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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. He wasn't in Paris last week was he................................?
  2. My poor Maddie is being overlooked for some chic wearing Guitar Picks?
  3. I think you need to have your eyesight checked ? Might help you admire the picks.
  4. So you were staring at the dogs right??
  5. So you the one that stole my sunshine. I demand you bring it back and not this 2-4 inches of rain I'm dealing with right now!!!!!!?
  6. Good thing our little Maddie loves big dogs ? Maddie just barked and me and said she will take belly rubs for royalties
  7. A thread about cats is not off the beaten path
  8. Sorry Craig that joke has already been used Now don't make me come over and lick you?
  9. I figured that Bob about the cats. Our two kitties love the laser lights. The one knows where I keep it and jumps on the dresser and meows for me to play with her. Silly kitty.
  10. Cute Kenny but don't get yourself in trouble? We have a Multipoo and the USPS, Fedex and UPS drivers all stop and say what a cute puppy you have.
  11. So Kenny did you train him or did it come naturally ?
  12. Which MOTU are you looking at to get?
  13. I have some Catnip. Its a studio right? Shouldn't the Cats be chillin?
  14. Ikea, I don't think the being patience and understanding will work. When Ikea doesn't align you will have to use brute force ?
  15. Who cares. We got to see the guitar pick picture again?
  16. Totally agree. Great job and only with your phone!
  17. You want me to break a sweat????? How dare you insult me like that?
  18. But if you play it safe you never will get any inspiration. ? I
  19. InstrEd

    best Daw

    And if you need a keyboard for MIDI you get CbB for free and spend your money on something like this.
  20. Of course a the speed I use the treadmill the music will most likely be a very SLOW MARCH?
  21. Maybe I should mount my PC to the treadmill. It has fans to keep me cool?
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