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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Maybe you can borrow the mammoth car from "Speed Racer" ?
  2. Glad you found something that works for you and the wife.
  3. @Wibbles Be Careful, Bapu has Becan and he is not afraid to use it ?
  4. Hmm, I thought you would be up to Studio Sixty-Nine ?
  5. Hope you have space for all those cabinets ?
  6. Wow! I never thought of using them to help me in DAW-Land ?
  7. I put Reaper on a older laptop and I was impressed how good it ran. I think my brain and CbB work the same way. I also seem to get Studio One too. I'm glad we have choices but I have to agree it is good to learn a couple of them instead of trying to learn all of them.
  8. Reaper and I just don't seem to jive. I get the basics of it and have done some basic recording with it. I love the audio engine but I just can't meld with the program. Still I always recommend it for others to try. I do need to spend time with it to learn it better I have to admit especially that it has a Staff view now
  9. Whoops we are having spicy Sloppy Joe with seasoned Fries. Nothing to exciting.
  10. Must of the dates with my now wife were the simple dates. She tells me all the time that she prefers the dates that we were creative and didn't cost a lot of money. We went past Spring down to Atlanta Georgia and the hunt was on for the coupons for things to do. My wife loves to find a bargain My wife has severe dietary restrictions and we usually find a place to stay with a little kitchen so we can cook most of are own meals. Has worked great even on our honeymoon in Hawaii. We usually will eat out for one meal but it takes planning to find a place she can eat at. With smart phones now it is a lot easier to find a local restaurant that she can eat the food. One good use of Smart Phones!
  11. I having a Hot Dog for Lunch. Wonder if I should wrap it in Becan
  12. Shall we be happy for you or shall we be sad for you....................
  13. I have to agree. Money doesn't buy happiness. My wife's has relative that have a boat load of money but we both can see they are some of the most unhappy people we know.
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