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Everything posted by Zargg

  1. I've read that it is miles ahead of ARC2 and the mic that followed that kit (I own it and the mic) and is supposedly better than Sonarworks 4, and on par with Sonarworks Reference. I went ahead and bought this package (ARC 3 + Calibrated Dayton Audio EMM-6), and Am awaiting its arrival. I haven't gotten a serial for ARC3 yet, but I suppose it will come with the mic.
  2. Nais bass mate! But there are only 4 strings???
  3. I did it due to the videos above, and just weighed in on those two. Agree that the C1 is underrated, and often forgotten.
  4. I use Console 1 for (almost) all my channel strip, but the Scheps Omni Channel is my favorite outside the Console 1 platform. The 3 compressors, and double de-esser makes it stand above the CLA Mixhub, IMO. All the best.
  5. They're usually found in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\iZotope. I have Izotope plugins on my laptop and studio pc, using both dongle and machine, but I have never had this happen (yet). All the best.
  6. I'm on the same Win release as you. I got a message that I had an update awaiting when opening IK PM, but no updates to be found. Not sure if it has any relevance or not.
  7. I got the upgrade from 10.5 for approx. $70, and will await registering it until the next release.
  8. I updated my laptop a few days ago and my studio pc yesterday, and haven't had any issues (so far). All the best.
  9. I bought this mic for a friend of mine the last time the mic (alone) was on sale. I have to say that it was quite a bit better than I expected, especially for the price. I think I paid $ 19.95 then.
  10. I've mainly made for Studio One, as even I can make macros for the things I use most. Inserts, full track templates, etc. I've got 4 pages loaded with macros on my SD, and as you say, it's a work in progress.
  11. Nais! Will have to try it with my StreamDeck (15). Edith: After reading, it don't come with the possibility to try before buy. I'll continue creating my own for my DAW's.
  12. Zargg

    Steel cowbell $2.99

    It won't ship to Norway, so I guess I'll have to go find a cow...
  13. Belated happy birthday, Steve!
  14. The original was from 2017, but the latest build is from 2019. Not sure how much, or any "under the hood" stuff was done during the latest releases. It bears the original name though..
  15. Anyone tried this, and compared to the UAD Distressor? I've got that, so think I'm good, unless they've made this way better.. All the best.
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