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Øyvind Skald

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Everything posted by Øyvind Skald

  1. You can find cool stuff in NIs user built synths. Some really good. But you cant load them ln newer Reactor. I had to work a little to get a sound "steempipe organ" work.
  2. The song is from the Norwegian Church Songbook (Norsk Samlebok) And the lyrics is with 3 different numbers. Number 1, 278a and 278b. I use the 278b as the main melody, that is a folk tune from Mo I Rana. The fugue theme is the first song in the book and is a folk tune from Romedal. And I end the song with the folk melody from Ørsta, number 278a. The lyric is one of the greatest lyrical works from Norway, and it originally has 16 verses. But the first version has 3 verses, and the 278 has 8 verses, so I made the song with the 8 verses. Vocals are not done jet and are just the synth melody. This is just the writing prosess of the song, and I might need to rerecord a lot to make in more pleasing. Especially the guitar leads, so this is just the writing of the melodies for now. But hey. I don’t know what to do with it, so it might not even get vocal recorded. I hope that you don’t fall asleep but stay through. I deleted the link to the fist version, as i will stick to the new one. I have edited out some of the chromatic stuff in 4th fugue part. So it is more in the chords and not as i might have intended, that the highest guitar lead was suposed to be out of the harmonys of the others, But I don't think it worked. So this part is at 4:55 to 5:03. All edited in Melodyne in CbB...
  3. Lengths of cable is important! don’t buy a 10 m unbalanced cable and expect it to be sound clean. Don’t have longer cables than you need and don't blend them with the power cables in a pile behind where nobody can see them.
  4. An x99 card has 4 memory lanes, using 4 sticks will be besst. Using less isnt wrecking anything, but you dont use the full potential of the X99 chipsett.
  5. So true. Found out i can do exact the same in Melodyne with my guitar playing, that was a game changer as well. Now i can play that i play well...
  6. I love the Cakewalk Piano roll... Its my greatest tool...
  7. By the way, the devil is this KB4487044 update. But you cannot in any way just stop that devil. You ether stop all, or let everything update. And latest update, one I can’t install, makes so that the KB4487044 gets impossible to uninstall.
  8. I think I make this into a little blog just because. I am now uninstalling whe whole NI Komple 12 pack. But 2 of them failed to uninstall så i have to install them again just to uninstall them for a CLEAN install. But... Trouble one. The drive is too small for the isntall it say. But as you see here, there is plenty of Space. But i think i Just install it to a HDD drive first and make it work and move the sample data to the SSD.
  9. Here you see allot of the icons not installing correctly into the Komplete Kontrol software. Doing the trick of deleting the KK own gathers info files, so it must scan again, don’t solve anything. All this because Microsoft Force out updates. Yes, I had set the Window Update on hold. But I did install it once to test if I work with the even newer update. Because THERE IS NO INFO ON THIS ANYWHERE SO YOU HAVE TO TEST FOR YOURSELF!!!! And installing the newest update did not fixing anything. My keyboard were shill not more than a MIDI keyboard. No function of browsing the sounds, changing the sounds, their settings and so on. So I unistalled the latest update. That did go as planed. But the Keyboard were still not working. And I tried to find the update that was breaking this, but that one was nowhere to be found, so I tried a system restore. And that worked for 10 min. Then the system hang, and my PC could not log in to Windows. I found C:/the SSD in the BIOS and could read from it, but Windows came into the infinite repair mode. You cannot go out of it, because it cannot repair because the repair is broken. Mind you I have backup, but until now I have thought that a frets install of Windows is like fresh mowed grass, but that was then… So installing Winsows fresh is just fun for mye. But this is not.
  10. Seems I can only make a request via a forum like system. Much like the one you have when contacting your doctor and so on. So, this is the feature now? I still can’t find a way to use my NI S61 Keyboard with latest Windows Updates Installed. And I have no place to ask if there is any news about it. This is not NI’s fault tho. It is Microsoft who push out this garbage update to break everything. I bet they do this to make NI go from their proprietary communication between keyboards and software, to something Microsoft can monitor. But anyways, trying out if the new updates worked last weekend broke my Windows and I am still struggling to install everything and make it work. Now I had no sound from the Komplete Kontrol VSTs. Even tho they get midi signal inn. But not everyone gets midi signal inn ether. I just want to throw every NI and Microsoft thing in the bin where it belongs now. Mind you. Just to reinstall Komplete Kontrol 12 Collectors Edition takes more than 12 hours. Doing that a couple of times drives you crazy.
  11. Grr. I am clean installing windows now. Something clicked and I just couldnt log inn. Gotta LOVE Microsoft right?
  12. Post was in memory of my phone like it wasnt sent and I hit send when going i to the forum now. Strange... This info is better than a double post right?
  13. I love Komplete, but dont love NI. Well I dont hate them ether, but now they have trouble with a winfows update hindering Windows to see some hardware. So i have my Windows Update on hold....
  14. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens
  15. What about the Microsoft glases and skip the monitor. You can have your tower as a background of Cakewalk. You could even stedy without really doing it...
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