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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. "You'll Never Walk Alone" by the Red Shite fans ... oh wait a minute, you will. I know this pandemic may seem a bit drastic but something had to be done to stop them winning the league ...
  2. I was delighted to discover that there's a species of snake known as the Hairy Bush Viper ...
  3. Careful - that's how pandemics start.
  4. At what age do you leave school in the USA? ... about 35 from the looks of it
  5. ... which leads me on to the sousaphone. Methinks he needs a sousaphone player at every press conference.
  6. On (or perhaps off) the subject of China's population problem's, John Oliver did a show on it back in October:
  7. Well, read what is typed then. Saying Craig likes to trot out an idea which I think is a bonkers wing-nut conspiracy theory, is not calling Craig names or bashing him. It's my opinion on the UN Agenda 21 idea. Craig's response: "Going back to UN Agenda 21, sorry Nigel, it's DEFINITELY not a conspiracy theory though I wish it was!". A difference of opinion, that's all. If I had been referring to someone else, I would have used different wording. In the last couple of years Craig and I have had almost daily exchanges. Lots of agreements and lots differences of opinion. Lots of friendly banter. We make each other laugh, we like to poke fun at each other. No offence intended, none taken. Let's move on from this and try and enjoy some friendly exchanges from now on.
  8. Sorry to hear that - I hope it is only 2 weeks.
  9. I notice Waves are selling their new paramedic EQ for $29.99.
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