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Everything posted by Xoo

  1. And getting away from all that blackness... The Lemonheads - It's a Shame About Ray
  2. Black Sun Ensemble - Golden Rays
  3. Blue Oyster Cult - Black Blade
  4. Blue Oyster Cult - The Red and the Black
  5. The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
  6. Rainbow - A Light In The Black
  7. Parliament - Theme from the Black Hole
  8. I really just wanted to post this:
  9. I've had this (Windows 10) when font installation has gone screwy. To fix, I found the fonts Sonar installs and removed them from windows\fonts, then reinstalled Sonar and it was fine. Can't remember the fonts offhand - sorry.
  10. Ensure "Disable Input Monitoring During Playback" is unchecked.
  11. Ignore the dropdown showing ASIO4 All - it doesn't mean it's being used just installed, the checked drivers are what are being used.
  12. I've got lots of projects from Splat or earlier (32 bit versions at that) and apart from a couple of cases with bad plugins, I don't see that.
  13. I watched the X Factor last night and was surprised I didn't just see V and II.
  14. Xoo


    I should have put this in the puns thread.
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