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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. SanDisks are extremely durable, water proof, etc. for same money I'd go in that direction.
  2. Note: none of these SanDisks are the Pro version which can be twice as fast (up to 2000MB/sec. data transfer speed) SanDisk - Extreme Pro Portable 2TB External USB-C NVMe SSD cheapest I saw that was at BestBuy for $239.99 Was $354.99 1TB version $163.99
  3. better deal - 2tb version at Amazon $149.99
  4. Check out Sonokenetic they have some bells, they might have one as a giveaway or on sale during their 12 days of Christmas specials.
  5. Maybe @bitflipper and/or @Fleer might be able to be able to comment on this. I picked up a bunch of excellent libs from the https://www.theunfinished.co.uk/ last year to use with my Omnisphere for a couple of projects and then went in an entirely another direction (haven't used any softsynths in my current round of projects). Edit: Lol - I see bitflipper beat my posting.
  6. Download 'em here (except for Voltage Modular quicker and easier): https://store.cherryaudio.com/my/settings/library
  7. Agreed. While Tai Chi has a number of interesting effected verbs some of the clean ones are wonderful Tai Chi | Acoustic Guitar 1 Clean in Tai Chai Audio Examples (soundcloud.com)
  8. The pre-delay knob is actually right there on the upper left of the title screen of the video. I guess they updated the title screen on an older video - didn't want to waste a Dan Worral presentation...
  9. Back when , after my father had a heart attack I was staying with him & mom and didn't have access to my DAW - I ended up buying a number of 8dio libraries in part because of multiple people on this forum pushing sales like it was the new sliced bread and in part because it partially relieved my frustration. Once I got home and tried using several of them I was, to say the least, a little disappointed. Time intensive and awkward to use with less than stellar results - could have been all on me but not inclined to think so. I wrote it up in the I should have known better than to buy multiple libraries without actually using at least one of them first column and have not touched them since. So while I'm curious if Sound Paint makes their stuff usable I am reluctant to throw more money at that company.
  10. in this case $25 Actually I'm interested in the answer too.
  11. Put the alt folders in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 Such as... C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\AAS C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Softube C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\FabFilter etc. Don't have to add any folders to your scan paths and works across all Windows DAWs
  12. Intro offer: Metering Bundle | 3 days left The Metering Bundle contains the plug-ins true:balance and true:level. While true:balance precisely monitors the spectral balance of your track, true:level enables you to keep an eye on the interplay of loudness and dynamics. Metering Bundle Two exceptional metering plug-ins bundled together 82,50 € 57,50 € 40,83 € Also available for purchase seperately.
  13. Who do you think you're fooling? You'd still be hanging around here waiting for your turn to say "My moniker is abacab and I am a plugin addict." If you had bought Omnisphere, what you'd be saying now is "Looking back, I wish I had spent $500 on getting Keyscape up front too!" and you'd still have all those other synths for their 'tonal colors'. Remember the forum mantra: Bapu abides... Bapu he buys... Bapu installs... then on he rides... My moniker is TheSteven and I am a plugin addict.
  14. Hmm. I think I need to create a plugin with that name... The sound of riding your bike past a fence and hearing a musician on the other side. Options: Picket, ChainLink, Cement Brick (pink), Cement Brick (gray - pink is brighter, but only golden-ears can tell difference), WoodPlank & finally Barb-Wire, 4 knobs - input, output, speed of bike & age of fence. Would $50 for 2 installs be considered too offensive? (pun intended)
  15. Is that an issue since you get a free player license/version? It's only libraries that require the full version of Kontakt 7 where that might be a showstopper.
  16. No problem registering it with Native Access v1.14.1 but need to install with the Sonokinetic app.
  17. Uses iLok tech, but dongle isn't required. You can install it on directly your computer or use the cloud version. At this point I prefer using an iLok dongle to many of the other registration/activation schemes out there. But YMMV, really don't want to derail this thread on the merits +/- of iLok.
  18. Luftrum Winter Sale from December 5 - 28 save up to 50% Luftrum Winter Sale ❄️ I am excited to announce this: Lunaris 2 is coming on December 9. Watch the presentation video below. The Luftrum Winter Sale has finally arrived, and with a few exceptions, everything is 40-50% off and this includes Bioscape and Lunaris, but we are running low on Lunaris licenses, and when they are sold out, that's it. Use the magic code hellosnow in the Sound Shop to apply the discount. But the sale is not the only gift this year because reports have reached us that three $150 Gift Cards have escaped the sound lab and are on the loose! Disguised in gold paper and jumping into random orders in December. Watch out, they could be anywhere and might arrive in your inbox together with your order. Whether you are a newsletter lurker or a long-time loyal customer, I want to say thank you. Many things are competing for your attention, and your support is not something I take for granted. Until the Lunaris 2 release on Friday. Stay frosty! Soren Luftrum www.luftrum.com Lunaris 2 is coming this Friday. Some of your questions are answered in the vid below. Listen to some pads while the new features are revealed...
  19. Common guys if you're creating a post for something include a link. https://www.audiothing.net/plugins/ Also LiquidSonics Reverberate 3 is currently on sale for $49 till Dec 11. They both appear competitive in terms of features.
  20. Really though - do any of the freebies strike you as worth the $10? Not being sarcastic - just curious. Was underwhelmed by the Trinty sound demo, can't see me using it - but YMMV. If I spend the $10 it would be for the freebie.
  21. Melda 16.02 changes New MSoundFactory Added new GranularSampler.module. MTurboAmp Added new amps (Ceres, Liber) and pedals (Blues OD, Keba fuzz) MDrummer Added 4 utility buses to MDrummer’s mixer useful for mixing acoustic drums. MDrummer Added Master track to MDrummer’s mixer. Available only in MDrummer1out version. Arpeggiator allows selecting multiple octave shifts per step. MDrummer Added LoudnessAnalyzer module to MDrummer. MDrummer Derandomize cymbal selection by Auto Crash feature when Random Loops are disabled. MDrummer Prevent the randomly chosen loops from repeating. MDrummer Added drag & drop feature for effects in Mdrummer mixer effect pipeline. Minor improvements and fixes Added “Expression” value mode to multiparameters, which lets you produce custom units using mathematical expressions. MUtility Added more operators and improved documentation for all “mathematical expression” fields (e.g. MTurboFilter and MUtility) [MTurboFilter] Added new Drive parameter for additional operations with filters - i.e dry/wet. [MTurboFilter] Added new Hysteresis, Shaper, EZShaper, Compander, Feedback, Bit reducer and Sample rate reducer modules. MSoundFactory Pitch-bend range now defaults to 48 semitones to comply with MPE. Most plugins now contain the global Menu button for easier access to the Downloader and the “Detach device” feature. MConvolutionMB Added “Supply missing channels” option, useful to disable on surround/ambisonics processing. Randomizer multiparameters (and triggers in general) can be now triggered from other MPs, modulators etc. MAutoAlign Added support for showing used groups in plugin group list. MTurboDelay Added info to individual devices and possibility to store presets for each device. MMultiAnalyzer MMultiAnalyzer now displays number of duplicates to ease work with multiple projects at the same time. Downloader now displays version number for each installed product. The updates are still installed automatically upon startup. Added “High-resolution automation for Logic” option for AU plugins on Mac, which could solve the horrific automation resolution problem in Logic. It is dangerous, so use it at your own risk. MSuperLooper Added drag & drop feature for loops to DAW, or other tracks. MSaturator MWaveShaper Added gain reduction meter to plugins: MSaturator, MSaturatorMB, MWaveShaper, MWaveShaperMB MAutoAlign Added plugin toolbar featuring WAV rendering for example. Fixes Fix MDrummer MDrummer could freeze when playing rhythms and clicking drums at the same time. Fix MTurboEQ Passive device modified the sound even with “zero” settings, which after further investigation wasn’t correct. Fix Equalizers could crash in ambisonics channel mode. Fix Uninstaller could produce “Cannot delete registry key” error message. Fix MSuperLooper MSuperLooper could crash when mangling with track Input and Output values. Fix Using global modulators driven by feedback could lead to problems if the buffer sizes were changing or if MIDI (or other) events have been intercepted. Fix Plugins could freeze when changing multiparameter mode in some extreme circumstances. Fix Multiline edits did not properly understand Mac newlines. Fix Preset backup didn’t work properly with the new format. Fix MSoundFactory Changing advanced sample modulation state may have not update the processing until project reload. Fix Group based phase sync between modules & modulators didn’t work. Fix MDrummer MDrummer opened inside another plugin could freeze when loading drumsets for example. Fix MDrummer MDrummer’s Load archive feature could freeze. Fix MSoundFactory NoiseGenerator could produce incorrect level for pink noise & stairs for a first note when global oversampling was used.
  22. Because Seventh Heaven Pro is considered a separate product vs an upgrade to Seventh Heaven you can use the discount for Seventh Heaven Pro. Discount codes on Lite versions aren't usable on upgrades to the full versions. Because they are considered separate products there is no upgrade discount going from Seventh Heaven to SH Pro other than the 5%. And if you own both you can stack both coupons on another product.
  23. Can I have my cat back? She's the best background singer that I currently can afford...
  24. What are your favorites? I own 7th Heaven and just picked up Reverberate 3 &Tai Chi. With these prices and discounts might consider picking up another..
  25. More info on AYAIC MIX MONOLITH Edit: You can't hear the mix he says he's going to play because YouTube blocked it and he had to edit it out or lose the whole video. I'm not a 'let something make my mix/tone decisions for me' kind of guy. So I don't think I would normally even use this. But if I found myself in a situation where I had to mix someone else's beast of a project in a short period of time - I might consider trying it. Still I might try this at some point and compare it to something I lovingly mixed to see how it compares... (like I'll ever have time for that ) Missed the sale back when because this wasn't even on my radar - it's currently on sale for $99 (December sale 50% of MSRP) from developer. https://www.ayaicinc.com/mix-monolith
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