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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. As a marketing and brand strategist, I think even if InMusic created a stellar BFD4 -- before I have grandchildren (my kids are presently teenagers) , I think they've done so much damage to the brand it would have a difficult time finding success. BFD3 has been around for more than a decade, and I don't think it's possible to do a thread about it on any forum or social media platform without hearing horror stories from past users. I think the less than impressive BFD Player also didn't give true believers the hope they desired. I'm a SD3 and AD2 user that would love to see a serious option to SD3 that would bring prices down. But every indication has been that InMusic is incapable of delivering a product anywhere near that level. My negative experiences with their software and support leads me to be very hesitant to buy anything that InMusic owns and I'm well aware that is not a rare perspective.
  2. A talented dev, who's very customer focused, and simply a nice person.
  3. My mind stored that information too. Just think of all the useful information it could have stored instead of which developers have CP-70 libraries or modeled instrument! I own the XLN Addictive Keys CP-70, but find it very meh.
  4. AudioThing is offering 81% off on The Orb formant filter plugin for Win, Mac & Linux - €/$9 (reg. €/$49) - until July 28. https://www.audiothing.net/effects/the-orb/
  5. Hey thanks for sharing that. I LOVE the demos I've heard of both Capitol Chambers and Sound City Studios. What are your thoughts in comparing and contrasting the two? I'll eventually buy both for sure, but I'm 60% sure I'll start with Sound City because I suspect I'll use it more (because I record a lot of heavy rock songs).
  6. Reading. Watching. Doing my best to learn from Starship Krupa's posts. Just thought I'd share so that you're aware that these conversations are useful to those lurking, even though most don't post comments. @Starship Krupa I'm going to research the plugin based on your comment. Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts.
  7. That's too bad. I love Abbey Road Chambers, but CPU usage is pretty bad. I was hoping that this and Capitol Chambers (which also sounds great to my ears) wouldn't be as bad on CPU. Oh well, I've got to do the demo first, I suppose. But seeing UAD plugins at these prices is extremely compelling.
  8. A few years ago -- during the pandemic -- my son was enrolled in driving school, but he ended up not completing the course. At the time, the pandemic inspired me to attempt to play music again, two decades after tendinitis stopped me from being able to play professionally or even at all for more than a few minutes without pain. So, I thought I'd try playing really simple songs, and Gary Numan's Cars would be appropriate and amusing. As my son finally completed his driving lessons, took his driving test, and received his driver's license yesterday, I thought it would be appropriate to go back to this song and make some improvements. I significantly modified the drums and added a compressor. I brought up the vocal -- something I'm usually reluctant to do because I don't have a very good voice (but it works on this song). I changed the overall mix a bit and brought up a couple of the synths and added a small part that I think helps the song. Anyhow, I think the result is a much better version of the cover. But I'll let you be the judge. I welcome your advice on the mix and any constructive criticism.
  9. Thanks. Once I get the word from you, I can buy with confidence!
  10. UAD Sound City is also $34.66. I think I'm going to get it. That's Waves plugin pricing for a superb plugin without the WUP scheme (scam). @cclarry I take it there are no discount codes that worm with this, right? I have yet to demo Sound City, but I will now. A lot of our community members have posted really good things about it. https://everyplugin.com/sound-city-studios.html
  11. I already gave your post a thanks, but I thought you invested enough time and did such a thorough job of explaining the utility of the plugin that it warranted a thank you message. I sincerely appreciate it. As always, Wookiee is as good as they come, and I want to thank you for your helpful post.
  12. This is what I don't understand, is the value that you were unfamiliar with the mixolydian scale before using Scaler? Does it provide any value beyond that? To cut to the chase. I understand scales and modes, and basic music theory (I had around a year's worth of training). I know that for mixolydian, you just flatten the 7th of a major scale a half step (e.g, in C major, you lower the B a half step to Bb). Considering that, do you think Scaler 2 still has value -- for example, it helps in some way with creative experimentation-- or is it mainly aimed at people without knowledge of music theory (e.g., showing user the notes in chords beyond triads, showing various scales and modes, etc)?
  13. This is pretty interesting. The demo, at points has a very Sufjan Steven's vibe (he's always said that he goes after a bad junior high school band vibe).
  14. This is a collection of guitar riff loops, right? I'm just trying to figure out if I'd find any use for it. I love coming up with guitar riffs and licks of my own and it's always come easy to me. So I'm guessing that's the only purpose for this tool? Is that correct or are there other ways you / people use it that aren't readily apparent to me? I'm ready to be enabled for 19 bucks if this could be useful for me.
  15. If you're really interested, try contacting them. I bet they'd get things sorted out.
  16. A savage take. But having worked with some excellent UX pros in my career, and learned a bit about UX, I do agree that the Sine Player is poor, as are a lot of sample developers home grown plugins. That's why I loathe it, and stop buying when these one to three person developer shops abandon Kontakt to create their amateur hour abominations that even a junior level user experience pro would find abysmal. But good luck getting them to listen. Even the bigger devs like OT are small businesses and its not like they invest the resources that NI can. I wish OT abandoned their player and went back to Kontakt and just focused on what they're good at, making sample libraries.
  17. I tested it and it worked perfectly for both the Sine Player and Kontakt versions. I was logged in. I live in the US. They could be limiting this offer to residents of specific regions / countries, but we have had people in the US and Europe confirm it's working for them. You could always try OT support. I'd bet they'd get it sorted out for you.
  18. You're right. The discount code works with the Sine Player or Kontakt version. I agree with Paul and greatly prefer Kontakt to Sine Player, but OT does have a notice that they no longer support the Kontakt version and will not be doing updates.
  19. How long ago did most of us go beyond the libraries and plugins we needed cover some certain area of music or production and start rationalizing differences in recording techniques, instruments used, mics and mic positions, colorization (e.g, compressors).... ? I'm definitely not pointing the finger at any one person, because I'd be a total hypocrite to do that. GAS isn't just a silly acronym --although it certainly is a silly acronym. It's real and it's made a lot of developers rich.
  20. Thanks, Larry. I like this developer's work. It's high quality and pretty distinctive.
  21. To all you kids out there, getting praise from cclarry for posting a deal is the ultimate compliment. It's like Mr Miyagi telling you good job after a karate match (okay, that's a super dated reference, but hey, most of us will recognize it!). I am honored. Thanks, Larry! ?
  22. Orchestral Tools is offering users of the free Layers library a 75% discount on the Berlin Orchestra Inspire 1 library for Sine Player and/or Kontakt Player - €99 (reg. €399). Expiry: unknown. Use the code: get-inspired75. https://www.orchestraltools.com/store/collections/inspire-1
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