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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. Night Beats - Mama, Keep Your Big Mouth Shut
  2. yep, because apparently the way these wdm wrapper drivers work is not compatible with the way cakewalk apps utilise drivers (too similar so they clash?), it's a shame they've never updated that old code to change this behaviour, i guess it's too embedded with a huge refactor to change, especially since the bandlab takeover where most new users aren't expecting this type of hoo-har and just want to plug n play /goodluck
  3. tbf the nf stuff is pretty old, wouldn't be surprised
  4. the all-tec eqs 2 was my first guess, but i am changing it to the one that was the culprit haha, dm for my paypal 🤪
  5. Super Furry Animals & John Cale - Presidential Suite
  6. that would be my q, what built in synth? didn't they dump that sometime before/during win10?
  7. to be more useful, you have a lot of instances of that plugin, and it struck me as the wild card
  8. Yardbirds - Over, under, sideways, down
  9. going online, use adblocker and no-script addins in your browser (i recommend firefox) -- ads and javascript are the most common delivery point of malware these days
  10. merry xmas, The Colorist Orchestra with Howe Gelb featuring Pieta Brown - Gold Shining
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