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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. yep cpu hog, try increasing your buffer size
  2. oh, i see that you deleted my reply showing that indeed you do still use the codejock library... i was wondering if that could be an underlying cause of some of the gui issues people are currently seeing?
  3. ripmf https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9dynd605x0o https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2025/jan/30/marianne-faithfull-singular-icon-of-british-pop-dies-aged-78
  4. The Insect Trust - Foggy River Bridge Fly
  5. Roy Harper - Cherishing The Lonesome
  6. Beachwood Sparks, “Talk About Lonesome,”
  7. giant sand - I'm so Lonesome I Could Cry
  8. pavement - Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era
  9. butthole surfers - Lonesome Bulldog
  10. Jonathan Richman & the Modern Lovers - Egyptian Reggae
  11. sure! godzilla's a fictional monster, what would it do?
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