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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Hm I'm using a Focusrite 6i6 daily for development and have never seen this issue. I really doubt its related. My only guess is that something in the app has crashed and is unresponsive to transport commands. Does it happen in all your projects or only some and how often? Regarding the clip issue please see if its still happening in our new early access release since there are many changes and fixes to take lanes.
  2. Very unlikely to be a CbB issue. When it crashes does it list the drumagog vst in the crash dialog? If its crashing when Drumagog is hosting a vst the crash is possibly due to it corrupting memory. Cbb is not aware of what the plugin is doing at that point.
  3. Have you turned on Scan in sandbox in the VST preferences?
  4. This is described in the abot the early access program topic: Cakewalk will present an "Update Available" notification when the final release version becomes available, if Notifications are enabled
  5. If it's taking that long there is certainly something environmental. You can troubleshoot it by watching the start up toast notifications. Which one stays on the screen the longest? If you record a screencap of the launch process it may be helpful for us to see what's taking time.
  6. Thanks for the report! We'll fix it for the next release.
  7. MIDI doesn't have any notion of automation envelopes. When you open a pure MIDI file as opposed to importing it, we import MIDI CC events as is and also allow you to save the project back as a MIDI file. However any edits you made to the project that are not native to MIDI will be lost or converted. In the case of automation there is no such thing as envelopes in MIDI so Cakewalk converts the envelope to MIDI CC's (decimates into points to be more accurate) to represent the envelope as closely as it can. This is a one way conversion process and not a design flaw. When you open the MIDI file it will import back as MIDI CC's again. If you want to work with non destructive data save your project as a CWP file not a MIDI file, as scook recommended.
  8. You can switch the edit filter back and forth from clips or automation by shift clicking the clip or the envelope.
  9. I didnt even know that code still exists. I don't see why it would need to take a snapshot on each open of the view since we generally know when plugin parameters are changed - at least for most plugins.
  10. Thanks for the input folks. Sorry I've been slammed with some other stuff but will investigate this soon.
  11. @Antonio López Zambrano which plugin are you specifically seeing this issue with? If there is a demo or free version available can you share a simple project with me so I can try and reproduce the issue?
  12. Yes this was removed since it seemed over complex to have different plugin layouts for each menu. For some people it can be confusing to not know why plugins show up one way in the browser and another way in the track menu. Generally the browser is a far quicker way to locate plugins once you get used to the search tool and the sort orders that you can specify from the dropdown on the plugin browser toolbar.
  13. Yeah there appears to be a drawing issue with the preview waveforms. They get cached on each playback but what is drawn should be always the most recent waveform. We'll look into it for a future release. PS: I was referring to a case where the preview waveform is actually stale. Not the fact that envelopes are drawn behind the waveform which is a separate issue.
  14. Hi @Rostislav this isn't your fault. It's hard to say what let the project to get saved in that state. The edit filter is the dropdown in the track strip that by default says Clips. By changing it you can select what data you wish to edit in the track. See the help for this here. You can easily switch your track to clips if it happens again.
  15. I'm sorry you feel this way. There has been a huge amount of bug fixes just in the last year and thousands since the old article you quote. Just looking at our internal issue log we have over 500 issues resolved since we started. I don't see how that could be considered miniscule in relation to any other competitive DAW. Not sure if you have seen our public changelogs since we started last year: See prior release notes. Check out all new features released to date. While we do have feature work in our pipeline, we are focusing on workflow improvements and stability, not feature bloat. This is what the majority of our users want from us as opposed to shiny new toys.
  16. Weird corner case. The real issue is that somehow track 6 had its edit filter state set to show an envelope. However the actual envelope data stored was not correct. As a result the code was not setting the edit filter state properly. Although the track view showed it as "clips" internally it was still "envelope". There is a rule for copy (not copy special) to reject note data when copying with the edit filter set to envelopes. Likely because we don't want to copy and paste data for the wrong type when the edit filter is asking for envelopes. As a result you saw this behavior that copy was ignored. I have fixed it for the next release so that when the project is loaded we ignore a spurious edit filter setting of envelopes and set it back to "clips". This fixes your project and when it loads up the edit filter will now show clips. It would be interesting to know how it got into that state in the first place. Perhaps you might remember if at some point you had set the edit filter to envelopes and maybe something went wrong after... You can make your project work again by setting the edit filter manually to something else and then back to clips. Then save the project.
  17. @Rostislav thanks for the report. I was able to reproduce it. We'll investigate your project and see why it happens. On first looks I can see that the selection somehow thinks that nothing is selected even though the UI is showing it. We'll investigate further.
  18. Thanks for the update . As I said we haven't made any intentional changes to the console 1 support. If anything syncing of selected track states should be more robust in the May release. Let us know if you have any further issues.
  19. We're pursuing all leads that might have any bearing on this. So far I've even had two live sessions with users but nothing has shown up as suspicious in diagnostics and the problem was not reproducible on the customers end. Are you sure this is not a demo plugin issue in this case? Many demo's intentionally do not retain settings....
  20. @gargonknight please send us a crash dump. This will help diagnose what is crashing your system. You won't lose any data because of this. There are some Instructions here
  21. Can you be more specific what is messed up? We haven't changed anything directly with console one but there are changes to how the selection logic works with ara2 that is similar to what happens with console one. Also did it work in the prior release from March.
  22. Haha yes I saw that. We had that numbering from 2016
  23. https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/2019/6/1/did-you-know-that-there-is-a-free-daw-that-has-ara-support-we-investigate-what-cakewalk-can-do
  24. I don't think reinstalling is going to do anything. Why not check if someone else can repro your symptoms with the same project first?
  25. If you resave the project after that dialog has been processed do the messages go away on next open of the project?
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