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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. That is so true. My wife and I actually were church shopping as we still believe/enjoy going. We finally joined a parish after going to quite a few multiple times, took over a year. It took us longer than we thought to find a place where we felt comfortable in. We joined a marriage group too at the new parish. Had our December Christmas party last Friday with the group at one of the couples home. I believe there were 18 couples for the party. Had a great time even with both of us working long days. We both told each other we should of started looking earlier then we did for our new parish home.
  2. If he does I'm sure Gonzo will be there to protect it ?
  3. My wife had my kids go to Catholic grade school. I have to agree about no rewards for the kids, with the administration anyway. They are now it public High School and my kids are excelling. They get noticed and awarded for doing and being good. Wow what a concept. We even now changed parishes and drive further as we don't want anything to do with the school/church. I wanted to play something for eighth grade graduation and the Priest wouldn't let me as it was too secular to be played in the church. Even after helping/playing for different masses ? Yet the same Priest let musician come in and play what ever they wanted for a funeral mass because they gave $$$$. My time meant nothing. I'm so glad we are done with that place. Yes I'm a little bitter ?
  4. Chicagoland, yesterday temps in the 50's today 25 now. My arthritis is not liking this
  5. The church we attended a few years ago had two priests accused of you know what. One wasn't even in the school when the accuser said it happened and the other priest was removed and we found out that he also was not at the school until after the accuser left the school. So I have seen both sides of this. I don't condone what the bad priests have done but on my wife's side of the family 3 extended family became/are priests. They are some of the most dedicated members of the church. I'm one of the ones that makes jokes too and I think the church should of been more forward and nipped it in the bud as Barney Fife said.
  6. The wife and I are both Muppet Freaks. Our curio cabinet has her collection of Muppets in it
  7. It is a Muppet too. Nice company for my Rowlf
  8. I had a migraine on the weekend ? Nice work by the way,
  9. I'm staying a very short time in this thread because you all are TOO LOUD! ?
  10. My luck the chair lift will get stuck half-way ?
  11. I was just thinking that I'm getting to old to keep climbing the stairs ?
  12. @Mesh Let us know what you end up buying.
  13. Would it help to you some Rosin and Talc powder?
  14. @Michael Vogel ( MUDGEL) I do miss your very informative and detailed helpful posts Mike. I'm glad your health has improved. Maybe we should both make a New Years Resolution to start to post a little more Upstairs ?
  15. Yep and the new forum software is mobile friendly which is nice.
  16. I have a 2-5 cup Mr. Coffee maker as I'm the only coffee drinker in the house. I have a Cuisinent Coffee Maker that grinds the coffee beans too. Use it when we have guests over or when I want to treat myself to fresh ground cup of Java. I like the Trader Joe's whole Bean coffee myself.
  17. Be nice when that becomes the regular price for SSD 1tb drives
  18. I only had 1200+ post in the old forum over almost 15 years. As time progressed I didn't feel comfortable getting attacked. So my post became less and less. Here I have more then double my post count in under a year. Yikes! I must like it down here as most of my post are in the Coffee House
  19. I already did. I had it myself
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