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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. InstrEd


    Oh look Bert has some company
  2. InstrEd


    Meh I think you need this one
  3. Here I was going to coming knocking at your door for some Hash Browns cooked to order. I guess I'll have to do a pit stop at McDonald's ?
  4. What about Twitter? You know wink wink nudge nudge it has to be true ?
  5. Here I thought you would go for a lean roasted blend.......................I'll get my latte and leave now.
  6. Is the coffee Dark roasted or are you wimpy this morning ?
  7. My under cover operation has been exposed? please go along so my supervisors won't can me ?
  8. I think you sunk my battleship....................................................
  9. At least most of them do humanitarian deeds So true imho
  10. If you're going to have pirates you need the song
  11. I think you mean upper midrange?
  12. I told you not to have the caviar
  13. I'd rather be Grand with a Grand I could play anytime I wanted to!
  14. So abacab did he touch a nerve and did it tickle?
  15. I think you got that wrong. He was just trying to get his back? ?
  16. I guess that is a way to combat sales tax if you can afford to absorb the rate.
  17. So you are saying we should visit down under while you're not allowed to drive........................................??
  18. Well how about being happy you're UPRIGHT Mike?
  19. I think I made the Tuna mad
  20. This is how you made me feel with the not so grand welcome.
  21. Maybe she will let you tune it for her? ? Under further inspection probably not?
  22. Don't try to take her away from her baby, she will hurt you with those Stiletto heels? And yes I have to agree I've been outdone and probably outplayed too!
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