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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. You can't use task Manager or CPU as the only metric. Do the test I suggested and see if it makes any difference.
  2. Recording will obviously put some extra load on the system, but if you want to test the limits of your system you can try and increase the dropout tolerance here and see if recording still works without any clicks or pops. Try increasing DropoutMsec to 100 ms or so, or even try setting MaskDropoutDection to true.
  3. Is likely plug-in related. Contact me on PM and send me a dump file captured from task Manager. It will be big so you will have to compress and upload to a file share service.
  4. It's come to our attention that a very small number users have crashes on start up for the newest version of Sonar. The symptom is the app disappears on startup. This issue has been confirmed to be due to the presence of a corrupted Microsoft VC redistributable. Sonar relies on the VCRedist runtime at a very fundamental level for proper operation so a corrupted install will cause the app to crash in unpredictable ways. In all the most recent reported cases the problem was caused by to the installation of an old obsolete VC runtime by the popular DaVinci Resolve video editing app. The resolution to this is to install the latest Microsoft redistributable from Microsoft and to do a repair install in the installer. Read this article for more info on this.
  5. Don't be afraid. Running at low latency wont break anything At worst you will get glitches or dropouts.
  6. @Michael Richardsplease report back on your findings when you do this.
  7. Plug-in bugs can be very data dependent. If you have a project that causes the problem send it to korg support. Only they can analyze why it crashes. It's good that this resolved your issue.
  8. 1. How are you closing the project. You can close the project without shutting down the app. 2. Sonar doesn't load the last project. The workflow for this is to use the quick start and pin the projects you want so you can easily access them.
  9. If it's crashing when loading synth data is most likely something project specific with your synth patch that caused the plug-in to crash. This is a plug-in specific issue that the DAW had no control over. Have you tried saving the plug-in in a different test project and loading it? If it doesn't crash it reinforces this. Also you can load the project in safe mode and skip the plug-in. Then after it loads, recreate the instrument track and load the preset and save again. See if it loads again.
  10. Chances are you got lucky in a prior build. Sonar is not even involved in this crash. The plugin spontaneously crashed and there is no information beyond that in the stack for us. As I said for plugin crashes your first point of contact is the plugin vendor. Please read this guide.
  11. If you are getting stutter on moving the mouse its a hardware driver level issue where your video driver is impacting your audio driver at the kernel level. There is nothing Sonar can do to alleviate this, and it will happen in any audio software. What audio interface are you using (USB or PCI)? In either case this is something to take up with the audio driver vendor or see if you can troubleshoot your graphics drivers.
  12. Not Sonar. Its a plugin crash. PS: It's easy to check this yourself. The crash dialog in Sonar will typically say whether its a plugin crash or not. Your crash message is telling you to report it to the vendor We can't solve crashes in plugin's so this is something you have to take up with the vendor.
  13. @Max Arwood I sent you a PM. Please contact me there.
  14. I will take a look at your files this morning thanks.
  15. We can’t follow up on a crash report without a dump file. Please provide a link to the crash dump or PM it.
  16. Send me the crq and dat file via a PM. Also please confirm whether you already have successfully signed in and activated sonar on your online machine. This will verify that you're membership is active.
  17. Not today. It's MacOS and windows only. It could in theory run on ipadOS but the UI would have to be scaled accordingly. Next has full PDC btw
  18. This is a plugin crash. Its crashing from Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter Sonar isn't even involved in the stack. The plugin is invoking a dll called necryptopp.dll which appears to be a cryptography dll. then crashes with an unhandled C++ exception. The plugin is invoking something which throws an exception and the plugin doesn't catch and handle the exception properly. I would forward your dump to the plugin vendor to fix if you want to use this plugin. Otherwise use safe mode to load the project and remove the plugin. TACK_TEXT: 00000001`fbddcf70 00000001`a44d2155 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 00000001`fbddd050 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 : necryptopp+0x92155 00000001`fbddd058 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd060 00000001`fbddd6b8 : 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd068 00000001`30bb0cc0 : 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 : 0x00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`fbddd070 00000001`e06d7363 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 : 0x00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`fbddd078 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 00000001`fbddd0f0 : Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363 SYMBOL_NAME: necryptopp+92155 MODULE_NAME: necryptopp IMAGE_NAME: necryptopp.dll This is the crashing stack. [0x0] KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 0x1fbddcf70 0x1a44d2155 [0x1] necryptopp + 0x92155!necryptopp+0x92155 0x1fbddd050 0x1fbddd0f0 [0x2] 0x1fbddd0f0!+ 0x1fbddd058 0x1fbddd0f0 [0x3] 0x1fbddd0f0!+ 0x1fbddd060 0x1fbddd6b8 [0x4] 0x1fbddd6b8!+ 0x1fbddd068 0x130bb0cc0 [0x5] 0x130bb0cc0!+ 0x1fbddd070 0x1e06d7363 [0x6] Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter + 0x33a7363!Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363 0x1fbddd078 0x0
  19. No worries. Sonar is alive and well and has been Production ready since the beginning of this year. We've already had 5 or more official Membership updates since the the official roll out with BandLab membership.
  20. Glad it's working well for you. In the next update there are a few more external insert improvements. - the ping signal is now shown on the return meter which makes it easier to troubleshoot connections. - ping is failsafe and always ensures that the audio engine is initialized -external insert no longer loses port settings when switching between friendly output names
  21. What that means is you aren't encountering the same problem. The change were discussing here would be in a future release of sonar. The issue itself is not new and has existed since the origin of the load balancing feature. Make sure you are trying it in Sonar and not cbb and if you have an issue that can be demonstrated make a project file and file an issue in a new thread please to avoid confusing this.
  22. Thanks for sharing a project to reproduce the issue. The problem has been around for awhile but was not noticed since likely not many people had the specific combination of factors. You have to be running projects with lots of delay and have plug-in load balancing enabled and have envelopes downstream or something that uses timestamp info. This particular project had 10000 samples of delay. The actual problem was a simple time-stamping issue and unrelated to latency compensation, though latency certainly makes it more evident.
  23. Thank you. Don’t take my word for it. Look at what’s been done. <Philosophical hat> Having concerns is normal - we all have concerns about different issues. Nobody knows what the future holds from one day to the next. Despite our best efforts something can come along and destroy everything overnight for any business. ahem - COVID? On the other hand, letting concerns paralyze you from enjoying the present is not healthy/productive. Enjoy what you have today…. </Philosophical hat>
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