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Øyvind Skald

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Everything posted by Øyvind Skald

  1. Really good old school roch there. Gets the 70s Wibe, but in a modern sound package that does not ruin the song, but rather enhance it.
  2. Many (just you) might think I am a exelent guitar player because of my beautiful hair and beard, but I must disappoint you. My beautiful hair and beard can’t play guitar. I must train my finger as you do, and its hard. But for your pleasure (yeah you) I put up a link to my training of playing the lead to the song “Together As One” by Stryper. I did record it with Beepster before, with female vocal on it. But then it was in F major. Now I have it in the original D major, and I don’t care about putting in the female vocal and tune that down. So, I don’t have vocal yet. I might work on a vocal part myself sometime in the future. But I need to train for a long time to do so. And of course. The lead guitar is recorded whit old strings, and I am not satisfied with the vibratos I do. This is just a test of how I am at the moment on the "Learning to play the lead". And of course. I trained the lead and found out that there is 2 versions of the TABs online. And I think they are both wrong. So, I have used the notes I guess are right from each and tried to figure out the rest. So, if you, wonderful people have any critique of wrong notes, just speak out. Thank you in advance. Mind you, this is not my beard talking. https://soundcloud.com/oyvind-skald/together-as-one-217-stryper-cover
  3. Ken Tampling talking about the singers of the 80s, and he was one of them, how they could track 100 to 200 versions of the vocal to choose the best of them all. Singing much without proper technique will kill your voice. Guess they did the same with the rest. I think I remember a Norwegian band worked a week to get the bass perfect for one track (don’t remember the band or tune). So, have we been lazy with all this tech?
  4. When the download is complete, please launch the installer with a double click and follow the onscreen instructions. To exploit the advantages of Melodyne with ARA in Logic, you require Logic Version 10.4.3 and Melodyne Version 4.2. If you are downloading an upgrade The installation program is personalized for you and contains all the latest data regarding your license. Please download it and perform a fresh installation of Melodyne, even if perhaps the installation program and the new Melodyne have the same name as your previous one. When updating or upgrading from an older version to version 4 If you have been using an iLok to activate Melodyne, you can continue to do so. First, however, you must download to your iLok 2 or 3 the new Melodyne activation that we have transferred to your iLok account. You will find all further information at www.ilok.com
  5. Must say that they fixed the problem now. That was a really fast response. But as they say. They want a you to activate after every computer changes. The thing that might be my thing, is that I did dust the cabinet and might have changed the cables to the SSDs/HDDs. And I upgraded the BIOS too. Everybody should do that once a year at least. You don’t need to take of the CPU cooler and put it on again, but at least clean the fans, take out things that might disturb the air flow. I did that. I had a HDD rack and took it out. But I had to hide 2 SSDs in the back. And yeah. I use this computer to other Things than DAW too. Conclusion: Pros. Celemony are fast and have a great service. Cons. This would not happen if they ha a better system of computer changes before desiring to activate their license again. Yes, most of DAWs are untouched from birth to death, but there must be more people than me, that upgrade BIOS, drivers, settings, change placement of HDDs/SSDs to test out air flow, and upgrade hardware when we get money and can afford it.
  6. I have sent them a mail right after it happened. Thank you for asking.
  7. Every time I upgrade my BIOS or something i have to re activate Melodyne 4 editor. So now I it wasn’t enough activation. They say: “Activation impossible You have activated and deactivated Melodyne several times recently on different computers, so it is currently not possible to activate the application on another one. If you wish to run Melodyne on this computer ("X99-A-USB31"), please select one of the following alternatives:” It is the same computer, same Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Graphic card, M.2 SSD, SSD, HDDs, Case and so on since I bought the upgrade in March 2018. Well I bouth a new HDD to put samples on this fall. But the computer is the same. I just like to overclock and play with the BIOS sometimes, upgrade to the latest BIOS to get bugfixes and new features. And I have to wait till tomorrow to make it work, if they answer the mail and let me continue using the thing I bought, while NOT trying to copy their plugins to friends and fools. ARRGGGGHHH This thing does not happen when you have people working out serials and such. This thing happens when everything is automated and everything is Bots. They ask for a iLok I have a eLicenser, but they don’t want do use that, the bot say. I don’t pay $ 50 for an iLok, to use a program that I paid for and have not miss used in any ways. Some of my plugins (Overloud) use a normal USB dongle I have for license. That’s the best thing ever. If the dongle break, I can just replace it by one I have for spare, something I can’t afford with when iLok and such cost more than plugins themselves. Well. I tried to have some fun today with recording a guitar solo and just edit some endings in Melodyne. But that is ruined now. Oh well. Might do something else than music then…
  8. Play better: Play better is always a challenge. I am not as good as I want to, and I am not as good as I should. I envy people that are better than me, in many ways. But you cannot wait till you are at “this” level to start making music. Also, the best soloes for guitar, for instance, is not the most technical and hard to play. It goes more on the melodic/feeling/fitting to the song thing. Write better: The sad thing here is that the most technical music most people don’t like. They want familiar music. But writing isn’t about you showing off your writing abilities most of the time. Its really making the song your audience want to hear. Record better: Record better is always learning from mistakes. If you don’t see mistakes in your old tracks maybe you need to listen to what other on this forum and such can say about them. All this is humbling. We show of our baby to the world, and the world is ether ignoring it or hating it. Remember Rebecca Black? Her first song and people compared her to pro artists. My first song was not as good as hers. That doesn’t say anything about her song or mine. But all about that the world chose someone to hate. If it is your song, then… I’m happy there is forums like this were we have a form of filter. If people here hate the song, then it is ok to not release it and work on it/ toss it and start over.
  9. But we need help, guidance and inspiration, from forums like this too. Maybe if you go to the forum instead of making songs and working, it is bad. But you can’t work on mixing for 12 hours straight. Your ears wont work after an hour, so you need breaks. This forums is excellent for taking breaks while mixing and working with music.
  10. I love this guy. not in a gay way... Yeah and it makes sense!!!!§
  11. Yeah. I guess your right. But if the music is up on streaming services it can be an “after sale” effect if you play a concert and people wants to hear more in the days after. To make it like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and so on isn’t working anymore without a record label that protects your for competition. We all know that most singer that work as session singer are more talented than Gaga and Perry and so on. Not that Gaga and Perry are not talented, but they didn’t get the job because of just talent. And what about Tosin Abasin (Animals As Leaders)? I know he is hated by many because of his guitars, but just concentrate on his music now. They are working their ends off and they are playing gigs, getting sales and have fun. It works out if you don’t think you are gonna be a millionaire without working for it, but wants to make music. I have a little hope tho, that in this mess the streaming services has made, there will come out a more real and healthy music business. The days of big band/stars are over, and those who wants to sell music today, has to deliver.
  12. I wonder if the music is on that clop is anything like the one of the poano player it is based on.
  13. This song I wrote in early 2000 and started recording it at once . I have reused the vocal tracks to this new metal version. This is one of my first recording of vocals as a solo producer. Its incredible it worked that great. I had no talent, just knew a little by what I’ve read. Original: https://soundcloud.com/oyvind-skald/the-only-one “New” Metal version: https://soundcloud.com/oyvind-skald/the-only-one-307
  14. Do you release your own music online? How and where do you do it? Any experience (good or bad)? I have just 7 alternatives here. Been using ReverbNation before. But thinking of switch for something easier now. But I don’t stress for myself. This is more to help out some friends of mine, who are going to start releasing songs. My list is, Amuse: https://amuse.io/ ArtistPR: http://artistpr.com Catapult: https://www.catapultdistribution.com/ CD Baby: https://cdbaby.com/ Distrokid: https://distrokid.com/ ONErpm: https://onerpm.com/ Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/ Tunecore: https://www.tunecore.com/ Amuse is just a Android/iPhone app. You cannot upload from PC, but the rest is normal web based stuff. If you know more distros don’t hesitate to bring them up to.
  15. I use it on everything. Not always tho. Just no limit on what to use it on. Fix a unmuted string on a bass recording, fix my bad guitar leads anz so on. I foud out you can "progran" guitar leads like in piano roll programming. Just play enough notes and lay it out as you want. Lol
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