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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Not having that issue here. What happens if you update your Vdist runtimes? (scroll down to X64) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 Make sure any Cakewalk program and audio folders are excluded from real time scanning with antivirus software. How you do that depends on your antivirus software. Have you tried “Render in Real-time” > Under the “Mix and render” section in the export dialogue box. Also, some information about your PC might help. (See my signature for the type of information that might help)
  2. Updating to a new PC and installing Cakewalk should be pretty straight forward.... I am assuming you have updated all drivers and installed Windows updates (yes, even a new PC needs this). Also update your Vdist runtimes. Not much really to go on. Need a bit more information about your configuration What else have you tried so far. Note: I have never had this issue in the 30 years of using Cakewalk (in various iterations).
  3. Are you meaning the “Virtual Controller/Keyboard”? Sounds like you are using a workspace that does not have the virtual computer keyboard enabled. If you set your workspace to “None”, does that make the virtual computer keyboard visible?
  4. Not seeing that here. The Quad EQ HP Freq dial is behaving like all other Quad EQs dials here. What is your scaling and number of screens, and your screen resolution(s)?
  5. Markers Module still lists markers here. I am assuming you have the large Markers Module view, not small Any chance of a screenshot?
  6. Ah, that will explain why I never saw this issue. With all of my MIDI projects, I regularly bounce MIDI clips on all tracks so that there is only ever one MIDI clip per MIDI track.
  7. Well that could just rename “Interpolate” to “Find/Change”.... (just like CPA9 to Sonar)
  8. If you can, banish the Realtek ASIO driver to the other side of the galaxy. There is truly no other evil known to humanity..... It is rumoured that Satan himself has been known to use the Realtek ASIO driver as the second most used punishment for those who abandoned Cakewalk for that other DAW. The first most used punishment being being made to use Windows Millennium.
  9. You can add Controller Events with the Piano Roll View. With TT-S (and all GM or XG synths) CC72 adjusts the release time (or the fade out of the sound after the key is released). Of course, if the instrument is sample based then the there must be sound sound in the sample that can be used for the duration of the release. See: Fri 30-Aug-2024 11-43-51-AM.mp4
  10. I would think that, with Transform Tool and draw tool enabled, right dragging to draw the Transform box would not delete any controller events present. But it does. Maybe drop a note to support@cakewalk.com to see if this can be fixed for Sonar 2024
  11. What have you tried so far? I am going to assume you have tried the usual suspects - Windows updates, drivers, plugins, Vdist runtimes, All 64bit plugjns, no 32bit plugins.
  12. Depends on the driver. I can run many ASIO enabled applications at the same time with the rig configured as per signature. Therefore, the solution might be to change your audio interface. Regarding your “Another question” Avoid MME if you can.
  13. Dark mode for the Augmented series..........???? Nope! They still burn your retinas out. Oh and they still have not fixed the issue the SQ80 has with using sustain of any patch with Unison enabled. Lifting sustain silences notes that are held down. I reported this over 12 months ago - and they even reproduced it at they end and acknowledged the issue.
  14. Open Project. Set CbB windows how you like them. Lock screenset. Save project.
  15. As I said, I have never experienced this. Maybe contact support@cakewalk.com
  16. Depends on how programmable these buttons are on your MIDI controller in term of what MIDI events you can program them to send. Configured as a standard MIDI controller and not a control surface or an ACT controller, I can do this with the Edirol PCR-800 This is how I do it here.
  17. Still use a Yamaha SW1000XG here.....
  18. Just hope you have a nice big SSD drive. Stormdrum 2 12.5 gigabytes Stormdrum 3 87 Gigabytes Hollywood Fantasy Percussion 10 Gigabytes 109.5 Gigabytes all up.....
  19. You probably should update to 2024.08 Build 108. Can you post a video recording of the issue. Here is how this works with CbB. Change Note Duration.mp4
  20. On the Gong SIT, make sure the plugins MIDI out is deselected. On the Bodhran SIT, make sure its input is set to a specific MIDI controller and specific MIDI channel.
  21. Never had this issue with recent versions of Cakewalk. Which exact version of Cakewalk are you using?
  22. "pause just the event view display" - slightly different to what the OP was asking. The OP said "It would be ...... handy if that could also apply to the Event List." Are you wanting the scroll lock to effect the ELV only while everything else scrolls? And no.... I did not have to change any setting. Scroll Lock affected all screens - even ELV.
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