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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Man Larry is missing all the fun. Hope he is doing okay in the land of Bourbon.
  2. What you dare question the KIng I think he revised it because of how the question was originally worded. Either way I hope you both lose It is actually a very happy club. Lose but win at the same time!
  3. We appreciate you Ed and THANK YOU ?
  4. Mother Nature is always around. So Yes us males will be wrong ??
  5. But but but I was picking out a few more of my freebies ?
  6. It does seem that IK-site is a little overloaded at the moment.
  7. and only $10 or less if you have some jam points to use to reactivate for another 180 days. Trust me I know! (No cat was hurt in the process) for those that remember
  8. @Jacques Boileau Thanks for reminding me I lost but won at the same time.
  9. I'm now just looking at the list and going well that looks interesting ? ? I still have 26 to choose.
  10. Really this Group Buy is insane for what you get in the free column now!
  11. Just want to say that was so thoughtful of you to put that in colors
  12. Of course you do as it is all about the BASS ?
  13. We need you to think positive! Use that Telecode and help us along I'm grabbing my coat
  14. This is going to be a long count down. How many bottles of wine on the wall?
  15. I'm shocked it has lasted this long!
  16. How did you know that I had a Cinnamon Roll?
  17. If I vote yes will that sway you? Or will I be trying to steal your decision ? ?
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