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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. 0.92 more like it... Joking but version numbers can go up to 3 digits per section i.e. #.###.###.### and each section is an individual #, not decimal; so #.10 follows #.9 Major version updates of Kontakt have never followed a version # rollover, NI rolls out a new version based on other criteria. 6.7.1 was last version of the Kontakt 6 series 5.8.1 was last version of the Kontakt 5 series Product Version History Kontakt (kvraudio.com)
  2. At some point any company that generates free content has to justify the cost of generating / maintaining that content to its stakeholders. Also I would imagine that over time it gets harder to generate new quality content that doesn't compete with paid product - what's next another piano? hobos singing a cappella in the rain? another acoustic instrument / synth amalgam, bug squashing percussion (varied by shoe or boot types), or ? For Christian's new company free libraries bring much needed attention maybe not so much for Spitfire... I hope that Spitfire at some point revives product generation of Labs stuff. But I must admit that while I always checkout and collect their offerings I don't use it (at least not yet) - but it does keep Spitfire on my radar and maybe that kind of interest is enough for them to keep it going.
  3. Yes, a disappointing trend. I have often occasionally wondered why companies stopped, perhaps... concern about free presets competing with and demotivating sales of their own or sponsored libraries having to pay someone to maintain/police those forums (for example to pull down posts of idiots uploading warez/pirated libraries) the costs of hosting & providing the bandwidth of those communities? Web space & bandwidth cost money - for example XLN presets for AD/AD2 are saved online with your user account so they are paying for your storage. People like free presets but don't care to sponsor the sites that provide them - It appears to me that most of the free preset web sites have changed owners multiple times or evaporated in the last decade. or just not giving a damn ie if it doesn't appear to boost the company's bottom line how can a manager justify spending any effort to support it. Perhaps useless speculation... spending time pondering such things doesn't contribute to my bottom line/productivity either.
  4. ??? You must have clicked on wrong link or something on your end is preventing web page from properly loading. Most likely like @mettelus noted you added the 'recommended' content... They only request an email, name and zip code.
  5. Cool, thanks... Blurb from website: ON1 Effects is a versatile photo effects software application that simplifies photo editing, making it easier, faster, and better. With an extensive collection of one-click presets, filters, LUTs, and textures, users can create almost any style in seconds, whether working on Mac or Windows, standalone or as a plugin for popular applications like Adobe Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, Capture One, Affinity Photo, and Corel Paint Shop Pro.
  6. reFX Vanguard 2 updated. Run reFX Cloud app to update.
  7. Hmm, it did for me. My 8 Track license was expired and it gave me a new license with a year on it. Maybe they 'fixed' that or maybe because mine was expired.
  8. Dec 2023 Winter sale had Bitwig Studio Upgrade from 8 Track for $100 off bringing price down to $259. They also had same sale last June. If nothing else you can use the 8 Track version to see if the Bitwig DAW universe works for you.
  9. re: I wonder... Being that they only started doing this this week, no idea. re: wouldn't it be nice. Not iLok's job, they don't maintain that data as PSP software, etc. is not their product only a licensor of their product. But they do notify you if your iLok software had an update.
  10. @locrian thanks, just noticed that too. Also updated today: PSP Echo PSP HertzRider2 Updated Monday: PSP Impressor Bug Fixes: 1) AudioUnit: Resizing problem fixed. 2) Cubase 13: Plugin no longer opens in full-screen window; issue resolved. 3) Minor bugs fixed. HertzRider2 & Impressor also have new presets.
  11. PSP Audio updates User Area of their web site! https://www.pspaudioware.net/UserArea/identify Web page now shows release dates on all software and a green label to highlight recent releases. This makes it so much easier to determine which of your plugins you need to update.
  12. PSP InfiniStrip updated to v. 1.3.0 PSP InfiniStrip v. 1.3.0 New: 1) Added the "oldTimer" compressor module, inspired by the PSP oldTimerME. Changes: 1) Adjusted the reference for the Threshold in the FET Pressor to better align with other compressors, with a shift of -1.5dB. Bug Fixes: 1) AudioUnit: Resizing problem fixed. 2) AudioUnit: LED meter not shows value - fixed 3) Cubase 13: Plugin no longer opens in full-screen window; issue resolved. 4) Minor bugs fixed. Please Note: 1) macOS 10.13 and Earlier: We are no longer supporting older versions of macOS (10.13 and earlier). 2) Windows Vista and Earlier: Discontinuing support for Windows Vista and earlier versions for better performance and security. Install: 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section. 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer.
  13. Note: The Tight and Clipping switches do nothing either on the previous version or on the new release. I forgot to mention it previously The update fixes most of the problems I had - only issue (aside from the Tight & Clipping switches) that I had this time was when I stacked two instances of ParametricOD on same track. After saving & reopening only one of the two instances was working. I only tried this once so might have been a fluke. Other than what I mentioned above it passes all the other tests I threw at it.
  14. Downloads: https://www.neuralampmodeler.com/users
  15. from: https://www.soundsonline.com/synth-and-effects/spaces-ii "And because it includes all reverbs from Spaces I, Spaces II is the most powerful and versatile convolution reverb on the market." Though if you've used Spaces 1 in a project you may need to keep it to avoid breaking the project. The plugins don't have the same name so the DAW may fail to substitute, I don't know as I have not tested this.
  16. It's crossgrade pricing, to qualify you need An account with Eventide Associate your iLok account with your Eventide membership and of course be the owner of Newfangled Audio plugins. Also make sure that you're clicking on the word "Crossgrade" to the left of the green price. Quote from Eventide website: Your crossgrade price is based on the value of the eligible licenses in your iLok account.
  17. See my 9/24/24 post below regarding new update! New NewFangled Audio (Eventide) Plugin - Recirculate https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/recirculate Direct pricing from Eventide (possibly cheaper when resellers get their hands on it) $99 $49 (intro price) or Recirculate Crossgrade $29.40
  18. re: Electronic musician magazine dead? yup
  19. On further thought I have decided to not even bother checking this plugin out. Aurora support is nonexistent - I've tried multiple times to contact their support regarding issue with Rhino plugin (and my account) and other than the immediate auto email "This ticket was created on your behalf." have never gotten a response. I had an account on their website but can no longer access it, recreate it or reset password. I tried to contact them again on Friday with same results. I won't do business with a company that treats its customers in this manner.
  20. Played with this (the ParametricOD) for a few minutes... My quick analysis: Temperamental... at least with Cakewalk. By that I mean that sometimes when I inserted it, it would be mute (GUI working but wouldn't pass any audio) then if I deleted it from project and reinserted it then it would work. When I saved it with a project - 2 out of 3 times I tried it reloaded as mute losing its settings and I had to reinsert to get it functional again. CPU was pretty light (one instance running, entire project using less than 3% CPU). Applied it to one of the guitar tracks I use for testing amp sims - not bad. Like an OD pedal - on an anemic track or color to a clean guitar it can add some life - can stack nicely with some amp sims (patch dependent of course) - on its own: as a rock amp sim not bad, usable depending on context; but not if you're going after a metal vibe. My overall verdict - if they can get the bugs worked out, worth having in toolbox otherwise pass. As always YMMV.
  21. @balinas Also updates for Trillian and Keyscape Trilian Software 1.6.5c 1-4-24 Adds support for VST2 to VST3 replacement Fixes issue on macOS where the instrument repeatedly asked the user to authorize Fixes issue where the VST2 or AAX plugins could crash when a DAW is loading the saved plugin state with the GUI closed Fixes issue where Multi load actions could fail when using MIDI events to load Multis into multiple plugin instances at once Fixes issue in Chorus Echo effect where tempo changes could create clicking artifacts Fixes VST2 crash that could occur when plugin was placed within sub- folders that contained a space character Resolves issue where the plugin could receive corrupted host automation values from Logic Pro when modifying automation assignments in the plugin VST3 only: Fixes bug where MIDI clips generated by the Arpeggiator's MIDI Capture feature played back at half speed in the Host Windows only: Fixes GUI performance issues Keyscape Software 1.5.1c 1-4-24 Adds support for VST2 to VST3 replacement Fixes issue on macOS where the instrument repeatedly asked the user to authorize VST3: Fixes issue where loading VST3 preset files could cause the plugin to hang in some DAWs Fixes issue where the VST2 or AAX plugins could crash when a DAW is loading the saved plugin state with the GUI closed Fixes issue in Chorus Echo effect where tempo changes could create clicking artifacts Fixes VST2 crash that could occur when plugin was placed within sub- folders that contained a space character Resolves issue where the plugin could receive corrupted host automation values from Logic Pro when modifying automation assignments in the plugin Adds new "Save current MIDI settings as default" utility menu option: This option saves the MIDI Channel # and Expression Channel On/Off parameter values into the default multi file, and also saves the current MIDI learnings into the default MIDI learning template file Windows only: Fixes GUI performance issues on Windows
  22. Introducing vPlayer 4. The next generation vst/au host https://www.digitalbrain-instruments.com/vplayer4 Note: I don't see any mention of support for VST3s We are glad to share with you the new upgrade for vPlayer, our vst/au host. It has been improved including a lot of new features and a new audio engine. vPlayer 4 is a 64-bits vst/au host developed for playing live an audio plugin rig on stage or while doing a rehearsal, for jamming with virtual synths or for quick testing new plugins (virtual instruments & effects), all without the need to use any DAW, which is usually more complex to setup. vPlayer 4 acts as a wrapper to turn any vst/au into a standalone application. While a traditional DAW can be used for live performance, many musicians prefer the stability and ease of use that comes with dedicated VST host. vPlayer 4 allows playing up to 8 vst/au instruments at same time using up to 4 different MIDI keyboards, so you can join a quick loading jamming session with your friends. 4 Plugin Slots. Each plugin slot allows using 1 instrument & 1 effect plugin. Each slot can be played using a different MIDI device simultaneously (4 MIDI devices) or using the same MIDI device. Play up to 8 instrument plugins. Each effect plugin can be converted into an instrument plugin, allowing to play up to 8 instruments at same time. External audio input available. Use a microphone, any music instrument or audio input from third-party software using virtual audio loopback drivers. Built-in Audio Player. Play any file from your computer. Built-In MIDI Player. Play up to 4 MIDI files simultaneously. Parallel & Serial Processing Modes. Parallel mode allows playing 4 virtual instruments while audio output is processed through an effect plugin for each virtual instrument. Serial mode allows playing 1 virtual instrument while audio output is processed through 7 effect plugins. In audio source mode, serial processing mode allows processing your audio input through 8 vst/au effect plugins. Multitrack & Stereo Recording. Record each plugin slot audio output to individual audio files. Midi Recording. Export individual MIDI files for each plugin slot. Up to 4 midi files. Master Rack. Up to 2 vst/au plugins to process master output. Built-in Metronome. System Requirements: Mac: Mac OS 10.11.6 or later. Apple Silicon OS 11 or later. 4GB RAM or more recommended. Windows: Windows 8 or later. 4GB RAM or more recommended. Price: $6 More info at www.digitalbrain-instruments.com/vplayer4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VPLAYER 4 LITE. THE LITTLE BRODER In case you need a simpler setup and only playing or testing 1 VST/AU instrument or effect plugin, vPlayer 4 Lite is your best and less cpu usage option. 1 single plugin slot for vst/au instrument or effect plugin Built-In Audio Player External Audio Input available Midi Recording Master Rack Download VPlayer Lite at https://www.digitalbrain-instruments.com/vplayer4
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