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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Considering that I have the other two, this would be the one of interest but (at this stage) only if I could use a $25 voucher Thanks for your input!
  2. I was always told not to eat yellow snow!
  3. ^^^This my next step - sad but true. I have two 1TB drives: 1 for Kontakt libs and 1 for non-K - both at 90%. That's after I moved all my loops and one shots to the BU storage drive. Sample Hoarders Anonymous!!!
  4. Fwrend

    IRig Pro

    DOH, sorry about that! My speed-reading skills ain't what they never were! Thanks Larry!
  5. Fwrend

    IRig Pro

    Or Sampltank 4 MAX https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=maxyourio2019
  6. ….or $2.81/ea when you purchase all 16 with the Allmighty MIDI Pack for $45. I'm not a Heavy Metal fan and not familiar with this brand. Anybody have/use these - MIDI or samples?
  7. In the Spring of 2018 I went on my first cruise with Carnival. The shows and talent were good but the "loudness" was really unbearable. The mix on the tracks & band was good but as soon as the vocals came in, they just blared. While I have walked out/away because of poor talent, I haven't walked out of a venue because it was too loud - until that trip. I wasn't going to sit there and hold my hands over the ears. It hurt. I was watching the sound person. The show was nearly all automated and she never once adjusted (mixed) vocals - individually or grouped. My hands would have been all over the faders throughout. I complained to the cruise director and told him first that it was unhealthy and not beneficial to the performers or the audience and second that there was nothing enjoyable about tolerating the volume. When the survey came following the trip, I voiced the same concern and my observations of the performance. Much to my surprise, I received a reply, phone number, and request to call. I did and we had a really good conversation about volume, mixing, and automation pros & cons. He did say that they have had some issues with that particular engineer. So, kudos to Carnival for the follow-up and at least acknowledging their quality assurance. Coincidentally, my wife is a nurse administrator and I have done some Occupational Medicine training and testing. Earlier this week, I learned to do listening tests. OSHA standards state that exposure to 8 hours with a Time Weighted Average (TWA) of 85db would require the company to do annual tests to verify whether shifts in hearing thresholds occur so they can make needed changes in hearing protection. We did testing for a local company and it was very interesting to see the individual differences. The test is administered blindly beginning at 25db (for each frequency) at 1000hz for approximately one second while they respond when they hear the signal. If not, you decrement 10db test then increment 5db until they hear which is their threshold for that frequency. We then test at 500hz, 2000hz, 3000hz, 4000hz, 6000hz. It was quite interesting as some e.g. might have a threshold at 0db at 2000hz, 30db at 3000hz, 20db at 4000hz. It was really varied. I even had a few who went to 90db at 3000hz - I could literally hear the signal before they acknowledged and they had closed-ear headphones on. I came away with a new appreciation for hearing health and hearing-aid providers who should actually take the time to personalize devices and EQ for individual customers. We all hear differently which I would assume means we mix differently as well?
  8. Thanks @craigb (I think :). I just keep thinking , this is America; this is the 21st century; this..... wait, now I feel guilty - am I one of those "entitled?" Naw, I'm too old for that and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, am indeed very grateful and blessed! Less time on the internet means more time with the grandkids who showed up yesterday for a week of gratitude. We'll have around 50 family crammed in our house this Thursday!
  9. Don't usually vent (or post here) but....I suppose I have been unwittingly spoiled by internet services up until now. Earlier this year we moved to a small rural town in Kansas - actually 2 miles outside of town on a nice municipal lake (which was why we bought) and only 50 miles outside a city of 400k. Internet has come to pain-staking halt. Our only options at this time is Hughesnet (of which I've never heard anything positive) and a local wireless service that "may" provide 5mbps download speed for $80/mo and a 12 month commitment - I ain't doing it! ? I had decided to buy a Verizon Jetpack to use which worked not fast but good enough - until the fourth day when I received a text stating that I had used up my quota. What???? Sure enough, while we have "unlimited data" (yeah right!) once you've downloaded/streamed a designated amount, it is CHOKED down to a crawl - even an email takes minutesssss download. I finally cancelled that but was unable to revert to my previous plan because Verizon had changed their plans and I ended up paying a third more than what I was before. (I can't find a screw-you-Verizon emoji) So , I find myself empathetic towards those who have the same woes - I've read your responses with sympathy but now I feel your pain & frustration! ? Lastly, after getting XO, I was disappointed to find that XLN has ablsolutely no provision (as others I'm sure) for offline installation. Usually, I will just go to the coffee shop or library in town and download to my SurfacePro but this does me no good when companies use proprietary installers without offline options. I love the ability to maintain products with these installers but learning to hate those that punish the out-lyers with no provision to at least download the content separately. ? I am experiencing a similar situation with drivers for a 3-year-old Kodak printer. I downloaded the latest software/driver/installer and it immediately demanded internet to check for updates without anyway to proceed beyond that. Uggghhh!! ? Okay, all done . If you read this far, my apologies but appreciate you reading ?
  10. Yep, I emailed them during a sale back in 2015. I had purchased Black Grand Close, Old Lady, Rain, Vertikal Jazz, & White Grand years before under another email address. This was their response: Hi Wren When changing to the new site, there were no possibilities to import the old database. The old data are maintained manually. Best, Per Larsson SampleTekk
  11. Call me slow but, can you explain to me the difference and why one would buy the crossgrade - for AAX? Are they the same product? I have AIEP3 so eligible for the crossgrade but that would be stupid if it is the same package. EDIT: I see both are AU & VST only, so...
  12. Same here. It initially zeroed out the Total but as soon as I went to check out, I got the same response and they wanted $10.95. Oh well, I'm with Larry lol. EDIT: emailed APD and BO. BO promptly responded with an apology and another coupon.
  13. I was fortunate as well. Ordered it at 9:04pm Monday night and had the serials at 9:31pm. Registered it and just now downloaded it. Installation was a bit different but finally figured it out. The Output Hub downloaded it and said it was installed but could not find the VST nor did any of my DAWs pick it up. Finally found the .ZIP file on my desktop and ran the install from there. All good - quite a plugin!
  14. Free to owners of version 5. Download Page Changes introduced in v5.3 New Features: -Harrison XT-SP Stunning Phaser plugin (DEMO, requires a separate license for unlimited use of the control-panel) -x42 Instrument Tuner plugin (Included free!) -All of Harrison's LV2-format plugins have been updated with new XT-style GUIs, a new license mechanism, and lots of smaller fixes. -It is now possible to purchase the individual plugins that were previously bundled together in the Essentials or Character bundles. Improvements: - New Licensing mechanism: use license 'text' instead of the .txt file URL (no more license-file timeouts) - Security Fixes for MacOS 10.15 "Catalina" which prevented Mixbus from accessing the audio input (microphone) and file folders. - Select a Range, then switch to the Draw tool to draw automation/region-gain: this now works when you select a range across multiple audio regions. - Much better handling for multi-channel instruments: * Show (# outs) in instrument-selector menu when the instrument is multi-out. (Some plugins like Kontakt don't have the #of outputs in the plugin name, so you couldn't tell them apart in the menu) * When a multichannel instrument is added, the "configuration" dialog will default to "multichannel" and "Fan Out", rather than requiring the user to engage those. * "Fan Out" creates a stereo track for each pair of outputs from the plugin instrument. Using a track allows you to record/bounce the output of the instrument to audio. * When fanning-out an instrument plugin to separate tracks, we now assume that each pair of outputs is stereo, as this matches the majority of VSTi's that we tested. * Automatically disable the "MSTR" button on the main MIDI track; this was causing the sound from the first stereo bus to be doubled. - Improved UI of some dropdown menus: When you open a pulldown menu in the editor window, Mixbus tries harder to indicate the current selection, and keep the currently-selected item under your mouse cursor. - Locations (and Ranges) now have a timestamp, assigned when they were created, and this is sortable in export timespan selector and in the editor. This makes it easier to find the Range that you just created, regardless of its name or location on the timeline. - Import Dialog: * "One track per file" is now the default import option for more operations * Mixbus should always copy imported files, even if they are drag&dropped in. - Strip Silence dialog: will now remember its settings when you close/re-open Mixbus. - Stem-export: If you have some tracks selected in the editor, they will be pre-selected for stem export. - Updated Fluidsynth (General MIDI synth) to newest version - When muting MIDI, silence all playing notes - Lua Scripting: * Increase available Lua action script slots * Add a notch-bank filter example DSP script * Add a "slow fade in/out" example DSP script - Plugins->Generic UI->Plugin Analysis could cause undue cpu usage; this has been improved - Use Icons for plugin preset buttons. (small plugin windows will no longer be stretched to fit all the plugin-preset button text) - LV2 extension to override strict-i/o per plugin * In the future this will make it easier to use LV2 plugins that convert stereo to mono (auto-panners, etc) without having to manually adjust the pin-connections. *x42 "Whirl" uses this extension. Adding "whirl" to a mono track will automatically give the track a stereo output & panner. - Mixbus32C; concentric "pan" knobs were not triggering automation "touch" correctly. This has been fixed. - Remember MIDI-track note-range between restarts - Prevent adding a 2nd MIDI input/output port to a track; instrument plugins can only use one (16-channel) midi port anyway. - Control Surfaces: * Add a device profile for X-touch + two X-touch compact devices. * Add a device profile for X-Touch + X-Touch Compact * Fadeport: User button state save and restore - Add midinam patchfile for Yamaha NP-V80 -- thanks to Rob v.d. Berg - Add midinam patchfile for Moog Slim Phatty - Do not set MIDI CC values on locate if control/parameter is set to "Off" - Clarify MIDI CC menu ambiguity - the menu lists the available controllers, not the CC# - Add option to show/hide region names - Add preference to hide LADSPA plugin if the replacement LV2 exists - Allow analysis window to plot live pre/post signal analysis - Don't allow to cut/copy inserts via Drag/Drop - Headless * Added --template command-line option *Added session-util to create a new session from the command line Fixed - Dragging a stereo "EQ" or "Comp" plugin from a mono to stereo channel will no longer mute the right side - Do not force a "shared playlist" when Duplicating a track - Update Plugin-Tag policy (don't overwrite plugin tags) - Keyboard-entry on some VST plugins did not work; this has been improved - Fix shortcuts to some actions that moved from Common to Editor category - Time-stretching MIDI regions should now work more sensibly - When the channel MUTE was automated, it might be impossible to use the shortcut to toggle mute; this has been resolved by implementing a "touch" when the mute action is activated - When a selected automation-lane is removed, this could cause a crash. This has been fixed. - Fixed some MIDI-note selection shortcuts: * middle-click on a note should select all instances of that note (so you can transpose them all up/down) * MIDI-note selection invert - Fixed a crash when deleting selected region-view in ripple mode - Use pretty-port-names in latency measurement dialog
  15. Yes, he'll need your Waves username/email. But for the WUP, he will request that you get a code directly from WAVES. There is an option to generate a code for 3rd Party Dealers. Send that code to Kobe and request a quote. Just be sure to check which plugs you are wanting to WUP.
  16. Mine looks very similar. However, this includes WUPing plugs that are currently covered. If you de-select these and choose only those expired , it will cap at $240. I'll wait patiently for the WUP sale (if and when...)
  17. @simon Thanks for the input! I was very tempted at first because I've been wanting to pick up a multi-pattern mic at some point and yes the reviews look good - even SoS was pretty positive comparing it against the AKG C12VR. Glad I didn't pull the trigger 'cause I don't have $299 to waste.
  18. et al thanks for all the info here! I'm at V10 with everything and would pay the full $240 to WUP it all. I have realized through this that I have an extra version of TrueVerb, PRS Supermodels, and Infected Mushroom currently on sale at WAVES for $39, $79, & 49 respectively. If anyone is interested in further discounts on these, PM me. Unless I sell the extra plugs, I'll wait through the holidays.
  19. et al - my thoughts exactly. I think I got everything to V.10 finally (I think) although there still seems to be remnants and multiple files scanned - and now this! I will wait till the dust settles, fix some popcorn, and watch this closely.
  20. Does this mean one must WUP everything?
  21. Yep, I was thinking they just took themselves out of the hobbyist/semipro market with that price lol!
  22. Well, I certainly don't need to spend $149 - I can do that on my own!! ? @Marshall thanks for the sound reasoning.
  23. Not sure why it isn't working for you all but the sale still seems available. Add to your cart and then enter group into the "Discount Code" box at checkout. This jus a moment ago:
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