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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Even if you try to do things differently, you'd probably end up doing things the same. You is what you is.
  2. It's still happening, whether you believe it or not.
  3. Not The Pretenders, but The Flaming Lips instead:
  4. Guitars aren't for playing tunes on ...
  5. But then we would miss your pearls of wisdom.
  6. The phrase "too many plug-ins" is blasphemous here.
  7. Will it be enough, though? Even though nearly all the governments of the World accept that human driven climate change is going to have a devastating effect on the planet, they're still doing f*ck all about it.
  8. I think that's true on both sides of the Atlantic.
  9. I think the lesson is don't give Ed a set of your house keys in the first place.
  10. One of my mates used to own and manage a pub attached to Windsor & Eton Riverside railway station. Both the royal princes and their security entourages had been customers, waiting for a train back to whatever palace at the end of term while they were attending Eton. They were served non-alcoholic drinks. My friend wasn't going to break the law for them no matter who they thought they were. Rolf Harris had also been a customer on a few occasions.
  11. The moment has passed. None of my current near-neighbours have cats - I know this from the lack of fresh cat shite appearing in my small back garden. I spend quite a lot of time visiting my mother, and her neighbours have cats. None of them are in the slightest bit interested in people. As much as I like cats and dogs, I've never been tempted to get one - too much responsibility. Owning a houseplant is too much responsibility for me. My brother's partner is just about to get a new black Labrador puppy born a few weeks before Christmas. I can't wait too meet her (it's a bitch).
  12. Fair point. I'm grateful to S.L.I.P. for making me realise that I could be worse than I am.
  13. ... which just leads me to a huge great rant not suitable for these pages.
  14. As a general rule, I've never been terribly fond of music made by blokes with long hair. There are a very few exceptions to that rule. UFO aren't one of them. Quite how I ended up on the Cakewalk forums ...
  15. This is about as close as I came to having a pet:
  16. Are you feeling OK? Should we call a doctor?
  17. Their true nature is never far below the surface ... ... but in deference to Ed, I won't post any links.
  18. Damn, that track gets me very time.
  19. My 1000th post here just had to be a Joy Division track.
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