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Everything posted by abacab

  1. And if the Cakewalk by Bandlab devs ever do get around to adding major new features (such as samplers), they will probably need to adjust to how the younger generation is creating music today. Guitars and other real instruments are still cool, but electronic music seems to be the dominant market force now for computer based music. I'm old school, but I have always worked mostly with MIDI instruments (both external hardware & virtual instruments) on the computer. I have been a fan of electronic music since the dawn of electronic music, decades ago. So now I am all for anything that opens new paths for musical creativity. I noticed last year that when PreSonus released a major update to Studio One (v4), there were a lot of flames on their forum about the new features that seemed to mostly cater to the electronic music crowd. The traditional musicians there were put off by the major focus on sampling, drum pattern sequencing, and chord tracks that appeared to be the heart of the new features offered in the new release. But the company seems to pay close attention to their feature requests and try to deliver what the majority of users want, when they can. Hopefully BandLab will listen as well. But don't expect everybody to be happy with the decisions that get made.
  2. Yes, and I seem to have sprouted a 3rd eye!
  3. For an answer to that question you can just scroll up the page a bit to where I previously posted video examples of "fast and deeply integrated" samplers in two other DAWs. Specifically Sample One XT in Studio One, and Multi Sampler in Tracktion Waveform. There are also similar and perhaps better known examples such as NN-XT in Propellerheads Reason, and Simpler and Sampler in Ableton Live.
  4. For this scenario to keep Windows offline, you could install Mint with a dual boot setup. The Mint installer will resize your Windows partition to make room for the new Linux partition on the same hard drive, or allow you to put the Mint partition on a secondary internal drive. You will get a new boot menu whenever you start your machine, allowing you to choose which system to boot. Need your multimedia? Just boot Windows and stay offline. Need to go online to kill time on forums or do web searches? Just boot Mint and off you go!
  5. Yes, you can run Mint from a USB flash drive in live Linux mode. YUMI is a handy tool for creating a bootable USB flash drive from a downloaded Linux ISO image. https://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ It will allow you to create an optional "persistent" storage file on the USB drive so that you can store changes from session to session. Get Linux Mint
  6. I think it is a good thing to get feature request ideas out there, and on a wish-list for future development. But my observations are that Cakewalk development is currently in a bug fix cycle to make the existing program and features more stable, and working as advertised. For years the company was pushed to market and release new features frequently, to keep sales rolling. That pressure is off the table for now, and it is a good time for the developers to focus their available resources on product stability. When it is time to consider the development of new features, I am sure they will be listening to the community.
  7. Learn all about QLC vs. TLC SSD drives. Samsung 860 QVO review Samsung EVO is 3-bit MLC (TLC), the new QVO series are 4-bit MLC (QLC). The QVOs are cheaper because MLC is essentially a method of increasing the capacity of a NAND chip in the same physical space. It does this by allowing the memory to store more bits in each cell. And they are slower, and have a shorter warranty.
  8. That is most likely because of it's reputation for being a too "techy" and difficult to use OS, and lacking commercial replacement applications for the Windows consumer. But I think that with something like the latest Linux Mint, any granny could install it and be up and running in 15 mins without ever opening a command line interface. Perfect for those folks that just use a web browser all day. Very stable and secure, with decent native replacements for standard office suites and email apps. That said, Windows power users and content creators will never be happy with the limited app ecosystem in Linux as it is today. As there are currently not enough desktop Linux users to attract quality developers and software companies to the Linux market. "Chicken or egg" thing. By comparison, Linux servers are powering the majority of the internet and cloud computing servers, and has been a huge success. I believe that the majority of the Linux community are programmers or system admins. So, "techy" by trade. And the reason for much of the "buzzword bingo" on the Linux forums. An interesting trend that I have noticed this year is the number of folks still running Windows 7, and flatly refusing to ever upgrade to Windows 10. They realize that Win7 support expires next year, so they are beginning to test various Linux distros as dual boot configs alongside their current Windows installations, to see if they are comfortable with using that as their main OS after Win7 end of life. Many of those same folks are also not interested in running straight towards the Apple camp.
  9. You shouldn't need to set Dim Pro as Multitimbral to get sound out of it. It should operate in omni mode by default and respond to any MIDI channel assigned to that instrument track. When you do that are all assigned elements playing? That setting spreads them out over MIDI channels 1-4. So only element 1 would be responding to MIDI channel 1, etc.
  10. Groovesynth and TTS-1 are both DXi instruments. Both load and play here in CbB. They have always just worked for me. Don't often open up Groovesynth unless I am loading an old demo song that included it. That's the only reason I still keep it installed. On the other hand TTS-1 is very handy for auto loading GM sounds for a GM file.
  11. The Definitive Piano Collection will work with the free Kontakt Player, so buying Kontakt is not a necessary prerequisite for that. In fact all of the NI "Powered by Kontakt" libraries will work in the Player edition. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/keys/definitive-piano-collection/pricing/ Of course, you would need the bought version of Kontakt, or one of the other listed requirements, to upgrade to Komplete.
  12. That promo code must have been linked to an email address. Newegg said that code was invalid with my email address.
  13. If you are referring to the circled item above, that is the clip header indicator for a MIDI clip that will open up in the piano roll view when double-clicked. Cakewalk Documentation - displaying clips
  14. MIDI learn should work from any MIDI keyboard for assigning parameters within a plugin. But there is no automatic assignment by default using that method. It is a manual task. But once setup in the project it should work fine. This is saved on a project basis, and is not global. If you can setup ACT, your settings should be available in any project, once you have your control surface configured. There are some ACT MIDI controller presets available for various models of keyboards. The setup procedure is described in the knowledge base article (required reading): ACT MIDI controller plugin.
  15. sfz is 32-bit, the OP said he had already tried that one.
  16. Yeah, got that one too! Knot telling where, though...
  17. Not sure what that might be caused by. The most obvious question is why did it just stop working, if you made no other changes or updates to your system? If that is the case, then it suggests that something may be wrong with the current project. Does TTS-1 work if you test it in a new blank project?
  18. SampleTank 4 has been a crash fest for many people, even with robust systems. IK is working on patch v4.0.4 right now. You can open a ticket with support from your IK user account. Logged issues are listed at: SampleTank 4 Status
  19. Basically the SampleTank ".exe", and related files, get installed in "C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\SampleTank". The VST2 and VST3 plugins should get placed in your default VST2 and VST3 plugin folders. These will need to be scanned by your DAW to pickup the plugins. The instrument sample content can be placed anywhere, but a fast internal drive is recommended. SampleTank will look for this in the ST content folder path assigned for content at install time.
  20. What version of Sonar? What version of Windows? And you are referring to a legacy version of Sonar, and not the new Cakewalk by Bandlab? When you say "something very strange happened all of a sudden", had you updated ANYTHING recently? How long did you have it installed and working correctly?
  21. Well if you only wanted the 3 orchestral companions, they are on sale right now for $4.99 each at Plugin Boutique. I guess the big question is do you want the percussion and drums, and another grand piano?
  22. It's a question asked many time before, but answered with nothing but assurances from @Noel Borthwickand company that there are no plans to shut down the legacy servers. BandLab has ownership of them now. So if BandLab goes down, it all does. As @Cactus Music says, is it worth worrying about? I have installers and registration codes for Sonar 8 thru X3, so I figure I'm good with legacy projects. As far as system disk imaging goes, I give hundreds of "plus 1's" to Macrium Reflect. It's awesome, and very user friendly! As long as you have an image of a machine with Sonar or Cakewalk that has been activated, you should be good to go as long as you are restoring that image on the same hardware. But if your hardware ever dies, or you ever buy a new computer, you will need to re-activate. Then all bets are off if the activation servers are offline. I'm good with that, because I don't think Noel & co. will leave us hanging if it ever comes to that.
  23. I grabbed the A.R. Plates a while back on a great deal. It has one of the coolest GUIs evah in a plugin. Not to mention, it sounds great!
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