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  1. Both E's are dropped to D in Cinnamon Girl.
  2. Ripple Edit can screw up a project pretty badly if accidently left on. Or maybe a Control Group?
  3. OP asked about the Allen and Heath SQ6. The L20 is a Zoom product and really a different animal. I believe @David Baay correctly addressed the OP's issue.
  4. Well @T Boog your prayer has been answered. Now can you pray for it to stop? I can't leave my house. 🫥
  5. I also have one of those and I love it. It can handle all of the MIDI routing and filtering that I need. However, everything you wrote after the part I quoted is exactly right. Suggesting that someone use it as a solution for their MIDI problems is just daring them to jump down a rabbit hole.
  6. I wish I could LIKE this a hundred times. You can completely screw up a project by forgetting to turn off Ripple Edit.
  7. I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm. Of course I was wrong once. It could happen a second time.
  8. I have found a problem. May be just my rig so someone else, please try these simple steps. 1. Create a New Empty Project. 2. Add a Midi Track and change its output to a New Drum Map (any Drum Map, even a blank one). 3. Change the Edit Filter to "Notes". --- For me this is where Sonar crashes, every time. Crash Code C0000005 (Access Violation). I'm not sure if it is new to this release as I am trying out Sonar for the first time, but it doesn't happen in CbB. Other than this, I've been getting along with Sonar very well. Good Job Bakers.
  9. Get an interface with XLR inputs and a couple RCA adapters.
  10. Since she's going anyway, can you ask her to please pick up two cans of finger sleaze and one of those clip on guitar tuners?
  11. If you have File Versioning enabled (on by default), you can click on File-Revert and see if there is a version that pre-dates the mistake.
  12. This is a valid point. However, you can use the scroll wheel to select a preset in the Map Manager. You have to click on the down arrow to roll down the preset list from the New Map dropdown. And that list is Looooooong.
  13. Clearly my lack of communication skills caused you to miss the point. @Starship Krupa stated very clearly that he understands how to load, create and edit Drum Maps. However, he cannot get them to display in the Drum Pane. The steps I outlined above were not meant to be a tutorial in using Drum Maps; but a simple experiment to demonstrate that the Drum Pane will always display the contents of the current Drum Map. To reiterate; If the Drum Pane is empty, then the output of the Current Track is either set to an empty Drum Map or it is not set to a Drum Map at all. I apologize that I lack the ability to communicate this more clearly. The experiment I posted above doesn't take two minutes to actually do and a video would demonstrate this very well. Sadly, video is not part of my current trick bag.
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