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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Just make sure you pull the drapes/blinds closed.?
  2. You're not going to cuddles it and put on your lap?
  3. Must be a nice Cuban-Roast. If anyone has had some you will know what I'm talking about.
  4. I think we should go in production with that Coffee-Disco-Machine ?
  5. I was going to offer some Tissue for this being such a sad thread but then i realized with Covid you all can go blow it out your.........................nevermind ?
  6. It only matter to Bapu. Hey wait I just noticed you really surpassed me in Post Count. Now I really don't have a change with the ladies "Sorry craigb has 100's more to offer"
  7. I took a liking to the several of the "Gems" in Truepianos LOL
  8. I think it does but I already had it from one of there other promotions from the past.
  9. I also still use https://www.truepianos.com/ Sort of disappointed that it never got anymore love. But there is something in a couple of those pianos that work well in a mix. Not so much as a solo piano IMHO. I think you use what works for you and got on enjoying music. Also I'm finding I like the Alan Parson piano from IKmultimedia too. Others have the motto: need more sims. Mine is I could always use another piano vsti
  10. I just mentioned in another thread about Melodyne upgrade. I would like to get it to keep it current with CbB as I think they go well together but I can wait on it as it needs to be a nice price for me to bite.
  11. Yep. I have to update some things like Melodyne 5 as funds allow.
  12. What they don't let us all upgrade for free like CbB does. The nerve of them ?
  13. I was thinking the same thing Nice setup. Wheres is the coffee pot or tea kettle ?
  14. I like the sound but think samples still have the edge but the responsiveness is where Pianoteq has me hooked plus the loading times are fantastic!
  15. I got it several years ago on a 30% off summer sale. They changed though and give more instruments in each package so 20% might be the new norm sale price.
  16. I will be playing around with those two new features?
  17. It depends on what forum you're on lol I find it funny that it is so polarized. Either you like it or hate it. In my view they keep getting better and the upgrade price is sweet.
  18. I'll pass. But it does make me hopeful on AMD next Ryzen laptop CPU on 5nm TSCM silicon next year. The latest 4000U series are really good.
  19. For those interested https://www.modartt.com/home Also on Pianoteq standard version on sale.
  20. Please put the Green Rake aside. I'll be over to pick it up around 23:58:36
  21. Soon he will have to walk the golf course. He won't be able to afford the golf carts at his own resorts!
  22. So now I have to find more Hard-Drive space ?
  23. I think on most DAW software it is this way on one part or several parts of the software. I don't know if there is an easy way around it to be honest. I try to think at times that I have to put on my technical hat now and leave the creativity hat off at the moment. Some DAW's let me leave on the Creativity hat longer but I don't think there is one IMHO that lets me only leave on the creativity hat. At least I haven't found one. This software and most DAW software is letting you replace $1000's worth of hardware. A studio in software so it will take some time to learn this deep product. Peace
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