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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Hmm. Could've sworn... Sorry. Odd, maybe they didn't feel like competing with what was already included? Dunno per https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/synths/fm8/ near bottom of page. So for $10 (the OP deal) you get 1200 presets and a synth that can import tons of free or 3rd party ones. Still sounds like a no brainer to me.
  2. I love F'em but F'em can only import Tracktion Content (Sound) Packs (unless you care to program your own). That it can't import DX patches or even sysex files is a major flaw/limitation (at least in MHO) and locks you into the Tracktion universe for patches. There are tons of free patches that can be imported into FM8 as well as commercial patches from 3rd parties (ADSR, PluginGuru, theUnfinished, etc.). A great use for those almost useless $25 NI vouchers you get when buying Komplete or other NI stuff is to pickup FM8 or Massive patch libraries. Edit: As pointed out below it turns out NI isn't selling any FM8 libraries, my bad.
  3. Looks like http://soundbytesmag.net/ is now offline. @bitflipper is this an oversight or has SoundBytesMag left this realm and sailed over the horizon?
  4. That's a crazy deal. Since picking up FM7 (then later FM8) I stopped using my DX7IIFD because it/they just nailed the sounds of my patches.
  5. Thanks @User 905133 I stand corrected. Been up all night (insomnia) somehow I didn't see it.
  6. From website: No audio demos on website and no real descriptions of included sounds (e.g. door slams, footsteps, body falling on a wood floor, monkey farts, etc.) other than that some are clock ticks. Maybe this is a great collection of noises but without more information the one sound you won't hear is me opening my wallet even at this price. See post from @User 905133 below
  7. I haven't tried VStomp with clean tones yet but happy with it, as I mentioned previously it as good or better than a most of the amp sims I own. A question to those of you creating ToneX captures (since it's better been brought up multiple times on this thread already) - are you using the TONEX Capture Re-amp Box?
  8. It's back on sale again for $9.99 https://shop.hotoneaudio.com/products/vstomp Maybe they got there license delivery system fixed, so you don't have to engage support to get your serial number.
  9. Yes I did opt out of the cleanup , I have 16.08 and all the VST2/VST3 plugins are dated 7/31/23 9:50+pm Don't know what the time stamps on the beta version were and don't know if that means anything as many devs only update the installer and not the beta plugins if no changes to the plugins were made.
  10. From my understanding you rarely need to run the 'clean-up', maybe when upgrading between major versions and even then the amount of disk spaces saved/wasted is miniscule* - the VST/VST3 files just get overwritten anyway**. *unless you had the MSoundFactory Instruments installed and decide NOT install them this time. **unless you change the VST 2.4 location. I rarely opt for the cleanup, unless you're having issues it's just a waste of time.
  11. Doesn't look like it. Manual implies that if your controller doesn't use C11 that you either need to obtain a different controller or use a utility to remap the controller you're using to C11. Hmm, It's showing up in my Bitwig.
  12. I never got an email confirming purchase, etc. I got the serial from tech support and then had to go through 'help center' to redeem it. The process took a couple of days.
  13. Demos (quite impressive): https://www.synful.com/synful-demos
  14. Website now says "SOLD OUT" Was I the only one who bought this?
  15. ^indeed, @jesse g, indeed. The suspense and anticipation of the deferred installation had us all on the edges of our seats. ? ? ? ? Would @Bapu install it as he had done 7,238 times before? ? or would he fumble at the last moment distracted by another deal? ? Many of us wonder if @cclarry was even trying, in previous years he would have tried blocking Bapu with 3 or 4 other deals, alas... It was a real popcorn moment, glad I was here to witness it.
  16. Aside from line in the change list MGuitarArchitect: Added NeuralAmpLoader plugin to support Neural Amp Models (*.nam files). what does this mean? Not finding any info on Melda site
  17. Orchestration Recipes: The Icon Project Introductory pricing at $29.99 until the end of the month, will be $45 thereafter. More info https://orchestrationrecipes.com/iconproject/ or https://vi-control.net/community/threads/the-icon-project-new-from-orchestration-recipes.142245/
  18. the 5w amps are currently on sale for $69 ($30 off) They sound nice and even have FX loops, but don't need another amp If I was to pick one up I'd probably go for this one, though most of the others sound nice as well https://shop.hotoneaudio.com/products/heart-attack https://www.hotoneaudio.com/products/nano-legacy/heart-attack I tried the VST demo. For rock it sounds better than a number of other sims I have. Don't have anything on hand to test the clean or chime tones and need to run some errands so don't have the time to hook up a guitar right now. I bought it but haven't yet received my license - website says order is waiting to be fulfilled. Probably requires a human to process order.
  19. https://vstomp.hotoneaudio.com/ProductsDetail.php?id=1 Demo version at top of page, sound clips below. The sound demos on their website don't sound bad.
  20. then, to be blunt, that's a self inflicted injury. The first thing that you should do when buying used gear is (if applicable) register it to yourself and if you can't then immediately get a refund. Actually that applies for new gear as well... Many Some vendors will only give you access to drivers or firmware updates to gear registered to you. Apologies, this probably comes off with more 'tude than intended. I agree that it is always nicer when you don't have to jump through hoops to access drivers, firmware updates, documentation, etc.. That IKM uses a printed serial number that is different than the serial number on the device is 'special'. I would hope that if the paper # was lost that they could look up the # based on the number on the device but never had to test that. If I'm shelling out significant $$ for audio equipment (guitar, keyboard, audio interface) I try to (re)register it with manufacturer if for no other reason in case it gets stolen (or turns out to be stolen). That being said there's a lot of gear for which there is no tracking or registration.
  21. ^pretty sure that the hardware drivers are available under IKM Product Manager. (edit - missed reading this: "if the owner doesn't transfer the license to you" unfortunately as buyer you'd need to know there is a license associated with the hardware and not purchase or get a refund if it wasn't transferred) What doesn't transfer is any free software bundles (e.g. AmpliTube, etc.) that originally were included in the purchase. It's always been stated that bundled software is NFR and bound to hardware i.e. if you transfer hardware you loose** access to that software. **but don't know if that happens or if it remains NFR in your account.
  22. Grumble... Still not seeing it. Even tried another browser. Previously (months ago) the $50 code would show. (sometime later - queue the 'meanwhile back at the Bat Cave' audio/video transition montage) LOL - double checked my 'products'... I have SM2 and have upgraded piecemeal since. So even though I have the equivalent of SM 3.5, as far as IKM is concerned I have SM 2 So no soup for me except by using my Jam Points which will drop price to $209.99 The $10 difference not worth getting upset about though I would have liked saving my Jam Points for potentially picking something, possibly hardware, later.
  23. Wonder if they decided the cost of converting to VST3 was not worth the expense/hassle.
  24. I must have just got in under the wire, price just went up $40 (at least at JRR) https://www.jrrshop.com/overloud-bundle-of-3-gems
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