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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Had a quick listen to some of the audio. Sounds nice.
  2. I Am so impressed that you took time out of your day/night to commit................................................?
  3. Whoops I forgot to add the word CABLE?
  4. Funny I had the CB radio that had the booster too. We would only use it really late at night.
  5. I hope he is living up to his title Grateful Dead? He is putting on an awesome concert in the afterlife
  6. I love planet Earth and I don't want to see it turn Orange as in hot fire color. I'm not being political at all ? Orange is not the color of earth Orange is not the color of pines Why do we let a select few have the say in what happens to our mother? Here is some bad lyrics for you paulo
  7. Here you go: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ Only a couple of clicks and done
  8. I can see if someone put a Facebook video up of your song. Anyway congrats for the few pounds coming your way
  9. It is nice that CbB is really getting at those bugs. Thanks to all the staff.
  10. Consider who she was looking at IMO the USA would be the winner. I keep thinking something is wrong with my TV but it is just Mr. Orange again ? She needs to have a backing track made for her now or will that also cause climate change?
  11. Fixed it for you. I'm on the camp that we need to address this. Come on lets be real, the USA rolling back EPA emissions for coal. Coals time has passed. I also give her lots of credit. I wouldn't be able to give a speech like she did at her young age. Heck even now at my old age I would be like Mr. Orange giving a speech ?
  12. You can translate for me I love the way he pronounces Alabama
  13. Believe it or not, Edge sometimes displays dealer websites that I use to order better then chrome or firefox.
  14. Note said he was working on a project and wouldn't be around for at least a week.
  15. Truly because this thread is Truly heading in a different direction then intended
  16. OMG I don't know what I would of done.
  17. Unless you loved your destination. Sorry boss I'm stuck in paradise.
  18. I'm not mad about the cookies, but about you lying about the Brownies on the Dark Side ?
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