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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. We Apologize, this product is no longer available Sold out
  2. So no code no license upgrade?
  3. Looks like OhmForce may also be finally getting round to updating & reskinning their plugins! https://www.ohmforce.com/
  4. ?? I think you're confusing $149 deals...
  5. Had to break up the install because it was just taking too long - so I tried installing Mercury v9 1st then everything else. Mercury installed OK but when installing v11 remnants plus v12 updates - my system blue screened with a corrupted heap error. On rebooting this popped up: and when I tried installing the 2nd half again: had to locate SoundGrid and shut it down before the installer would continue. It's still installing... waiting to see more reasons why I should have waited.
  6. ??? KA-CHING!!! Though on second thought I might save/earn more switching to decaf. Still a great plugin even if I paid more.
  7. at B&H $22 dollars cheaper than UK price $38 cheaper than US price https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1378551-REG/crucial_ct2000mx500ssd1_mx500_2tb_2_5_ssd.html $183.99 Offer ends Oct 14 at 11:59 PM EDT
  8. I bought True Iron for $20 on Sep 6, 2020... ? That I could have waited 5 weeks and saved a penny is really binding my shorts ? I'm so distraught I'm going to click on Submit Reply, crawl under my desk and just soak the floor with my tears of frustration and disappointment while I rage at what use I might have made from my savings if I had known. ?
  9. B&H every now & then will have some audio software or thing-a-ma-jig at an absolutely killer price. Worth keeping an eye on their sales even if most of it ain't audio.
  10. TheSteven

    XLN updates

    Between 2.5" Stiffies and DVDs.... Or if you're video obsessed between VHS & DVD
  11. TheSteven

    XLN updates

    Maybe not substantive but they've constantly been tweaken'; they just don't make a fuss about it. This is like the 2nd AD2 update within the last month or 2. Can't think of the last time I really had an issue with AD2. As much as I like new & shiny I'll always go for reliable & stable in a crunch.
  12. LiquidSonic introduces Reverberate 3 What's New? Deeper Fusion-IR editing
. Enhanced True Stereo Simulation
. Extended Split Modulation
. Completely redesigned interface. New factory presets
 including two extra free Fusion-IR sample packs available for download (FS-24x and FS-48). More comprehensive parameter locking throughout the interface. VST3 now supported. Licensing now via iLok USB, Cloud and local host (including two activations per license). New permanent lower price ($99 down from $125). Now in Reverberate 3 you can modulate the simulated crossfeed channels bringing them to life in way you may have never thought possible without impacting the essential structure and onset characteristics of the sampled reverb. Available Free For 14 Days Reverberate 3 is available to try for free on macOS and Windows. You will require iLok License Manager, and an iLok 2/3 dongle, iLok local authorisation or iLok Cloud is required. Just enter the iLok code below in iLok License Manager and install the plug-in: 5096-3925-6096-2258-7752-8099-4483-16 After 14 days a full license is required to continue using the plug-in(s).
  13. No issue on this end with Heavy2. Try to download it again, maybe your download file is corrupt or incomplete.
  14. PA Brainworx bx_digital V3 for $39.99 till Mon Oct 12th 11:59PM https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_digital_v3.html Use this code: BXD-V3-3999
  15. UJAM Virtual Drummer updated to v2.1 If you own a 2nd generation Virtual Drummer, such as HEAVY 2, SOLID 2 or PHAT 2, please head over to your account to download the free 2.1 updates. Please note that 1st generation Virtual Drummers won’t update automatically, upgrade offers to the 2nd generation are available for 19 EUR / USD per plug-in. Below you’ll find what’s new: You can now quantize Virtual Drummer to match the playback tempo of your DAW. Choose a starting point from the current grid, 1/4, 1/8, or 1/16 notes. You’ll never miss a beat again – promised! PreSonus Studio One users running on version 4.6.2 or later will now find style names and drum-elements printed on the keys of their piano roll. This makes finding the right styles and drums for your track a walk in the park. Another cool feature to speed up your production: the scale range of styles and instruments are highlighted on the left side of your piano roll. Last but not least, we also fixed some minor bugs for a better workflow.
  16. PA elysia mpressor for $29.99 till Mon Oct 12th 11:59PM https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/elysia_mpressor.html Use this code: ELY-MPR-2999
  17. TheSteven

    BF Watch List

    Scaler 2 - normal price is $59 Liquidsonics - Seventh Heaven or Seventh Heaven Pro Bundle
  18. But you can drop all off the other bundled services except Internet access - cutting down to Cable Internet, NetFlix & Prime I saved $150 a month if not more.
  19. (didn't know there were 4 of these BC updates when I started, but should have known as they share a number of features...) from email announcement: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Customer, We are happy to announce the release of Blue Cat's Late Replies 1.42. This new version comes with many improvements and fixes, such as fx tail spillover support, hi-res graphics, improved bypassed and presets navigation (full change list below). This is a free update that you can download from the same location as the original full version (you may have to refresh the web page): Download Blue Cat's Late Replies 1.42 What's New: New Features & Improvements: Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for Late Replies itself or built-in delays and reverbs). Also applies to sub sections (Pattern & Feedback Loops). Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser. The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for built-in effects. Smoother presets switching. Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition). New high resolution graphics for knobs and sliders. Reduced disk footprint. Fixes: Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update). Fixed: several issues with hosted plug-ins bypass (graphical glitches, untriggered bypass...). Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays. Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values. Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues. Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog. Mac: fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band...). Mac: fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in. Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule...). Enjoy!
  20. from email announcement: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Customer, We are happy to announce the release of Blue Cat's PatchWork 2.43. This new version comes with many improvements and fixes, such as fx tail spillover support, hi-res graphics, improved bypassed and presets navigation (full change list below). This is a free update that you can download from the same location as the original full version (you may have to refresh the web page): Download Blue Cat's PatchWork 2.43 What's New: New Features & Improvements: Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for PatchWork itself or built-in delays and reverbs). Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser. The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for built-in effects. Smoother presets switching. Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition). New high resolution graphics for knobs and sliders. Reduced disk footprint. Fixes: Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update). Fixed: several issues with hosted plug-ins bypass (graphical glitches, untriggered bypass...). Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays. Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values. Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues. Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog. Mac: fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band...). Mac: fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in. Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule...). Enjoy!
  21. from email announcement: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Customer, We are happy to announce the release of Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer 3.33. This new version comes with many improvements and fixes, such as fx tail spillover support, hi-res graphics, improved bypassed and presets navigation (full change list below). This is a free update that you can download from the same location as the original full version (you may have to refresh the web page): Download Blue Cat's MB-7 Mixer 3.33 What's New: New Features & Improvements: Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for the plug-in itself or built-in delays and reverbs). Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser. The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for built-in effects. Smoother presets switching. Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition). New high resolution graphics for knobs and sliders. Reduced disk footprint. Fixes: Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update). Fixed: several issues with hosted plug-ins bypass (graphical glitches, untriggered bypass...). Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays. Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values. Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues. Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog. Mac: fixed keyboard not responding in registration panel in some host applications (LUNA, Garage Band...). Mac: fixed demo version that could hang Logic when reloading projects using the plug-in. Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule...). Enjoy!
  22. from email announcement: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Customer, We are happy to announce the release of Blue Cat's Axiom 1.5. This new version comes with many improvements and fixes, such as fx tail spillover support and completely revamped factory presets (full change list below). This is a free update that you can download from the same location as the original full version (you may have to refresh the web page): Download Blue Cat's Axiom 1.5 What's New: New Features & Improvements: Tail spillover: activate tail spillover from the toolbar to play effects tail when bypassed (available for Axiom itself or built-in delays and reverbs such as Late Replies). Also applies to sub sections (channel A/B, Pre or Post FX etc.). Revamped Guitar & Bass Factory presets: - New hi hain presets using custom impulse responses (IR). - New responsive clean and crunch presets. - Reduced loudness and spectral balance discrepencies between presets. - Adjusted effects levels to preserve loudness when bypassed. - Adjusted reverb levels on all presets. - Most presets now support input overload gracefully (like "real world" amps): feel free to push the input gain by a few dBs! - New default preset to get started quickly with the software. Arrow keys can now be used to navigate presets, in the main view or in the presets browser. The opacity of the tone map window can now be adjusted for amp simulation and built-in effects. Smoother presets switching. Improved smooth plug-in bypass (faster and smoother transition). Fixes: Fixed: built-in Late Replies sometimes cut delay tail when using plug-ins in the feedback loops. Fixed: output was mono when both A and B are off and I/O configuration is mono to stereo. Fixed: the state of some VST2 plug-ins (which do not save their state as chunks) were not be restored properly if their number of parameters had been changed (e.g. FabFilter Pro-Q's latest update). Mac: fixed GUI performance issues on native P3 displays and improved performance on other displays. Mac: fixed mouse wheel that required large movements to change parameter values. Mac: fixed mouse cursor flickering issues. Mac: fixed Esc key not closing fine edit parameter dialog. Mac Audio Unit: fixed plug-in listing in some host applications (Plogue Bidule...). Enjoy!
  23. From newsletter: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Finally, a new update! The focus for this one was on bug fixes and underhood improvements. I am personally most excited about adding support for native Apple Metal and OpenGL rendering. This will finally solve the problems with GUI speed on macOS! One feature that was requested a lot was to prevent graph reset when presets change. This was added and it will work with most presets, but some will require a reset, however, you will be notified if that happens. Adobe has reached to help me with some crashes in Audition and Premiere Pro, so that is now solved. Also, many other compatibility issues with various DAWs were solved too. I have added support for direct file drag and drop analysis. Translated to English, drag and drop won't increase ram usage while analyzing which will improve stability when analyzing big files. Also, drag and drop now has time remaining estimate which will be super useful when analyzing long audio files. I really want to thank all beta testers! This update required a lot of testing and it couldn't be done without our beta testers! If everything goes well with this update, the next thing will be a new plugin! Can't wait for you to try it out! Changelog: Fixed VST plugin not showing inside EDIUS Fixed VST3 constantly resetting in Adobe Audition Fixed AU plugin not working on some older macOS versions Fixed crash that can occur if loading saved project and using timecode with the auto-reset off Fixed loudness target knob using frac position when manually setting Fixed CPU spike when resetting the graphs Fixed audio dropouts when using higher sample rates Fixed FCPX muting channels when rendering and using 5.1 channel configuration Fixed slow analysis with lower sample rates Fixed mono mpg files do not work with drag and drop on Windows Fixed drag and drop not working with mono or multichannel AIFF files on macOS Fixed true peak max value sometimes not shown in the excel export Fixed true peak not correct on mouseover when the relative scale is used Fixed export creating incomplete graphs for PDF and SVG files Fixed SmartScreen warning on Windows Fixed crash with VST2 and DAVID MultiTrack Editor Fixed crash in Cakewalk Fixed crash with VST2 and Wavelab Fixed crash with Adobe Audition Fixed crash with Adobe Premiere Pro Fixed crash with Soundforge Pro 12 Fixed crash when analyzing huge files on Windows Fixed audio glitches when using VST2 inside Adobe Premiere Pro Fixed big ram usage when analyzing big files Improved VST2 stability in some daws Improved VST3 stability in some daws Rewritten GUI engine. Hardware acceleration is now supported If hardware acceleration is not supported, software rendering will be used Added hold CTRL to set the default preset in the drop-down menu Added option to show both integrated relative and dialog gated readout at the same time Added Analyze File menu item on the standalone application Added HBO, Disney+, EBU R128 S2, and EBU R128 S2 Music streaming presets Added remaining time info for drag and drop Added support for RF64 WAV encoding for analyzing 4gb+ files Removed message box information when exporting graphs Removed support for macOS 10.7 Analyze multi mono files as one file by using .L.wav, .R.wav, etc. extensions with drag and drop Changing the preset won’t reset the measurements unless required Collapsed groups inside drop-down menus are now saved globally Changed color of the focus rectangle in order to make the text more readable The export custom path will be globally retained Other small UI, UX improvements Download: https://youlean.co/download-youlean-loudness-meter
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