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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. I understand that its difficult when you have sessions. However the main reason for early access is to find outliers like this problem which affect only a very small subset of people and testers don't find. If you didn't report its unlikely that it would be fixed before release anyway.
  2. The System Realtime messages are used by CbB specifically for MTC sync. Incoming messages are used in order to respond to MIDI time code. We also send these messages when generating MTC. However Cakewalk never forwards (thru's) incoming system realtime messages. There has never been a need to do so because these are typically intended for use in an MTC scenario.
  3. Hello @TedPiano would you be able to share a link to your project file? That would be the easiest way to troubleshoot it. Also give us some data on what audio interface you are using and the latency settings.
  4. Localized versions are not provided for early access build, sorry. We're still working on it.
  5. What problems? I've yet to see any reported issues with this release. Of course if you prefer to wait for the final release that's fine.
  6. @TenfootDoes the new playlist option to not load the next project in the background solve your glitching problem?
  7. The issue with drum replacer not showing waveforms until you click the clip has been fixed in the early access release. It actually broke during the ARA 2 update in May. The loss of time sync when seeking was a different issue which is also addressed in the 09 release,
  8. I don't see this problem. As long as Select track envelopes with clips is selected it will move the data irrespective of whether lanes are open or not. Can you reproduce this in a new project? If not please send a link to the CWP file so we can try and reproduce it. The only change we made in 07 was this:
  9. What version of Cakewalk are you running, what OS and audio device? Check the about box to be sure. If you are getting a hang you can capture a dump file from task manager and send us a link to analyze. You can also try our latest early access release and see if it resolves the issue.
  10. Another big update. Please post any feedback directly in the linked thread.
  11. As David mentioned you are most probably misreading the meter. Post a screenshot with the start screen open. The CPU meter is not used when the audio engine isn't running. If no project is loaded there is no way for CbB to be showing a meter value assuming you are showing audio performance.
  12. Is your CPU meter set to measure audio performance or system performance?
  13. @Tez the only way those keys could get set is if your controller spuriously sent those notes. I suspect you have a flaky USB port or the controller itself is sending bad data under some conditions. The PRV UI is responding to MIDI input exclusively so the bad data couldn't come from CbB. I was able to replicate the problem artificially by holding down some keys on a MIDI controller and yanking the USB cable while the notes were held down. I've fixed it now so that pressing the Reset button (panic) will also reset the PRV notes so in the future if this happens you have a simple way to clear it.
  14. Besides it being free, more than 700 bug fixes and a ton of new features not a lot Read this for more information.
  15. How many plugins do you have installed? Some users had slowdowns loading the plugin inventory from the registry. It it happens when simply starting the program without a project this is definitely the issue. I've improved start time for loading plugins very significantly for the next release. This is obviously in Cakewalk by BandLab. SONAR is no longer a supported product.
  16. Thanks I'll take a look. I think at minimum it should be preloading the next project ahead of time irrespective of the wait for keypress option.
  17. If you send a link to a crash dump I can verify that the crash is actually in rapture. However we are not shipping rapture presently so I can't give you a timeline for plugin related fixes.
  18. Thanks we'll look into it. You shouldn't need to restart cbb however. What happens if you just press play the again? Do the notes not get reset?
  19. The default record mode is Comping. You can change it to Overwrite or Sound on Sound if you prefer the more classic record modes. By default in comping mode only the most recent take is audible and others are muted. There is no need to switch to the mute tool to unmute because everything can be done via the default smart tool by clicking or dragging in the bottom half of the clip to isolate the areas you want. Pay attention to the help module tips when you hover over clips and it will show you more information about the tools and zones. You can read more about Comping here.
  20. This has been resolved for the next release. There is a new read only mode for the playlist.
  21. @Chris Boshuizen This issue has been fixed for our next update. Its actually something that was broken in one of the SONAR releases itself. The next update has major improvements and optimizations for plugin time sync and looping so many old issues have been resolved.
  22. @marled I was able to repro the issue where if you had it set to "On stop rewind to now" multiple clicks during playback would jump to the begin of the loop or start of the project. There was some code that was added many years ago to try and detect multiple rewinds and jump back. I've taken it out since it seems unexpected and was behaving inconsistently which is why you thought it was a bug. However I cannot reproduce playback getting stuck like you describe. Did that only happen with "On stop rewind to now"? If you can repro even otherwise please see if you can get a recipe since I would like to fix that issue. I tried many times but do not see that problem.
  23. I heard about that Cortana bug. A big CPU spike from a background process like that could certainly cause dropouts. I'm not sure what you mean by grayed out PRV keys however. A dropout shouldn't cause keys to get grayed out. Is this reproducible and can you take a screenshot? Regarding the burst of sound after resuming a dropout, that can happen. If the engine has been stopped the synth still has unplayed buffers or tails that it will spit out once playback is resumed. VST doesn't provide a way to reset internal synth buffers.
  24. @Colin Nicholls No I was referring to the setting in CbB itself under Preferences | Playback and recording, to "Suspend audio engine when Cakewalk is not in focus" Please also try the DropoutMsec setting mentioned above.
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