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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. And with that I shall now stay clear of this Fred
  2. I was only talking about "Oranges" Okay one particular kind that is quite nasty ?
  3. I keep picturing a box of Popeye's Chicken ? I must be hungry!
  4. Point taken. Now use all those octaves of A ?
  5. So I guess that means when you get it back you will be playing in Am ?
  6. A contested response shall follow in 4-6 days. Please stand by............
  7. That didn't take you long for that easy comeback ?
  8. No wonder why I couldn't find her. My little putt-putt vehicle couldn't make it to Uptown
  9. I don't know if the Country has a big enough Band-aid to fix the country. Band-aid so it is music related .
  10. I hear that once you get Omnisphere, it is like being married. You forget all your old dating partners and only think about your true love ?
  11. @S.L.I.P. don't give him any ideas. The man will stop at nothing for he is always right. ?
  12. Hmm I think it is too late. Hope he didn't get her Pr................nevermind ? As the toy piano fades into the background ever so slowly.............................
  13. On firefox in Windows 10 latest build I'm not having issues. I can't test on Android phone as I'm still holding on to my Windows phone. Yikes!
  14. Cea you Next Tuesday. The count should be finished by then.
  15. InstrEd

    Larry the King?

    Wow you're 61 and still getting a buzz ?
  16. Such is life in the fast lane. Wait isn't that a line from a song?
  17. So it isn't my playing it truly is the Piano's fault. I think my piano teacher owes me a refund
  18. Hmm my daughter was actually looking at Colleges/university out West. I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this. ?
  19. It will be interesting to see the Beavers play football next season ?
  20. Thank for the "Sharp" apology. But not needed from other Fred. Pies and southern style BBQ much preferred (wink, wink) Of course I don't think it is safe for this Yankee to yonder down South right now for a visit......
  21. creamy or chunk so I know which one to avoid. never heard of such a thing said "Alice"
  22. We don't want to go to jail Bill ?
  23. In Mr. Orange's case that is when the devil is talking to him.?
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