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Everything posted by bitman

  1. I have a slow bow too.
  2. I do that too. Not the expect every one else to but yeah, I guess it's because it's now my official hobby, writing tunes and producing them that besides talk radio, my stuff is all I ever listen to.
  3. Well it doesn't seem to be creating a dmp file for this particular initial mousedown fault as I thought and it happened again tonight but this time I power cycled the whole shebang and it's working again. I'm sure this is a hardware fault somewhere and not CbB. I'll get it sorted. Actually it acts like a mousehook that isn't returning.
  4. It fixed itself. Worked all night. I have a notion the maybe my ada8000s didn't init right as I never cycled power on that rack last night during my troubles. If I recall that was what fixed it before. I do have dumps. Want em anyway? I came here to delete the thread if possible.
  5. Tonight out of the blue CbB is loading my file but if I dare click on the interface a wait cursor circle goes 'round and never comes back. I've seen this failure mode every once in a blue moon and it's usually the beginning of sorrows. Tonight after the first crash I rebooted as is necessary to clear the cakewalk application and this time did not click the interface but pressed space bar. It started to play cleanly. As I was admiring my work I clicked to scroll up and boom! wait cursor. Another click on the interface and Sonar went gray as is "normal when it bombs" but my song played on with the grayed out interface. when the song finished I Xed out of sonar, got the familiar crash dump dialog but before giving up I ran the latest update but that didn't magically fix things so I quit for the night in hopes that tomorrow will be better. I hate when this happens. Windows 10 - RME 2496 PCI card.
  6. Oh the stunts you have to pull when you don't have a distortion pedal and / or Marshall.
  7. Yeah, you can record the output of the synth it's driving by record arming the synth track and recording that. voila! Digital auto version of the midi drive file.
  8. Midi notes upon notes? That will make a weak flangy sound to a midi snare hit.
  9. UEFI was created to release us from the shackles of only being able to boot from bios devices, and now from anywhere directed to. All it will take for your precious win10 box to be told only to boot from the m.s. mothership is one of your beloved security updates. I have formed the sentence this way because of the apathetic cool-aid drinking that is the worlds acceptance of automatic corruptdates under the guise of security and necessity. I personally have no pcs in this house using anything but MBR boot and updates off (for good) windows 10 or otherwise. They will never get me.
  10. I'm the nineties I joined, submitted 4 songs against 4 listings ignorantly thinking my stuff was a shoe in only to get back 4 largely unflattering critique letters back. I got disenchanted but learned to write bridges for my songs.
  11. Yes, in response to "how can I" questions on forums. "I'n CbB, you can just do such n' such". Like today on KVR. "Is there a VST that can load other VSTs?" I replied about Cake's fx chains. Most people look at CbB as some cult they don't want to join but the features are still compelling. A bit like telling People about Jesus. "Oh sure there he offers unconditional eternal spiritual life in heaven and all but....."
  12. There is no longer a "time" anymore. They just arrive when they do. Probably best.
  13. Bought a logitec wireless kbd and mouse for 19.00 at officemax last week.
  14. Is the main out bus pointed to the scarlet?
  15. If it's wireless, change the batteries. Secondly, try another, they're I dime a dozen at your office superstores. It's most assuredly not your pc that's at fault.
  16. I'm working on a project that is close to the edge and use an rme 9643 pci card. DPI latency is waaay low, asio ibuffers are always 1024. Suddenly I experienced what you described where it will play along then start "chewing" on the audio then dropout and stop. I chased that one too until I was at wits end and noticed the midi in indicator was full on when playing as if something was really dogging Cakewalk. I have 4 bcr2000s, a 88 key keyboard and drum set all connected via 5 pin din midi. So, I disabled all the midi ports including a tranzport and rtp midi for touchdaw. Things got better but not great until I saw a midi track record enabled. When I un-record enabled that midi track all seemed to settle down and I can fuss n' mix again without trouble. I haven't re-enabled the midi inputs to cakewalk as well, I'm not overdubbing midi anymore. I was, adding a b3 part to a "done" song when all this began to happen fwiw. Best of blessings with your issue.
  17. Is it crashing to the desktop? / completely disappear? If so, there is a recent thread about a group of users experiencing this since possibly the last Cakewalk and or Windows 10 update. Not that this will help but there is safety in numbers and misery loves company.
  18. They need to release an update. That will balance things out a bit.
  19. bitman


    Rockies, Avalanche, or it's off.
  20. Microsoft is out of control today. They used to be our friend but I don't know what's going on up there now.
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