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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. A hogget is probably better than what we've got at the moment.
  2. Sorry. It's probably due for a change ... any better?
  3. Blame the phone? Nah, I put it down to rampant senility.
  4. They're only there because there wasn't a Pizza Express in Woking in 1977.
  5. It doesn't matter as long as you eat them all up like a good boy.
  6. Orange Deluxe - There Goes My Summer* * I'll reward myself with a becan sandwich.
  7. That one seems to come up every five pages or so. No worries.
  8. I misread that as crack beer. I thought: I don't like the sound of that, but then I suppose it depends whose crack you're talking about.
  9. You might have enjoyed your trip more if you had got out of the camper occasionally and gone for a walk for some fresh air.
  10. There's some very old plugins on that list, many of them 32 bit only. That's not to say they aren't good, just that the list is a little on the tardy side.
  11. So why do Aussies call themselves Aussies, refer to the country as Oz, yet pronounce Australia as 'Stralia?
  12. I demand your testing be carried out under laboratory conditions.
  13. OK then. Vinyl has a dynamic range of 70 db. CDs have a dynamic range of about 90 db. Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying? I suspect there is a certain amount of bias confirmation from the vinyl sounds better brigade. That's not to say there aren't examples where it is true. And if all you've got are really shitty master tapes in the first place, ...
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