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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. i already have the arturia cs-80, and i stopped with xils-lab when they went ilok
  2. Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band – Adiós Señor Pussycat
  3. Kylie Minogue - Can't Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head (feat. New Order)
  4. full installer available here https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar currently linking to https://downloads.bandlab.com/cakewalk/Sonar/
  5. yep, 7506, a standard studio monitoring headphone, with full replacability of parts, packaging has a diagram of how to rip them to bits, a workhorse headphone 👍
  6. i have 589 (vst2) plugins installed, haven't bought a new one for several years now
  7. maybe they could develope xsampler (? what's the new inbuilt sampler called?) to take over this task, seems a popular function
  8. uber points for The Moving Sidewalks - 99th Floor
  9. alice ain't far off either i highly recommend the tv show "the mighty boosh"
  10. deux points, mercury rev - Pick Up, If You're There (DJ Nickel 1998 Remix)
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