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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Unfortunately my wife has itunes and I wish she never got one of those iPods!
  2. Hopefully virtual reality won't incorporate smell. All us old farts playing with DAW's would not smell very good ?
  3. Zargg we are not posting nonsense. We are practicing typing skills and that is just what happens to come out ?
  4. Why not Edible Undies while you're at it ?
  5. And here I was talking about whipped Cream. Didn't know it was a party with XX's
  6. What's wrong, I can tell you what's wrong. Can you handle it? > > > > > > > > > It can't be a smoothie with out the whip cream
  7. So you're saying Bill knows how to strum his instrument ? ? Sorry Bill , couldn't resist
  8. Wow Bill you must be a genius to play that good in only 20 minutes ?
  9. I think the previous post should of got a few rim shots I'll get the flock out of hear
  10. Need to buy a new Lava Lamp as mine took a tumble
  11. Easy question to answer. Zero years. I stayed on keys. Being left handed I never could grasp playing a right handed guitar ?
  12. 41+++1/3 Now that is the answer to the unknown question!
  13. Do the Hokey P______________ Come everyone join in?
  14. If there is some pink salt can you have them bring me some?
  15. Not if you're talking about my parents. They were crazy on the polka dance floor
  16. They are the ones who didn't do anything. So if they Russianed to do nothing, is there a tempo? ?
  17. Is that because everything she does is magic
  18. Where is the shower in this..................................................? BBQ flavored ice cream Yummy?
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