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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. @cclarry Are you thinking of migrating over?
  2. Just fooling around with you Pete If it still is at the intro price towards the end of the year I'll probably pick it up.
  3. I thought you never sleep ? ? ?
  4. The question is how did Larry get beat? ?
  5. It will on sale for the holidays because they don't have much left to offer a sale on!
  6. Hey I did not about spouses popping up on screens ? And no I'm not getting my coat for that one
  7. @Zo It works with all versions of Sampletank4, even the free CS version
  8. Don't tease me Larry! You know I won't get my FREE MIDI keyboard
  9. Yes, but we did are part in helping IK sell or shall I say give away some stellar software
  10. Wow we got this thread up to 40 pages after the first one was locked. Great job everyone!
  11. They did make a really impressive chip(s). I'm really interested to see what AMD comes up with on Zen4 being on the same 5nm process as Apple's M1 are on.
  12. It's okay Larry you don't have to try to make up for the time you won't here ?
  13. What ever it takes! It is only $$ And IK Leslie is ?
  14. @Scott H It is nice to have variety. Syntronik is very nice to have. As a keyboard player myself you could get Sampletank4 for Cinekinetik plus get the Hammond B-3X. Really if you aren't breaking the bank to spend a few $$ this is really a great deal. I brought Amplitube 5 one of my buy-ins. I watched a few youtube viedoes and thought might as get something totally new and figure how to use it with the keyboard. Mixbox I liked when it came out but couldn't spend the money for it. This group buy made that an easy one for me to pick up. My few cents worth of ramblings
  15. We had one too but it started acting funky and wife took them all out and I burned them. Of course now she listens to YouTube Music ?
  16. I'm a little sad as this has been a fun ride
  17. Cinekinetik is also worth checking out IMHO If have to get them separate if getting them as freebies. If so at least look at Shipwreck Piano.
  18. I don't see this one in the drop-down list
  19. I was going to post something just like this but you beat me too it!
  20. Only if you add the Mystery Van with Scooby-Doo ?
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