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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Hmm... I'm sure that as a special favor that they would be happy to grant me an exception and charge me more... Can I have your email address to include you?
  2. INK Audio Holiday Sale Begins Today! 30% Off Everything with HOLIDAY30 at checkout until Dec 31. old post on INK Voice library
  3. Please enhance the error message that appears when plugin is missing or can't load. The current error message is woefully inadequate it only shows the plugin name and an option to perform a futile search on Cakewalk's web site. The error message should show what format of plugin is missing (DX, VST32, VST64, VST3) and what patch was being used. I can understand that maybe this may not be possible to do with an older project but it is something that is long overdue to be added as a current feature. Over the years my VST usage has evolved from 32 bit to 64 bit to VST3 and it is common even when I open even a fairly new project that one or more VSTs don't load. Cakewalk will tell you the name of the plugin that fails to load but no info on its format (32/64/VST/VST3/etc) or what preset it was using. With some projects I then have to ponder is it even worth continuing work on it as it can take several hours (or days depending on available time) per plugin to locate and install older versions until I either hit the right one or ultimately fail. At least if I knew what format I could either zero in on the correct installer or just replace it. I know that this isn't the first time that this has been requested and at this point it has probably become my most vexing Cakewalk issue.
  4. I am so tired of plugins not appearing in Cakewalk projects. I have seen this happen in my other DAWS but as I do 95% of my work in Cakewalk its handling of this issue affects me the most. Because over the years my VST usage has evolved from 32 bit to 64 bit to VST3 it is common when I open even a fairly new project that one or more VSTs don't load. Cakewalk will tell you the name of the plugin that fails to load but no info on its format (32/64/VST/VST3/etc) or what preset it was using. I can see that maybe it isn't possible with an older project to do this but common Cakewalk it's long overdue to be added to current features. With some projects I then have to ponder is it even worth continuing work on it as it can take several hours (or days depending on available time) per plugin to locate and install older versions until I either hit the right one or ultimately fail. At least if I knew what format I could either zero in on the correct installer or just move on and replace it. Edit: I added a request (again) to have this issue addressed. If this is a concern of your's please comment on it or just rate it.
  5. The Unfinished 40% off Christmas Sale Some of the best in soft synth presets... Code: OpenTheBoxOfDelights https://www.theunfinished.co.uk/store/
  6. Interesting... Izotope site says "Tax included at Review Order" but no tax was added. My tax rate is 10.25%
  7. But you won't end up stepping on one ? with bare feet in the middle of the night either...
  8. If you already own Zebra 2 is there a point to picking up Hive and / or Repro? Doesn't it cover the same sonic territory?
  9. CableGuys - ShaperBox 3.2 released https://www.cableguys.com Changelog for ShaperBox 3 (inc. TimeShaper 3, DriveShaper 2, NoiseShaper 2, FilterShaper Core 3, LiquidShaper, CrushShaper 2, VolumeShaper 7, PanShaper 4, WidthShaper 3) 3.2 - December 15, 2022 =================================== - New: 41 additional Cymbal and Percussion noise types for NoiseShaper. - New: Pitch control for NoiseShaper, up to +/- 24 semitones. - Fixed: ShaperBox could crash after expanding the LFO wave in TimeShaper. - Fixed: The vectorscope in Pan and Width Shapers was missing the right-hand side of the graph when displaying a 100% sides signal. 3.1.1 - November 25, 2022 (in case you missed it) =================================== - New: Vectorscope stereo analyzer for PanShaper and WidthShaper. - Improved: Your ShaperBox 1/2 custom presets can now be synced to ShaperBox 3. To use the feature, open ShaperBox 1 or 2 and select Sync from the Main Menu (three lines icon). Next open ShaperBox 3 and click the Sync button in the top bar (or via Main Menu). Your synced presets will appear in the My Presets area, prefixed "SB1" or "SB2". If you delete/alter/rename them in ShaperBox 3, they remain visible and unchanged in ShaperBox 1/2. - Improved: NoiseShaper's noise download dialog will not be shown again once cancelled. - Fixed: Oscilloscope Tool was not resized when the Global Audio Trigger panel was open. - Fixed: If the plugin was loaded while a selected MIDI device port was unavailable, the plugin internally defaulted to DAW MIDI, causing unexpected results.
  10. No. Listen to the sound demos at Auburn Sounds Cheesy. You already own better.
  11. TheSteven

    Spectral Layers

    Ahem... Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 9 - Upgrade from SpectraLayers Pro 6 or 7 $59.99 Edit: SpectraLayers Elements by Steinberg - Spectral Audio Editor VST VST3 $47.99 Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 9 - Upgrade from SpectraLayers Elements 6, 7, or 8 $131.99 or get both $179.98 as save @20.01 over Steinberg deal. I have Pro v8 - need to check new features before I jump...
  12. Here's the video you tried to link. Paul Third has a number of insightful videos. GSatPlus mentioned at 4:20 but listen to whole video. Here's a link to GStatPlus https://www.tbproaudio.de/products/gsatplus Here's another Paul Third video on GSatPlus - this time bashing SSL Fusion Drive
  13. As they say YMMV A different way of looking at it is that an iLok dongle is activation protection - activate a plugin on the dongle once and rarely if ever will you have to activate it again. Yeah dongles can fail but what piece of a computer can't?
  14. + if you haven't used your coupon code yet - that drops it further Lovely sounding, good inspiration fuel... Even if I can't directly use it in a project it can give me ideas for what will.
  15. Sonokinetic Day 12 of 12 - Maximo €75.00 vs €249.90 https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/maximo/
  16. I thought that what Smart:Limit was supposed to achieve. 1. Make it quick & Easy 2. then have controls to tweak is desired. Agree 100% Sounds like they just dumbed down the UI to create another product. I.E. got rid of #2 mention above. When SoundTheory's Gullfoss came up with different versions they just added them to the bundle. Sonible should take note.
  17. Did anyone check these new plugins out? Kind of seems to be reploughing territory already cover by iZotope, Nugen, etc. (though perhaps more affordably).
  18. You're supposed to need them? Dang, I wish someone would have told me that before. I could have saved all kinds of money.
  19. Voxengo SPAN Plus version 1.21 update released (and 25% off) December 12, 2022: Voxengo is happy to announce the release of SPAN Plus version 1.21 - an extended real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer plug-in for professional music and audio production applications. SPAN Plus is available in AAX, AudioUnit, VST, and VST3 plug-in formats, for macOS and Windows computers. SPAN Plus is an extended version of the freeware SPAN plug-in: SPAN Plus provides several additional features such as PNG file export, real-time spectrum import/export, static spectrums display, and a “wide” spectrum display. Changes in this version: · Made the spectrum also export its "Filled Display" setting, useful when many spectrums are shown at the same time. This is an often-asked-for feature. Note that you may need to revisit the "Filled Display" setting of some individual tracks. This new feature allows you to export some tracks with the "filled" setting enabled while others without it; or to display the main spectrum filled while displaying imported spectrums without filling. This new feature can be disabled via the "Import Spectrum Filling" global setting. · Made the CSV spectrum saving also save the frequency values and channel names. · Made the "Static Spectrums" window auto-fill the spectrum names on "Take" and "Load". · Fixed non-working static spectrum's shifting when the "Offset" (Normalize/Center) display mode is used. · Added factory ROM presets previously available in SPAN. · Changed spectrum's "Freq Lo" maximum to 500 Hz (down from 1000 Hz), and "Freq Hi" minimum to 600 (down from 2000 Hz), to permit finer low- and mid-frequency range selections. · Added the "Spectrum, meter border" palette modifier, visual features. Updated palettes. The "Flat Panels" global settings is now a part of color scheme's visual features. · Made a small speed-up of GUI loading and drawing. · Fixed an issue with popup-menus not functioning in Logic Pro on Apple M1 native. · Implemented "Portable Setups" support (portable settings and authorization storage), read more in the Primary User Guide. Note that this and all further updates require a processor with SSSE3 support (generally, any Intel processor released since 2006, and any AMD processor released since 2011); all Intel Macs are compatible (Apple Silicon Macs have NEON instead). SPAN Plus provides you with a very flexible “mode” system which you can use to setup your spectrum analyzer preferences. You may specify Fourier block size in samples, FFT window overlap percentage, spectrum's visual slope. Beside that you can choose to display secondary spectrum of a desired type (e.g. real-time maximum, all-time maximum). Spectrum can be smoothed out visually for an easier examination. SPAN Plus supports multi-channel analysis and can be set to display spectrums from two different channels or channel groups at the same time. Spectrum's color can be chosen to taste. SPAN Plus also features output level metering with adjustable ballistics and integration time, K-metering (including calibration K-metering). SPAN Plus displays level metering statistics, headroom estimation and clipping detection. Correlation metering is available as well. SPAN Plus features: · Real-time spectrum import/export · PNG file export · CSV spectrum file load/save · Static spectrums display · Output signal power statistics · Spectrum smoothing · User interface window resizing · True peak and clipping statistics · Correlation meter · EBU R128 LUFS/LU metering · K-metering · Stereo and multi-channel analysis · Mid/side analysis · Internal channel routing · Channel grouping · Preset manager · Undo/redo history · A/B comparisons · Contextual hint messages · All sample rates support · Retina and HighDPI support Demo version of SPAN Plus can be downloaded freely at the Voxengo web site: https://www.voxengo.com/product/spanplus/?eref=ml
  20. Not worth installing unless it requires iLok, translating sections of the Constitution into French (thanks @Fleer, those verbs mess with me) and paying in BitCoin. Of course I joke, it's a nice plugin. I originally picked this up in 2017, can't say that I've gotten any spam as I have more than once forgotten who WaveArts is. Oh yeah, they make... They have some other freebies too.
  21. My only complaint with Blue Cat plugins is that they desperately need a unified installer.
  22. Blue Cat Audio - Massive Free Updates & Customer Offers We are happy to announce that all our software (30 products!) has been updated! Full change list is available here. If you own the latest version, you can download these free updates using the link(s) received by email upon purchase. You can also retrieve all your links and licenses here instantly with your email address. And since Blue Cat Audio will turn 20 in 2023, our exclusive end of year customer offers are crazy this year (up to 60% off, until the end of 2022), don't miss them! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What’s New For All Plug-Ins (including Freeware): – Apple Silicon support for AAX Plug-in Format What’s New For Blue Cat’s Axiom 1.65: – New macro controls editor to edit plug-in parameters mapping. – Assign multiple parameters from multiple plug-ins to a single macro control, and adjust the range for each parameter. – Assign a name to each macro control, that is now displayed in automation lanes in most host applications (may require a session reload in some cases). – Parameters names for existing sessions will be automatically updated upon load. – Select macro knobs appearance among 18 predefined styles. – New learn modes to quickly assign plug-in parameters. – MIDI output is now enabled in standalone application. – Select individual MIDI I/O in standalone application. – Added an option in global & preset input settings to send MIDI events when MIDI-enabled parameters are modified in the plug-in (to update control surfaces accordingly). – In most plug-in formats, internal audio I/O configuration can now be selected regardless of the configuration defined by the host (you can for example force “mono to stereo” instead of full stereo to save CPU). – Axiom App now uses Apple’s Hardened Runtime and the installer has been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac. – New transport toolbar in Axiom app, including pause, rewind and tempo selection (with tap tempo). – Improved performance to load the user interface. – Improved VST parameter value display in some host applications. – Fixed bypass that did not let MIDI messages go thru for some MIDI plug-ins. – Fixed some GUI resizing issues with some VST3 plug-ins. – Includes Late Replies 1.6 and updated presets. – Includes Hot Tuna 1.2 with improved tuning precision. – Built-in Late Replies delay/reverb plug-in now opens in guitarist-friendly “EZ” mode by default. – Mac: installers and plug-ins have been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac OS Catalina and newer. What’s New For Blue Cat’s PatchWork 2.61: – New transport toolbar in PatchWork app, including pause, rewind and tempo selection (with tap tempo). – Added Ambisonic (1st order) and alternate surround formats (up to 8ch) support for Pro Tools. – Fixed an issue with some VST3 plug-ins requiring to click twice on the bypass button to get bypassed. What’s New For Blue Cat’s Plug’n Script 3.33: – Actual parameter names (as set in the scripts) should now be visible in automation lanes in most host applications (may require a session reload in some cases). – VST: improved parameter value display in some host applications. – The application is now using Apple’s hardened runtime, and the installer has been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac. You may have to add the –force option to code signing command line if you are signing your binaries. – Added Ambisonic and alternate surround formats support for Pro Tools (Plug’n Script only: not yet for exported plug-ins). What’s New For Blue Cat’s Remote Control 3.11: – custom control names should now be visible in automation lanes in most host applications (may require a session reload in some cases). – VST: improved parameter value display in some host applications. – Mac: installers and plug-ins have been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac OS Catalina and newer. What’s New for other plug-ins (AcouFiend 1.11, Connector 1.11, DP Meter Pro 4.31, Destructor 1.62, Dynamics 4.41, FreqAnalyst Multi 2.41 & Pro 2.11, Hot Tuna 1.2, Liny EQ 5.21, MB-5 Dynamix 2.21, Oscilloscope Multi 2.41, PolyVibe 1.01, Protector 2.31, Re-Guitar 1.21, Re-Head 1.21, StereoScope Multi 2.41 & Pro 2.11): – Fixed VST3 version not always loading properly in Ableton Live 11. – Improved VST parameter value display in some host applications. – Added an option in global & preset input settings to send MIDI events when MIDI-enabled parameters are modified in the plug-in (to update control surfaces accordingly). – Improved undo management and automation when using the mouse wheel to move knobs. – AAX: Fixed erratic mouse behavior in Pro Tools on Mac. – Mac: installers and plug-ins have been notarized to avoid security warnings on Mac OS Catalina and newer. – Blue Cat’s Connector ASIO driver: fixed I/O names not displayed in some hosts that do not initialize the driver before listing the audio I/O (Cantabile, vMix). – Blue Cat’s Hot Tuna: the plug-in now displays the distance to perfect pitch in cents. – Fixed VST & VST3 automation not recording properly in some hosts for plug-ins with output parameters (Cubase 11, Ableton Live).
  23. Maybe, but I'm seeing that (BF deals continuing through Dec) all over the place. If I am going to upgrade I'll need a better deal. Not that it isn't a good product, I just didn't use v1 enough to justify upgrading it unless it's a smoking deal.
  24. That's the $99 suite upgrade price... it's not a change
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