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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Glad I'm wrong. I thought we might be lucky to get to 23,000 by Tuesday and here we are on Sunday night going to make it to the next tier! Yippee!
  2. Maybe we will get a free more Jam Points added to our accounts if we make it all the way.
  3. I brought Cinekinetik as one of my buy ins and Yes Shipwreck Pianos are great IMHO. Of course I like to mess around with those type of piano sounds as others love guitar sounds. So as a freebie what the heck grab at least the Shipwreck one out of the Cinekinetick bundle. Trust us, you're going to like it
  4. If you qualify for the Hammond get it. For you never know when you will want to play around with an organ. I'm getting my coat again.
  5. So is that white glue or carpenter's glue? Asking for a friend ?
  6. Now I'm in the same boat as not a guitar player. Choices, choices, choices ?
  7. Might want to ask @Bapu That question?
  8. @telecode 101 you're showing your age on the hidden stuff!
  9. Remember we are guests of CbB so please abide by the rules you agreed to when you signed up.
  10. Yes here is the list. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/25gb/ Here is for Amplitube Collection: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?R=INIT&FV=25th-anniversary-group-buy-amplitube&CV=Other Filter&&PSEL=25th-anniversary-group-buy-amplitube&pkey=amplitube-collections Happy shopping Zo.
  11. Almost the same. Some listed have to be a buy in item and it tells you that.
  12. The count-down is really truckin along. Finally people realized how great a deal this is!
  13. Well you could of spent them on me and brought me a MIDI keyboard controller as IK won't give me a free one ?
  14. the way they are keeping rhythm is the give away ?
  15. Only after you fork over some $$ to the group buy. We don't give out the information for free ?
  16. But I want to run it outside ? I got my coat again
  17. I feel sad as we let Larry down and KVR will win ?
  18. Or he could of blamed the fact that I shall not get a free MIDI controller ?
  19. If that poster would of said I Blame ? all would of been fine ?
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