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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Yes, I rescanned & still had a problem. I then deleted the ToneX VST3 entries in the registry (Cakewalk VST Inventory) and rescanned again and all is now good.
  2. Gave the update a quick test drive. IMHO this a very welcomed (and needed) update. The ability to change the guitar/bass tonality in audio demo to closer match your own is great! *if previous version had this I was unaware. Looking forward to taking a deeper dive into this later.
  3. LOL the music industry was corrupt looong before 1994. The payola scandals with labels paying for their records to get hyped & played, record companies & managers ripping off artists, etc. The scope changed i.e. fewer people controlling larger resources (getting their fingers into more pies) but the rots always been there. Interesting video though.
  4. Changes from version 1.2.6: Improved Tone Model filtering and searching with a dedicated sidebar. User folders can now be created to organize Tone Models and presets. New Card view displays more Tone Models in a single window. Rescale and smart resize let users zoom in or show more content. Amp and Cab section now streamlined to mix and match Tone Models. Deeper ToneNET integration for a seamless and expanded experience. New Collections section to demo and purchase Premium Tone Models. Librarian adds new filters for easy search and transfer to TONEX pedal. More prominent dedicated filter to search only Tone Models owned by the user. Advanced parameters section now stays visible when expanding the bottom list. General reliability improvements. Download (I.E. installer) is approx 1.8GB
  5. I went for Jotter (have the others). I was curious about it, now that I have it I'll have to check it out.
  6. Hi Rob, Thanks for the post & information (and welcome to the Cakewalk forum). Your new synth does indeed look interesting and worth checking out.
  7. TheSteven

    Considering Bitwig

    I've paid around $105 last time during a BestService sale.
  8. It looks and sounds (from the demo) lovely but I need to not use the synths I've recently purchased a bit longer before I buy any additional synths that I won't have time to use. One of the things I love about guitar is that maintaining your chops, let alone improving them, takes a continual investment of time if for nothing else to maintain the calluses on your fingertips so that you can bend notes during your solos and not scrunch up your face and look like you're going to cry like you see with some players in performance videos. So my keyboards end up being underutilized...
  9. ...snark filter engaged, content deleted...
  10. Wonder when they'll be converting more UAD plugins to native...
  11. More info on synth at https://www.tracktion.com/products/outersect-modeler
  12. The Linux user base is very loud & vocal but small and frugal. Back in 2001 Borland released Delphi 6 development platform - it supported both Linux (using the name Kylix) and Windows for the first time. Sales for the Linux version was so disappointing (and not because of the quality of the platform**) that when Delphi 7 was released - no Kylix. Borland wasn't the first company to mistake how ardently people request something doesn't always translate to sales. **the fish were hungry but the pond was shallow. Big difference nowadays is that many of the development languages are multiplatform so as long as you started the project on one of those platforms going PC > Mac (or vice versa) or to Linux isn't the total commitment it once was. Still, it will require a commitment of resources to develop, maintain & keep upgrading it. For legacy applications creating a cross platform version often means starting from scratch and then having to feed & maintain totally separate development streams.
  13. maybe... I bought Falcon from UVI gambling that my voucher would be more than the $20 something I could have saved by buying it somewhere else. This is how it worked out for me... At UVI I spent $212.86 on Falcon + stuff $ 54.29 on a bunch of Falcon libs (using my $100 voucher) $149.00 late in 2023 getting Augmented Orchestra ================= $ 60 my voucher for 2023 expenditures. Possible I got around 15% kickback for all three combined. or around 30% kickback on purchases #2 + #3 ($203.29) combined. I don't know... Someone else who didn't buy Falcon from UVI will have to contribute their data to figure it out (or someone can contact UVI and see what they say). BUT I'm tired and this is as far as I'm digging. Here's the CW Forum thread on last years sale where we tossed around various ideas on how best to spend our pennies:
  14. 4 pack comprising of Ujam's Eden, Idol, Hype & Circuits. If this falls in your stylist wheelhouse for $39 it's a killer deal.
  15. You already got a voucher when you bought Falcon, so don't know if they'll count that (the Falcon purchase) in the 2023 voucher calculation. That could be why mine is only around $30 $60 (oops, misremembered). I bought Falcon last January, but bought other stuff over the year.
  16. Last year they had an up to 50% off sale around Jan 12th... Hopefully it will be the same this year too.
  17. Been waiting for this. While not as much as I hoped, still appreciated. Note that code/voucher is good till Jan 31st.
  18. This deal explains some of the PA plugin sales I'm seeing on KVR...
  19. SPL Vitalizer MK2-T - Plugin Alliance (plugin-alliance.com) is currently on sale for $24.99 Are there any coupons, etc. than can drop this price? NM, found it for resale at KVR Audio.
  20. They have a number other interesting free libraries too. Worth investing a couple of minutes to check out.
  21. $80 MSRP. On sale till Jan 14th. Was considering this last time it went on sale at about same price but didn't have the money then (LOL don't really have it now either...). https://ink-audio.com/collections/frontpage/products/ink-whisper-rhythms
  22. Sale is still on... https://www.auddict.com/deals For example United Strings of Europe 90% off. - currently only $70 (MSRP $700)
  23. <sigh>gobs... how quickly our investments in virtual technologies atrophy.
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