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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. I am wondering if you desetect "Windows layout" for the lense that you use. Then arrange the windows how you want them to be. Then lock the screenset(s). ( CTRL + SHIFT + L ) I mainly produce mainly 16 track MIDI files. For this, I have one lense with "Windows layout" disabled. In any given MIDI project, I have 4 screensets (Track, PRV, lyrics, Drums) that are relevant for my workflow. All these screensets are locked. When I select a screenset, the windows reset as I have set them to per screenset as they are all locked.
  2. Yes, that does help. Thank you very much. I'm kicking myself for not seeing this setting in the Lense Manager. Now I can change windows layouts using Screensets only and save these with my projects. I can also swap between different screensets. I will still use Lenses as they give me the ability the hide screen elements that are irrelevant to my current workflow.
  3. I know what you mean. I too find it annoying that when you change to a different lense, the screenset reverts to "blank". It does this even if you save the project while a screenset is active. It would be nice if the screenset was recalled even if you change a lense.
  4. When you say "I have a live looper DLL", is this simply a DLL that is actually a VST that is available as an effect? If that is the case, can you not create a new track and then insert the VST into that track's effect bin?
  5. I think this is actually possible. For instance, I loaded an instance of MEqualizer and an instance of MDynamicEQ. I was able to copy the EQ settings from the MEqualiser instance to the EQ settings of the MDynamicEQ instance. Is this what you mean by “cross-communication between plugins of the same type”?
  6. Does the Aria player behave correctly in standalone mode? Can you load and save presets there? I have a fully patched Windows 10 PC and I am not experiencing any of the issues you described. When you say “I did have the computer crash about a month ago and it hasn't acted quite right since”, define “hasn't acted quite right”
  7. I would not have thought that the fact that you're running Windows 7 is the issue. Upgrading to 10 just to see if this will resolve is a big step - especially if it does not resolve the issue. Mind you, there are other positive reasons to upgrade to Windows 10 (fresh install of course). However, that's a discussion for another day. I never had this issue when I was running Windows 7 64bit either. I use an external MIDI module so I would have heard notes if this issue occurred here too. To me, this looks like a specific issue with the Midiman Midisport 4x4 itself (Are you sure you're using the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website) - even though it only manifests in CbB. Notes should not be triggered when CbB starts. The only MIDI data that may possibly be sent on start up would be sysex data. This would be configured with the Sysex view. In fact, on your start startup template, check the sysex view (ALT+SIFT 7) to make sure no sysex banks are set to AUTO transmit. I am doubting it this though because you also say that you are getting note on data sent when you solo/mute/record/playback tracks. That is really strange and something I have never seen in the twenty years I have been using Cakewalk products. Are you able to configure the Roland XP-80 (or any of your other devices) to show you the specific values being sent through the MIDI ports? It also might be worth dropping a note to Bandab Support to see if they can offer some insight. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  8. What is your MIDI driver mode (MME / UWP)...... have you tried changing it? (Do this with no projects open) Preferences - MIDI - Playback and Recording
  9. Definitely not normal behaviour. (I have never experienced this with any version of Sonar or Cakewalk) What keyboard is this? Are you using the latest drivers for your keyboard. Is everything else up to date. What OS?
  10. My normal view of the controller lane in the PRV is with "Show Multiple Lanes" disabled. If you have multiple controllers on a track, the Key/Pitch part of the pane lists the controllers you can click to display that particular controller's data. If would be handy if you could hold down a modifier key (Like SHIFT, CTRL or ALT) while clicking on another controller to add that controller's data to the controller lane. For instance I might have many controllers in a given track, but I only want to display the lane for Volume (CC7) and Pan (CC10). While I know I could just select "Show Multiple Lanes", I sometimes use up to 20+ controllers per track, so enabling this would make the controllers uneditable. I would only really need a few visible at one time.
  11. When you say "The dll file is in a proper VST folder", can you confirm that it is in a folder that you know that CbB scans. Also, have to gone into CbB preferences | Files | VST settings and performed a reset and scan (in that order). Maybe enable "Scan in sandbox" and see of that makes a difference.
  12. There is a transform tool on the PRV where you can adjust the contours of consecutive controller events and velocities to follow the general shape of a bounding rectangle. It would be great if we had a similar tool to change the curves of automation nodes.
  13. What OS are you using. Is your OS fully patched? What USB to MIDI interface are you using? Are you using the latest driver for it. Are you using a USB port directly on your PC and not a USB hub. If using Windows 10, have you tried different MIDI modes (MINE and UWP)? Also, on a MIDI project , select all and then use event list to make sure there are no stray events therein. Do your start notes and events start bang on 1:0:0 or do you have a "lead-in" measure before the events start. Does your project initialise patches for each track? - some MIDI hardware needs time to respond to these patches before sending other events. Do you have any initialisation strings set as sysex data.
  14. Have you made sure that power management for your USB root hubs is disabled
  15. I don't update from within BA anynore. I just download and install it manually (with BA exited of course)
  16. Works fine here with the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab
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