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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Yep.. I like 'em. The guitarist has some pretty amazing licks. She sings really well. Will be watching out for this band.
  2. Well, I liked it. All of it. The cheesy "Look at me" went well with the video. Excellent guitar work. And to me the drummer was excellent. Really impressed me with his choice of fills. The first few bars gave me a throwback to the Outfield and of jangly music of that era. Really like her singing. And thought the sax was a great and unexpected contrast to everything else. Enjoyed it. Looking to see if they have more good ones. I am a sucker for a good pop song. And that was one!
  3. Grem

    1 4 Kenny

    Great find. Thanks. Enjoyed the hell out of that. It appeared to me to be a live recording. Warts and all. Excellent job by the band and recording engineer. Here is another goodie
  4. RME. Great products. The drivers are the envy of all audio interfaces. Rock solid. They just work. All the time. I regret selling my Fireface 400 when I got my Apollo. Like you I have a USB Satellite, and have added a Octo PCIe card along with it. I am still eyeing RME products. There maybe one in my future.
  5. @jesse g I have those desktops also, (but I am not at home. Away on a trip) and have them on my music pc ever since they came out. Won't be back home soon, I could have sent to ya when I got back. I was glad another Michael came to the rescue!!
  6. Is that also known as the "short" bus!! Or am I going ot here... again?
  7. I never saw "Fight Club" However, I know enough about it.... But I didn't get that. "Fight Club" is on my 'to watch list'. Has been on there for a very long time!! Wife will be at her moms this weekend. Looks like I will be getting something off that list soon.
  8. The lyrics were disturbing to me. I wasn't going to say anything about that but, everyone else must have felt the way I did. The video in the link in the op has flashes of some weird stuff that pops in and out real quick. @30secs, and again 2:31, and again after that towards the end. I have looked at others video reviews and none of them had those images in them, nor any mention of them. Just wondering who doctored the one in the link in the op.
  9. $250 merchandise voucher to be used in the KISS “End of the Road” online merchandise store Spend $1500 with us and we will give you a chance to spend some more with us in our store!! They make $$$ coming and going!! Personal Photo Opportunity with KISS They gonna send the other two flunkies out there to take the pic with ya!! Maybe!!! LOL!
  10. Oh... ok! LOL I saw that figure, and thought for a second... They gonna make a killing!! But seriously, you get a nice convention room, dress it up real nice and put some good food with decent wine for the fans while they anticipate meeting the group.... You would still make millions!!!
  11. Man if I would invested that money!!! Booze and other entertainment expenses... man it would have added up!!
  12. x10 = 40,000 x100 = 400,000 x1000 = 4mil. Do ya'll think there is at least 100 people would buy these tickets? If you don't think there's 1000 people that will pay that, your not understanding the power of KISS. Believe me, there's at least 1000 people that will pay for those tickets. UFB!!!
  13. Thanks to @bitflipper and @craigb for those videos. I had no idea. Both fascinating topics to explore.
  14. Yeah... Gene wants everyone to think they can't use the word KISS.
  15. This is short and pretty good! Really recent video. You can see them in thier makeup in the here and now. Listen to the last thing Gene says!! Shows where his mind is... always!! https://fb.watch/oJUG2KCqcs/
  16. My first concert was a Blue Oyster Cult show (before "Don't Fear The Reaper"). New Yrk Dolls was the second act. Kiss was the opening act. They were touring for their first album. They had a better show than the Dolls had. Rocked a lot harder too. I went to the concert not knowing who any act was, except Kiss. Saw them on the Midnight Hour show on TV. So when I saw an advertisement in the newspaper.... (showing my age here for sure!!) They rocked the house down. No doubt about it. But when BOC came on, there was no doubt why they were the headliners. I had never seen someone rip on a guitar like Buck did.
  17. Sometimes the B side was better than the other song. I was gonna say like the "Walrus".... but "Hello Goodbye" was pretty dang good too!! Never will forget the first time I heard "The Walrus".... I was never the same after that.
  18. And back then that's all the money I had!! Was no way to get more. Did I get an allowance? Nope. I got fed, clothed, and a roof over my head! Back then I thought we was pooor. Then I learned that we were tight with cash. Then I grew up and realized what they sacrificed for us. But all the money I had went on music. I worked for other people to get the $15 to buy my first electric guitar and that Kalamazooo amp!! I did get the James Gang's first album too. Along with Steppenwolf. And Pink Floyd!! DSOTM & WYWH, and Ummagumma. Oh and Yes "Tales From The Topographic Ocean" And Zappa "200 Motels!" That was my record collection for a few years.
  19. I just learned the solo to Page's "Stairway". And it's not like he plays it. At least it's not what the tab sheet is telling me to play. But I do make it sound real close. This is something I have always done, make it sound like the real thing. IDKWTF I was doing. All I knew was the band smiled when I got a hard solo to sound like the record!! (Living Color's "Cult") Which brings me to this: Well said. And I mean it was a struggle. Hours upon hours upon hours.... but it's there... in my soul! Yeah no shzzt. There are some unbelievable stuff out there now.
  20. Well, I looked at the link you posted, and now I fully understand!! I am still laughing!! Looks like they will keep the band going! But profitable? Yep!! Yep again!!
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