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Everything posted by paulo

  1. A few on the old CW forum used to get a bit like that too. I think those types are probably everywhere. I have S1 but never use it mostly because I don't like looking at it.
  2. For chatting up birds while sinking jars?
  3. I don't believe in all that astrology nonsense. We Scorpio's aren't taken in that easily.
  4. He's definitely missing a trick if he's not getting some sponsorship money from these guys though.....
  5. Usually I would agree that his videos are interesting, but this one I didn't make it past halfway. A bit like saying that Mcdonald's (other take away food outlets are available) made everyone fat. Beato's Overly Long Lecture On Common Knowledge Subject.
  6. OIC when you asked for SW compatible recommendations I thought that was because you had it.
  7. I think it might be the windows 10 ransomware settings.
  8. Even with Sonarworks? I thought that was what it was for?
  9. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Tech-Talk-Cakewalk-SONAR-Win32-lighting-up-on-Windows-10-m3603535.aspx
  10. Apparently it's because this forum thrives on answering.
  11. Only if you do it safely.
  12. Oh and greetings tomixornot. Can we call you tom for short?
  13. Despite what you may have read upstairs, this forum does not thrive on answers to that question.
  14. I thought it was what that free waves plug-in was for.
  15. This sounds like it belongs in a very different forum.
  16. The Queen of England is 92 and still going strong. Now that she is part of the family, Meghan Markle asked her if she could pass on any tips that might help her to enjoy a long and healthy life. "Don't piss one orf" the monarch replied.
  17. On the plus side, this forum software actually works.
  18. He'll get them resurrected somewhere else.
  19. Great. The one place I thought I was safe from hearing any reference to that BS has now gone.??
  20. So do I. The by Bandlab bit not so much. Too much of a mouthful IMO.
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