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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. I think this is most likely Then why distribute it? And no I haven't, have you? Have a nice weekend x
  2. I don't have any income source from the daw haha wish I did lol
  3. Half Man Half Biscuit - Fretwork Homework
  4. you can hover over a user name and see their "reputation" ?
  5. tbf, it's totally possible to use a pc for daw plus other purposes, i certainly do, we don't all have a budget for two pcs /goodluck
  6. maybe it's the "history" for undo?
  7. i think save as only leaves out the audio wavs? @Leander it might be worth sending the bad project file to support@cakewalk.com
  8. have you power-cycled everything?
  9. so this was originally a project5 plugin, and unless they've updated the code since and if not just thrown it in as an addon, then i would expect some hoohar
  10. the included version is dx, altho they did at some point in the past offer the suite for sale independent of sonar but the vst version was only 32bit otherwise i would've picked it up if there was vst64
  11. ikwr? the codejock lib is still installed with the latest Sonar version, i said as much with the info Cakewalk_Sonar_Membership_Setup_30.08.0.019(Rebuild_1) still installs codejock library (CJLibrary.dll) version, that i was assuming it was for backwards compatibility, and then the post disappeared... 🤷‍♀️
  12. Skrillex with Diplo, CL, & G-Dragon - Dirty Vibe
  13. the orb - Dragon Of The Ocean (Dogon Mix)
  14. Sonic Boom - Ecstasy In Slow Motion
  15. Neighb'rhood Childr'n - feeling zero
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