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Everything posted by paulo

  1. paulo

    Korg up to 50% off

    I've been trying out the Wavestate Native demo recently although I haven't delved too far into yet as there's a lot to take in. Does anyone here have it?
  2. Awwww.... that AI generated sentiment has properly brought a crocodile tear to my glass eye.
  3. I fully expect this forum to be closed before too long and for that decision to be blamed on the dwindling number of users (that they seem to have been doing their very best to chase away).
  4. There's two nines too many in that price for me.
  5. I can see how they could be useful for things like macros, but going by that video, for things like faders by the time I'd pressed several buttons to navigate to the part of the project I actually want the next action to affect, I could have already grabbed the mouse and done it. Repeatedly pressing up or down buttons to tweak a fader also seems a bit clunky to me.
  6. It's a cool track and it sounds good so far. I'm looking forward to hearing the final version now. You've nothing to worry about regarding your vocals.
  7. I like gadgets. I like buttons that light up. I like Cakewalk. Before watching, I looked up the prices first - hmmm not too bad. I was ready to want one so I watched the video. It didn't make me want one. I watched it again just now hoping that I would see something I didn't see the first time. I saw the same as I saw the first time.... a thing that seems like a whole lot more faffing around than just using the mouse.
  8. In my mind this song is now an Abba cover version in the style of Gary Numan/NIN but sung in one of those accents that for some reason makes ladies' underwear fall off. I can't wait to hear how that sounds. I know what you mean, I'm pretty much the same and to me that's all that really matters and the best reason there is for doing it, but seeing as you've put us all through the agonies of recording it now, I think we should get to hear it.
  9. If they're calling it an "expansion" then I don't need the engine because I already have it. Yep. About 5 minutes after I first saw it in my case.😀
  10. Well, at least you tried, so fair play to you I guess. Better luck next time.
  11. paulo

    Neutron 5

    Can't miss it if I never had it.😀
  12. It already was and always has been, that's why it was odd that it was no longer assigning the midi out to the synth.
  13. I'm starting to think that my typical max 3 takes without even leaving my chair is somehow not pro enough......
  14. paulo

    Neutron 5

    I haven't use Neutron 3 yet.
  15. I didn't mean in terms of what the competition does, but in terms of VFM. I use AD2 all the time and I'm very happy with it, but I just don't ever feel inclined to buy more kits than I already have at those kind of prices. The 50% off sale just look like what the before the sale price should have been to me, but each to their own and all that.......
  16. Thanks for replying.....selecting those options makes it no longer a Simple Instrument Track which is what I have always used. I tried it anyway and ended up with three separate tracks instead of the combined one, which is what I thought would be the case hence why I hadn't selected those options before. However...... What I did then was to try SIT with a synth that I hardly ever use and that one worked......Hmmmm. So then I went back and inserted one of the ones that I use all the time that had stopped working as expected and required splitting the SIT and then manually setting the output of the midi track every time and it worked just like it used to..... go figure? It's as if turning off the SIT option and then reselecting it somehow reset it. No idea why that should be, but it works as expected again and that'll do.
  17. I first noticed this some time ago and figured that maybe it was just a temporary glitch, but it happens every time now, so something changed and finding how to change it back is illuding me at present.... Previously, adding a synth via synth rack using simple instrument track automatically assigned the output of the synth to it's first output (eg Omnisphere1) and as soon as the synth loaded I was good to go. Now this doesn't happen and I have to select the output manually to be able to hear any sound, which becomes increasingly more annoying every time. I haven't knowingly changed anything, but maybe gremlins have been doing gremlin work. How do I change it back to how it used to be?
  18. Yes, he was indeed.* When I was a kid I always wondered why people said that and what it had to do with anything. Was I in some way especially fortunate? Did things somehow not go so well for people who didn't have a parent with a sibling called Robert or had a sister who married a man called Robert? It seemed to be a very specific set of rules for defining the allocation of good fortune.......it made no sense. * Although, as it turned out, the full version of the saying in my case would have been .....Bob's yer Uncle, except on Wednesday evenings and the occasional weekend where he becomes yer Aunt Bob and it's all gonna go pear shaped when his wife finds out and btw Fanny is not is wife, but she is his mother. It's not as catchy is it ?
  19. I'm no longer totally sure if it's them or me that has an unrealistic view of what a kit add on is worth, but I'm still leaning towards them. Lightweight. 😀
  20. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with....I'm by no means advocating waiting for the new one, just saying that people who do wait for the end of version heavy discounts can't really complain when the new one comes out shortly afterwards. They got what they paid for.
  21. I've always thought of that as being really quite bizarre behaviour on the part of those who do such things....... I want to be a better/slimmer/fitter person, but I'm not going to even attempt that until the last digit of the date changes, because obviously that changes everything, right? NY resolutions are almost by definition made by owners of a feeble mind and therefore doomed to failure anyway. 😀
  22. Generally when a product is greatly reduced there's a reason for that and it's usually because a shiny new version is just around the corner. Anyone who doesn't realise this is..... let's be kind and say.... a little naïve, but In the past Izotope were in fact pretty generous in granting a grace period for those who had just bought in. It wasn't automatic, you did have to to ask them, which may or may not be something to do with the fact that going by their periodic "loyalty" offers and despite having all the info they needed, they still somehow seemed to have absolutely no idea who owned what already. In my case asking the question meant that I went from whatever version had Ozone 8A in it, to the new version with 9A before I'd even had a chance to really look at v8 which made what was already a very good deal into a great one. I was amazed that they did it TBH. I knew what I was buying, I had already got what I paid for and I was happy to pay that price for it or I wouldn't have bought it, right? As I see it, if they have delivered what I paid for then they have already fulfilled their part of the deal. IIRC back then they basically allowed a new version upgrade to anyone who had bought the older version within the last month. Whether that's the same now that they are part of NI I couldn't say. I guess it depends who's calling the shots these days.
  23. I can't wait to hear it - if 400+ and counting takes were rejected the final one will surely be something to behold.
  24. I usually just tap the mic and go.. one two, one two...... but I guess some people feel the need to show off.
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