dump of individual articulations; I've found other KONTAKT developers, most recently Fluffy Audio, produce much more playable and intuitive scripted instruments; maybe that will change with SoundPaint, but I'll wait until I start hearing that a bit before spending cash).
  16. Wait, is there a point at which we're going to run out of deals? Say it ain't so, Larry.
  17. We're really pushing the metaphor envelope with WUP tonight. But I sense that this is a first step towards accepting WUP.
  18. I think it's time you just gave in and learned to love WUP, Fleer. I too was once like you, hating on WUP. But then I realized that WUP is a force. It's a constant in a world where so many things fade away. Friends come and go over the years, but through the years, you can count on WUP to stay in touch and never forget you and the relationship. WUP is consistency, WUP is like a friend. And that friend needs money and a place to crash.
  19. It sounds decent. We owned one of these -- as well as a Leslie speaker-- when I was a kid, so they have a special place on my heart. On another level, they're promoting their multisamples as "real-time samples " and claiming a trademark right on the term. First, as any trademark attorney will tell you on an initial consultation, you can't trademark descriptive terms. Even if you did somehow get it registered, it cannot be defended. Second, I don't see how it could be defended using logic. The copy reads that this uses library uses "real-time samples" with a TM next to the phrase???? I didn't realize that other multisample libraries were violating the spacetime continuum. On yet another level, it's hard to buy that a developer that uses such hype in their promotional copy could resist doing a sale at some point.
  20. I love the sound of Harmoniums and Shruti boxes but I have at least 7 nice KONTAKT harmonium libraries and one Shruti box library-- and yet, my experience with Xperimenta libraries has been so positive-- their paid and free libraries are exceptional -- that it's very hard to resist this. I suppose my rationalization will be that it will likely be superior to one of my current libraries. To anyone who has never bought one of their libraries, download their freebies and you'll see for yourself why I like them so much.
  21. Hey that tune was fun and very creative and, I especially enjoyed the drums. Growing up enjoying Zappa, of course, I liked it. But I watched the video trying my best to be offended. Did I miss something? I feel disappointed. I sincerely tried my best to me offended. Maybe you can make another video and try harder to offend next time? Sorry, I'm just trying to provide constructive criticism. (Okay, and to keep things light too!)
  22. Thanks for the advice. No, while I've been using multi-track recorders since I was a little boy, I've never known what I was doing. I worked professionally as a drummer for two decades and played publicly as a musician since I was 5 with a family band, with training on piano, organ, guitar and drums, but I played in bands where sound pros or another band member handled mixing, and while I've used DAWs since the word was invented, I really never knew anything beyond making multitrack demos to show band members, I never even attempted to create a mixed, polished production with just me playing, just demos that were unmixed and unmastered. Subsequently, I only recently even really learned about busses, so I need to research what sub basses are. But I am appreciative of simple advice and will try it. All I did on this is press record on the various tracks. I never even knew about comping until recently -- after I recorded this cover, actually, I watched a YouTube video by Creative Sauce that was about comping. So, I'm definitely game to watch your videos and it would be great to learn how to mix with this recording. Where do you recommend I start? By turning down all of the faders or setting them to zero? Frankly, I recall little tips I've learned, like keep bass and drums in the center, but I'm not even sure about panning, so if you listen to this and the panning is all over the map and seems to make no sense, that is because I mostly just played around until things sounded as good as I could get them. But yeah, as I don't know what I'm doing, I really didn't have a lot of success getting this to sound as good as it could have or even to my satisfaction, to the point where I might even cal it unmixed or ineptly mixed! So again, where do you recommend I start -- and I want to start from scratch -- to try to do a decent job mixing this? And I've purchased a bunch of Izotope's pro mixing software packages, so I have the tools, I just don't know how to use them well. I thought that relying on AI would be good enough, but soon found out that it completely ruins the mix worse than when I don't use it, because it has no idea how I want things to sound.
  23. Thanks so much for the encouraging message. As far as easily offended. Nope. It takes a lot of effort to offend me -- which kind of sounds like a challenge after I just put up a song illustrating my poor singing and pedestrian musicianship after two decades of not playing. When my kids hear my voice they tell me, "Stick to the drums!" So easily offended? Not so much! But I thought, after not playing for so many years and just pressing record to play this song -- I figured, it's a Beatles song -- and I love the Beatles, but lets be real, it doesn't take much technique to play Beatles' songs which is why I thought it was a cool choice since I have no chops anymore and can't play for long enough to really practice to get better. That said, since recording this early last year, my timing and playing has gotten a bit better. I'll check out the film.
  24. I recorded this several months ago, the first song I played since stopping playing for more than two decades due to tendonitis, so there's a lot of pent of energy in this performance (and zero chops!) -- for better or worse. I had a blast recording this and the original tracks were just me contemplating if I should try to sing this, I didn't actually plan on sharing this version, but I ended up having such enthusiasm, I thought, why not? My greater dilemma is that I don't know anything about mixing and there's a lot going on there, so I'm sure the mix is pretty terrible. I could use some very simple mixing tip as I think I did a decent job with this performance, I just have no idea how to mix it. https://soundcloud.com/user-345532605/i-am-the-walrus-the-beatles-cover-remixed
  25. Woof, for a while there, I thought Fleer was going political on us saying that libs are overrated!!! In fact, now that I pointed it out, I bet it's going to get likes. Danger!!! Danger!!!!
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