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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Welcome on board. And thanks for all the freebies down the years.
  2. Apparently smoking ... weed ... affects ... ones ...oh ... er ... what was I saying?
  3. Apparently smoking weed affects ones short term memory.
  4. Apparently smoking weed affects ones short term memory.
  5. The song above is an appropriate metaphor for any compensation that will be going Steve's way.
  6. Sorry. I quoted you quoting Bob by mistake. Fixed now.
  7. That's an invitation I can easily resist.
  8. Exactly how weed do you smoke then?
  9. "to get it simply share the page link on Facebook or Twitter using the buttons you'll find on the page. Doing so will unlock the download button." I thought we'd moved on from this sort of nonsense. The full version is available for $6.00 reduced from $14.99 ... ... as part of their 60% off holiday sale.
  10. Apparently not as good as mine.
  11. Repeat. We've been here before Bob.
  12. The merchandise was fine (Amazon don't need to know that though). I will be asking Amazon to provide proof of delivery. And a description of the person to whom the parcel was handed. I do enjoy being a nuisance to big businesses who tw@t me around.
  13. Why's that a problem? Why's that a problem? I know my taste is impeccable. But the choice of music in this thread is way better. ... for a given value of "obvious". I might think the association is obvious (eg Capricorn --> Goat) but somebody else might not. If you don't get the song association, you can always ask. But, yes if the association is more obscure eg lyrical, then an explanation would be nice. But, I have no problem whether people like the songs they post or not. But a video link would be nice if possible. WARNING: This post may contain rhetorical questions.
  14. I've found many educational videos online. My folders overfloweth.
  15. There are some mellotron samples in Dimension Pro: Digital Sound Factory Classic Keys/Electro Mechanical.
  16. But does Carlo understand needy talent?
  17. Perhaps Everton need international superstar.
  18. I have my parcel now. Somebody walking their dog found it abandoned in the street 50 yards down the road, along with another package for another neighbour.
  19. I'm waiting for a delivery from Amazon (my mum's Christmas present). Amazon claim the parcel was "handed to the resident" at 6.20 pm yesterday evening. It wasn't. Bastards.
  20. Nearly every track I've posted is in my collection (with one or two exceptions). I try to listen to every track posted by other contributors. As far as clarifying the association, what's obvious to one person might not be to another (I thought the capricorn/goat connection was obvious). And the less obvious connections sometimes make me chuckle. You can always click on the confused button, if you can't work it out.
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