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Everything posted by bitman

  1. Matrox cards are pretty pedestrian in terms of the load presented to the system so that's good for a daw.
  2. PSA: Out of the blue it seemed I couldn't monkey around with CbB too long without the aforementioned Hanging, circle of death, gray not responding conditions. Suspecting a failing data spinner drive I ran a chkdsk /r on it and saw it pause, looking at a block for about 10 minutes before continuing on without relocating or flagging it. So today I copied the files to a new drive and the Hanging, circle of death, gray not responding seem gone and I did everything I could to try and make it do it again.
  3. We couldn't directly link video and pics before. I hope this doesn't become a trend. video rants.
  4. I monkeyed with this! You could add wav files in as triggered events. If windows smartdrv.exe disk cache was loaded, an absolute must, then the first run of the .wav file would be late but subsequent plays would spool the audio right on time, every time. If smartdrv.exe was not loaded then windows would be unsuitably slow on a 386sx but the above issue was not there anymore. We are downright spoiled today. That's why I rarely complain, too much.
  5. Apps are short for applications because applications is too big of a word for today's lazy abbreviated generation. Consequently everything is an app today as marketing fears being out of step.
  6. I would not use a SB in the box, I would not use one to record a fox.
  7. a clipper followed by a limiter. Only shave 2db with the limiter. I prefer kazrog k-clip v1 or v2 LOUD!!!
  8. If your track focus is set to some automation rather than "clips" you can try to split or slip edit clips to your hearts content with no results whatsoever.
  9. Crash to desktop is what its called. Or ctd. - duh, but I for one have not had this issue. Win10 1709? Xeon machine, latest cbb, but ignored the latest hotfix because i wasnt having the fast bounce problem described.I have windows automatic updates off I think for good this time. I offer this info for the bakers as a case study of what does not ctd. Yet.
  10. Here, drums, keys, backup ohhs and ahhs, banjo, strings and anything else I can't just mic up and play are all midi. Only the guitar, bass and vox are "analog" CbB just keeps on truckin. ?
  11. I have a Macbook Air that was left here at my shop and forsaken because the system board won't charge the battery. Runs on AC fine. I have a windows CbB based "just me" rumpus room that is "complete". What should I do with this thing? Besides give it you you of course. :-)
  12. With early trepidation I have now gone head over heals for SSD. I still use a spinner drive for my audio drive and for file servers because of the constant writing that happens there but boy oh boy for your system boot drive, it's deliverance. And cheap and it's ok to drop em on the floor. If you fumble a spinner, largely game over.
  13. I wax nostalgic too. I remember sitting around broke in an apartment wishing I could get this and that. Now I can! sudo su apt-get this_and_that.
  14. I used to play drums in our worhip band, pretty cool, great singers in harmony, bass, acoustic guitars piano etc. Packed house every Sunday. Groovy pop rock music with me off the leash. There was no pedal anywhere. The pastorate turned over and in came a guitar slinging head pastor who could learn to arpeggiate. He put me on a short leash musically and is not a "cool" guy to be in a band with so after a decade I went back into the general congregation. Well, while he plays acoustic, a year ago a pedal board showed up at his station. I can't see what's there but there must be 6 or so pedals as if he went shopping. I turns one on from time to time but I can't hear what it might be. I don't ask because It's better to leave some sleeping dogs lie.
  15. Antelope 88, 72 water hole on 2 ready, break!
  16. Well, scookie, I uninstalled CbB and then BA switched from upgrade to install and downloaded the big file. Oddly this time around the time stamped setup exe file was not deleted as before after install so that cool.
  17. So, no more saving the full exe anymore to revert someday? I can see why Bandlab would want to do that it's just too bad for us.
  18. If you play rhythm guitar and who doesn't, and some version of melodyne installed then here is the recipe. 1. Turn off the metronome so you can't hear it. 2. Record your song the way you would play it. 3. (Work around step today) create a big melodyne region effect from your rhythm guitar track. 4. Drag the rhythm guitar track up to the time-line and drop it there. Sonar and Melodyne will modify the tempo map to match your playing. Now all midi can be quantized to that varying tempo map and time based effects will follow it too. Game changer
  19. It's broken for me again. Oh well fun while it lasted. If I hit reply it just says loading....
  20. When the new forum went online I could not post, only read as I stubbornly use the Seamonkey browser and integrated email client. Seamonkey doesn't do a lot of things as the web standards march on and Seamonkey development does not keep up so I don't complain but use another browser to do those other things if need be. Last night I replied to a post without realizing that I was using the monkey browser to do it. until I was done, then I realized whatever was keeping the forum from letting me post with monkey was gone! So I shall pester you all further.
  21. Oh absolutely. Shelve it and court another one. Absence will make the heart grow fonder and you'll re-like it and hear all your mix mistakes again at a later date.
  22. I never used drum maps because I don't understand them. partly because I suppose I don't see what problem the drum map fixes.
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