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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Okay I got three picks left unless I go in again
  2. He said exposure not done in private ?
  3. Hope you are not by the Grand Canyon Zo
  4. They should followed IK and have a buy one get 24 free sale. Now that would get me to celebrate
  5. You could of at least but a smiley face to lesson the blow of the news
  6. Heck Yes Fleer! Haven't you realized yet it isn't about you but the GB Total. We want Peter to get his nice bonus (see I'm a nice person wishing Peter well even though he is dissing me on my free MIDI keyboard
  7. and to add to above ^^^^ Flat, Eggshell, Satin, Semi-Gloss or Glass. How could you post that painting comment and not give us all the details
  8. Can you find out if it is enamel, acrylic, or lacquer please
  9. @Reid Rosefelt Who needs another book to read anyway
  10. You make an excellent point. I need to delve more into the BandLab App.
  11. Larry you're so right on this one. That would really be a good one for IK to add in the future.
  12. @Peter - IK Multimedia Well done on the promotion! Took longer then you hoped but all in all hopefully you gained new customers with this fantastic Group Buy!
  13. You don't have to get personal ? Okay, Okay I'm getting my coat again
  14. With the Pandemic going on Peter. I'll take a pass But you always could ship out that Free MIDI Keyboard for me
  15. We make 25,000 and this thread becomes a ghost town. I guess with Halloween ? coming up it is fitting.
  16. You don't buy them to resell. You go to your products page and keep scrolling and scrolling at how much you have!
  17. You forgot the wink, wink, nudge, nudge
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